Your not FAT! Your Tall! You carry it well! Tired of hearin



  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Keep doing what you're doing and find the happiness within. You're the only one that has to pleased. I think you are doing amazing. being 50 and fit is awesome!
  • beefcake1984
    I have a very attractive friend who gained like 60 lbs 2 years back. I've always been huge, and she was always a hottie so when she got chubby, I was so excited. Then when she decided she was going to lose weight, I told her the exact same things as your daughter is telling you. If we would go eat, i would always convince her to "live a little" and go for that dessert and whatnot. I would tell her she didnt need to diet, that she looked good blah blah blah.. all of that was just because
    1. Im a horrible person
    2. I was too lazy and disgusting to lose the weight myself so i was jealous she was gonna look skinny again.
    3. Misery loves company.
    Since then i realized how terrible that was, got my big a** on a diet and stopped hating on my bff who is now even sexier than she was before,and i couldnt be happier!
    If your daughter is hating, (and i know this is gonna sound terrible) just tell her to *kitten* off. Shes making you cry, just because shes jealous. Just keep her out of your diet/excersize plan. Talk about your health and body to someone who will only encourage you. Not secretly try to sabbotage your effort! Take her bad comments and judgement with a grain of salt, and keep doing your thing. Ultimately, your the one that has to live with your body, not anyone else.
  • saral89
    saral89 Posts: 108 Member
    At the end of the day, this is all YOU>... YOU know why you're doing this and you don't need to give explanations. When they start seeing results, then they will agree that it is better. Hopefully you can motivate your daughter and have her as a buddy to go through this.
  • kpovich
    kpovich Posts: 27
    I would quit mentioning healthy calories or veggies or exercise, or anything weight loss related.

    Instead change it to Tasty, as in "I made a tasty/delicious/yummy meal" instead of "I made a healthy, low calorie meal"

    And with exercise, "Gosh its a beautiful day I just wanna get outside and play/walk/sightsee in nature." instead of "gosh its a beautiful day, I wanna exercise/burn calories/get skinny."

    She will see that it is part of your lifestyle, you choose these things because they are fun and delicious, not healthy and weight related.

    Some people hate hearing those words simply because it makes them feel guilty. So try to stay away from them and maybe that will help.

    With that said, still log your calories just don't do it outward and loudly, if she brings up the topic, or sees you on the computer its her own fault and she can choose to invert her eyes and hush about it. or listen to you.

    Keep it up! its all about you, and the only person that is going to get you to your goal is you. Its frustrating but true.

    Exactly what I was thinking!!! When you discuss your diet, or dieting, with your daughter, you know how she's going to react... so DON'T. Instead, talk to us HERE. Blogging is a great way to get things out and off your chest. Come where there is support and positive feedback.

    Try using the above posters suggestions in rewording things you say to her regarding your attempts at differen (healthier) foods. Sometimes it takes changing the words when saying something to get the affect we're looking for.

    For example... (copy and paste)
  • misssia
    misssia Posts: 1
    I think it is great that you are trying to stay active, be healthy, and lose a few extra pounds. I want to encourage you to keep doing what your doing and try to maintain a positive attitude. Don't let anyones negativity get you down. Many times, without realizing it, our friends and family discourage us from our weight loss goals because they are jealous that they are not in that state of mind to do the same things for themselves. Everyone has their own journey in life and everyone comes to personal realizations in their own time. Don't be frustrated that your daughter has not come to the realization that health, fitness, and general wellness are important just yet. Be a positive example in her life by keeping up the good work with a great attitude. Encourage her, but don't push her. I think she will come around.

    - former obese child/teenager