Starting 30 Day Shred Today!! Who's with me? 5/11/2011



  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    Hey all I skipped last night but did JM kettlebell tonight and finished with the P90X ab ripper workout. Ouch! I usually mix Jillian's workouts up through the week, shooting for 4-5 sessions. I may do what a couple of you are doing, though, and double up on my workouts when I have time and energy. I'm going to purchase a new kettlebell as my 10 lb is too light for the definition I'm looking for.
    What I love about JM workouts is that they are SHORT! Intense, yes - but short!

    Even if you skip a day or two, jump right back on and start where you left off! Strength in numbers - bring it!
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Ugh I did the ab ripper workout once (and to say I did it is actually a joke because there were some exercises I literally couldnt do) and they don't call it 'ripper' for nothing! I was soooo sore for like a week afterward!

    Yes, if you skip a day DON'T GIVE UP!! Today I got through about 15mins before I turned it off and went and busted out a half hour on the treadmill. I just wasn't feeling it and figured id better use the time my daughter slept wisely and go do something I'd rather do. I never thought I'd say this but I LOVE to run.

    I'm excited to finish up level 1. Level 2 is my favorite. Yeah walkout pushups!!
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    You guys are awesome motivators, I was ready to say "screw it!" to another night of workout.... but,.... off I go :)
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Today I decided it was ok that I missed Sunday. It will be my day of rest from everything!

    So today as in Tuesday - I did day 5 and 6.

    Feeling pretty damn good with myself since I went to kickboxing AND Zumba. I didn't wuss out or make excuses.

    And trust me, I used to be QUEEN of Excuses!

    Good job everyone! Keep it up!
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've just joined today and you've all inspired me to do the 30 day shred again, so I've dusted it off and all ready to go. I'll be a week behind you and usually give up after about day 5 or 6 but determined to do it with all of this inspiration. Keep it up you're all doing so well xx
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    First thing this morning i got my workout done! Woot! Long day ahead of me but i'm ready for it!
  • rhapsody527
    rhapsody527 Posts: 60
    You ladies are so inspiring! If it weren't for the support, I think I would have kicked this workout, like, 4 days ago! I ended up skipping Monday night's workout because my daughter was up and down all night, and I was way too tired! Got back on the horse yesterday for day 5, and am looking forward to day 6 tonight!! You are all doing awesome, keep it up!!!
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've just joined today and you've all inspired me to do the 30 day shred again, so I've dusted it off and all ready to go. I'll be a week behind you and usually give up after about day 5 or 6 but determined to do it with all of this inspiration. Keep it up you're all doing so well xx
    Welcome! These ladies are very inspiring. I have started 2 other times and stopped after day 1!
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've just joined today and you've all inspired me to do the 30 day shred again, so I've dusted it off and all ready to go. I'll be a week behind you and usually give up after about day 5 or 6 but determined to do it with all of this inspiration. Keep it up you're all doing so well xx

    Welcome! Theres alot of people who joined late, and thats no problem at all. We're all here for each other and working at our own pace! =0) Congrats for taking the first step!
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    I hope everyone had a good day! I'm not doing my JM kettlebell tonight as I did an intense spinning class at lunch and my back is hurting a little from bending over the bike for so long. I'm going to rest, and watch the Biggest Loser for some inspiration. I picked up a heavier kettlebell at the store tonight after work and can't wait to use it tomorrow!
    Keep bringing it ladies! It's all about effort, and what we can do TODAY. See you tomorrow :)
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Checking in to let you know that I missed yesterday. SOO I am making it up today. I was also very sick yesterday and really tired. Today is a new day and I'm ready for it.

    Oh and I'm sore from the other night when I doubled up! Ouch.

    I hate you JM. haha
  • sandralina
    sandralina Posts: 126 Member
    Exercised in front of the boy. Was not exactly an intense session. Stupid distractions.
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Made up yesterday's missed workout today after work....Day 7 done!
    Day 8 tonight after kickboxing/zumba!
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    Keep checking in ladies - this is where it gets tough - consistency and accountability.

    I got home just before 10 tonight but did my 25 mins of kettlebell with my new 15 pounder. Not so heavy until you're repeately swinging it and doing rows. Great workout.
  • rhapsody527
    rhapsody527 Posts: 60
    Day 7 down, on to day 8 tonight! I don't feel like I am going to die anymore, but it is still tough! I am totally dreading L2. Keep it up, you are all doing a great job!!
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Finished Day 8 late last night when I came home. It's not as hard as before and I was pretty sore but, felt good!

    Can't wait to start level 2. I'll probably feel like I'm dying again. :laugh:
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    OK so, I joined the thread on day one, but didn't realize people were keeping up daily (my bad).
    I have done the workout every day but last Sunday (I was traveling on Saturday, and unexpectedly ended up in a hotel room Saturday night to finish the task I had set out to accomplish (apartment hunting with my daughter 3 hours from where I currently live... college) So, by the time I got back home Sunday (with a college class assignment to finish) I didn't have time to do the workout.
    I did the 10th workout today!
    But I have a question?
    Does ANYONE here feel like they are ready to move on to Level 2? or has anyone ALREADY moved on to Level 2? I WATCHED it the other day. But not sure I am ready to DO it... I'm going to have to at some point, but need to know there are some peeps out there with me!
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Hi Ladies! :Smacks self: I'm such a bad thread starter! Skipped yesterday and today.... BUT I went to my first ever Zumba class with a friend today and it was sooo much fun! I Zumba'd so hard my sneaker fell apart!! Haha Then I came home and planted stuff in my garden. My darn faulty knee is bothering me ALREADY so I fear tomorrow but I'm soo tired of losing and gaining these same five pounds I cant stand it (right now I'm on the gain side of that five pounds :/ ). Anyway keep it up ladies... Even if yyou've stopped for a few days, pick it back up so we can finish this together!

    I'd say you are ready for level two. Time to step it up! Level 2 is my favorite!
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    I haven't done an official workout for two days but I've been very active working outside cleaning up my property and my parent's property too. Cutting the lawn, raking, bagging, pushing the wheelbarrow up and down a hill. I'm exhausted and a little sunburned.
    I'll do my kettlebell in the morning if not later tonight - depending on how I feel. I'm very sore atm.
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Question for you ladies:
    I missed Friday and Saturday. Sunday is my rest day...

    Should I double it up? Or just pick up where I left off and just take longer to finish?