One Hour Runner Thread



  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Yay Jill!!! Proud of you! So glad you conquered your hills :-)

    I had another good run today, too. Didn't have a ton of time (had to go home and start dinner) but I ran 2.94 miles in 33:33. Had another run where I didn't stop at all. It feels so good to be building up my stamina again!

    How's everybody else doing?
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Yay Jill!!! Proud of you! So glad you conquered your hills :-)

    I had another good run today, too. Didn't have a ton of time (had to go home and start dinner) but I ran 2.94 miles in 33:33. Had another run where I didn't stop at all. It feels so good to be building up my stamina again!

    How's everybody else doing?

    Great job!!! I'm so glad I made it through those stupid hills :)

    I think I'm going to try to get a run in on the track tonight because my daughter has soccer practice, so I won't make it to the gym and tomorrow we're leaving to go out of town, so I know I won't get a workout in tomorrow. I'm going to try to get a run in on saturday morning too while we're at the cape.

    Keep up the good work!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    I think I'm going to try to get a run in on the track tonight because my daughter has soccer practice, so I won't make it to the gym and tomorrow we're leaving to go out of town, so I know I won't get a workout in tomorrow. I'm going to try to get a run in on saturday morning too while we're at the cape.

    I highly recommend running while on vacation. It makes the rest of the day sooo relaxing because you've done something good for yourself! Have a great trip.
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Good Day All! Lots of good news I see!
    Bif...Congratulations on all of your awesome runs! Its the most amazing feeling to go further and longer! I laugh at myself and my beaming ego inside when that happens and say to myself, 'I am so hardcore:)'
    Jill, I feel your pain with the stomach issue. This morning was the first time ever my stomach has hurt. The entire way! I gave up after 30 min and made myself walk another 30.
    I must say the hills are getting easier and easier. I find myself not dreading them and not paying attention so much anymore. you have to have a running partner? I love running alone, but I know alot of people want motivation and companionship. My girlfriend and I run races together, but I have to say if she couldn't I would do them by myself!

    Have a good end of the week everyone!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Dropping in to share that I've developed hip bursitis over the last 3-4 weeks; no cardio until the issue goes away. :(

    Keep up the great efforts, everyone! I'll be back once this problem is resolved.
  • Margot18904
    aab1 - that sucks, hope you are on the mend soon.

    Week 3 finished here today, was a bit tough going as I had a stitch on my right side and it made me run so I pulled my neck a little bit but largely okay. Did a new route too, always good to find somewhere new to run. Looking forward to moving on to week 4 and slowly upping my time now, definitely feeling ready and excited!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I don't know how this happened but....

    30 minutes - 4.5 miles @ 6 minute 40 second mile

    I was on the treadmill and forced myself to do 30 minutes and it was great - definitely got my running confidence back. I didn't really realise how fast I was going until I finished and even had the treadmill on a 1 incline. Next week I am going to stay with my parents and I have a nice running route planned out around there so I can run outside again! Yipee!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I don't know how this happened but....

    30 minutes - 4.5 miles @ 6 minute 40 second mile

    I was on the treadmill and forced myself to do 30 minutes and it was great - definitely got my running confidence back. I didn't really realise how fast I was going until I finished and even had the treadmill on a 1 incline. Next week I am going to stay with my parents and I have a nice running route planned out around there so I can run outside again! Yipee!

    Oh my God I am soooo stupid... obviously the machine is in km not miles! So yesterday was really: 30 minutes - 2.8 miles @ 10:24 minute miles.

    Blonde moment...

    As for today...

    35 minutes - 3.2 miles at 10:56 minute mile. On the treadmill again with a 1 incline. I put it on a 1 incline because I heard thats the amount you should put in to get the same workout as you would if you were road running.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    @aab - that's awful! I hope your hip starts to feel better and you can get back out there soon!

    @acid - lol! Glad to see you've gotten back into running, great job!

    @margot - great job!

    @lcnelson - thanks for the encouragement!

    @bif - great job and thanks for the advice!

    As for me, my schedule didn't go quite as planned from last week. I wanted to run Thursday, but had a pretty busy day and never had a chance. I had planned to skip Friday, but because I missed Thursday, I made myself go to the gym Friday before we left for the weekend. I did 26 minutes running at 4.7, total of 2 miles. I left my headphones at home so had to deal with the music at the gym which made my run feel extremely long. I felt good for most of it, but when I checked my time I wasn't nearly as far into it as I hoped, so I did quit a little earlier than I would have liked but I was glad I went. I finished up my run with 3 - 1 minute runs at 6.0, I think with everything I was right around 3 miles.

    I did not run on Saturday or Sunday, as I had hoped I would :( but I do leave on vacation next week, for a week and I am going to force myself to go for a run every morning. Even if I have some days where I have to walk more, I need to make sure I get some exercise in so I don't come home 15 pounds heavier and completely out of shape!

    Step class tonight, back running on Tuesday, can't wait!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    New workout clothes are always the best incentive! I got out the door promising myself to do at least 30 minutes (I’ve been slacking with my running lately)…

    20 minutes in I’m thinking ‘you’ve done 45 minutes before… you can do that again’…

    30 minutes in… ‘go further do 50 minutes’…

    49 minutes in… ‘you’re not even tired just 10 more minutes makes an hour’

    I could’ve gone longer, but I have plans tonight and I was getting bored trying to think of places I could run.

    60 minutes - 6 miles @ 10 minute mile speed.

    I did it! I'm a OHR!
  • Margot18904
    Well done acidaloha! That's a great achievement and real inspiration for me.

    First run in 9 days today as I didn't manage to run on my holiday and it went well, W4 D1 so 30 minutes and felt good even though it was pretty hot. Hoping to get out again on Tuesday and keep pushing now. We're doing a 3.5mile race in September so want to keep going and push for a good time in that.
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474

    I did it! I'm a OHR!

    Good job Acid!!

    I went for a quick 2 miles run yesterday morning to get warmed up before I lifted. I'll be running again in the next day or 2. Can't wait until it starts to cool off.... I've been thinking about how I'm going to run as is gets later into the fall. I'll have to run in the dark. Anybody done that before?
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Good Morning! I loved acid's post! I have done the exact same thing and I feel so accomplished when it happens. For me its just psyching my brain out, because my body is perfectly capable!
    I was up and out this morning in horrific humidity and am still soaking wet as I type. Ran for 68 min, but it was miserable. I agree with bif....cannot wait until it cools off.
    Have a great week everyone!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    30 minutes - 2.69miles @ 11:20 minute mile.

    Back on the treadmill with a 1.0 incline - not to fussed about pace - just a 'fun' run.
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Had a good run last night - 3.86 miles without runkeeper telling me my pace, etc. I found i can run much further, and happier, without knowing my pace and distance while I'm running. I like seeing it when I'm done, though! It's been so beautiful here - 80 degrees and lowww humidity. Perfect for running!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    I'm back!

    Hi everyone. I'm glad to see those that are still hanging in there. You are my inspiration to keep at it. I haven't worked out consistenly in about 2 months. I've done a little here and there. My eating has been horrible lately. I've gained about 3lbs and decided I better get it togeter because I cannot go back. Another motivIating factor is the 5k I'm doing in October. I've been following this board, but i didn't have anything to post. So I look forward to the encouragement I will get from all of you.

    I did quarter mile intervals for 2 miles in 27 mins this morning on the treadmill. I set the incline at 1. I increased my speed at each jogging interval ( 5.0/5.5/5.7/6.0). I didn't feel as out of shape as I thought I would. By no means am I ready for a long run. I'm not sure that I could run a full mile without stopping right now. So I'm making this workout my starting point.

    Happy running everyone!
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Good EARLY morning! Got up in the dark this morning and ran around my subdivision for 60 minutes. I only got 2 other days in this week, so I made myself try to carch up!
    Hope everyone is ok and out of the storms's way.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Hi Everyone!

    First of all, ACID - you rock! I'm so happy for you getting through 60 minutes, that's so awesome!

    So I'm back from vacation, time to get back on track! I wanted to get 3 runs in while I was gone, but unfortunately we had to leave early because of the hurricane! I did get a run in Sunday morning before we left and while we were gone on Wednesday.

    It was SO HOT on my wednesday run and I was out there at 8 am, I thought I was going to die! I actually wasn't able to maintain running for very long because it was so hot, but I did do 3 miles, even with a few quick walk breaks.

    Even though we were back early from vacation, I was so tired from all the driving I had to do and we had the crappy weather from the hurricane at home too, that I didn't get any workouts in even when we got home early, I was lazy.

    So, today is a new day and we have another vacation coming up in 6 weeks, so I need to re-focus my efforts and get myself back into a routine now that summer is just about done! Tonight I'm planning to do step class and run tomorrow.

    Bif - I've never run in the dark, sounds good because of temperatures and less traffic, but I'm kind of a chicken when I go out during the day, we live in a pretty rural area, so I always get nervous about someone trying to kidnap me (lol, I'm such a baby!) So, I think I would be even more paranoid in the dark!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Problem of running in the dark solved: have guilted my husband into promising to buy me a treadmill for Christmas!! Yay!!!
  • Margot18904
    Haven't been on here for a while but well done to everyone who is keeping up the effort - great stuff! I'm off out this evening for Week 5 Day 2, 32 minutes, and feeling really good. Have been trying hard to pull my pace in on the longer runs so I can keep going right till the end and feeling like there is still more to give, so it must be working.