Rocking the C25K May 2011 group



  • TaushasJourney
    Good advice but breathing through your nose when you have allergies, for me anyway, is impossible I am just too blocked up, even with antithistamines and nasal spray ( I am very allergic). I have no option to breathe through my mouth, which then makes me cough, its a great mixture!

    OK I survived Week 3 day 1, during the 3 min jogs though I turned the treadmill down by 0.5kph thought it was more important to manage to get through the full 3 mins a bit slower than stop because I was too tired! I am really pleased with myself, I had been freaking out about increasing from 90 secs to 3 min all week! So that's a huge psychological barrier broken through for me!

    Hope everyone else is doing great too

    Mandy xx

    Oh, I hadn't thought about that. :S I'm sorry your allergies are so disruptive! And on a happier note, congrats on starting week 3--I was super nervous about the 3 min intervals too! It seemed like too big of a jump from 90 sec to 3 mins, but sounds like we both discovered the same thing--it's not as big of a deal as it seems. :)

    I finished W5W3 today--my first run without walking breaks! I definitely started to feel it near the end, but made it through just fine. ^_^ I did get my 1st running-induced cramps since starting C25K, haha. I'm glad there are still some intervals next week to look forward to before moving into solid running, but 25 mins doesn't seem like it'll be too much harder to complete. :)
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Ladies!!! Where are you?

    I went out to to the w3d1 today and it was hard, but it was more mentally challenging than physically. I now know that I am not comfortable running past big crowds, and probably it'll take a long time for me to get there. I almost broke down when I ran past a pub with outdoor seating...felt like all 50 ppl was staring and judging - but seriously Hanna, why would they bother?

    Well I did all the intervals except the last 11 seconds on the last running interval. Not because of exhaustion, because, my c25k-program and the music stops when someone is calling, but i cannot hear the ringtone. Kinda sucks, but I think I succeeded anyway.

  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for the feedback about the hills. I'm going out in a few minutes to do w2d1.
    I think you're pretty brave to be running past a pub with outdoor seating! But just think about the fact that those people were probably eating deep-fried pub food and downing pitchers of beer....someday they'll be sooorrryyyy! LOL
    You're the winner here!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Thanks! That meant a lot. I think you can get a varied course at the treadmill as well but that might be only on super high tech ones LOL
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Okay, I'll keep posting even though I feel terribly alone in this little group of ours. :grumble: Did w3d2 today and it felt fine, the first half (just some minor issues with my knee) but the second half of the run was hard... the wind was blowing in the wrong direction and I felt my asthma, but that's just small issues. I feel fine even though I sweated like never before!

  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Okay, I'll keep posting even though I feel terribly alone in this little group of ours. :grumble: Did w3d2 today and it felt fine, the first half (just some minor issues with my knee) but the second half of the run was hard... the wind was blowing in the wrong direction and I felt my asthma, but that's just small issues. I feel fine even though I sweated like never before!


    You are doing a great job! You are not alone, I have been reading post, but not taking the time to reply.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Jen - Sounds great to me! Thanks for starting this, I really need the support.

    I am just starting, today, but I decided to start with week 2 because I have already been running a little and felt I had already done week 1 for months now (off and on). Now hopefully, I will stick to it and get to the point where I can run 3 miles no stop! I hope, I hope, I hope!!!!!!!!

    I downloaded some "Couch to 5k Podcasts" off and it really helped. I don't know exactly what everyone else is using, but these were great. I downloaded "Robert Ullrey's C25K Podcasts". There is one for each week. He tells you when to start walking then when to start running, and plays upbeat music along the way. There is a list of a bunch more. I may try downloading them later.

    May 11 - W2D1done
    May 12 - 30 Minute walkdone
    May 13 - W2D2done
    May 14 -30 Minute walkdone
    May 15 - W2D3 done
    May 16- 30 Minute walkdone
    May 17- 30 Minute walkdone

    May 18 - W3D1 done
    May 19 - 30 Minute walk done
    May 20 - W3D2 done
    May 21 -30 Minute walk done
    May 22 - W3D3 done
    May 23- 30 Minute walk
    May 24- 30 Minute walk

    Today I stepped on the scales-190.6(almost at my June 1st goal) I will make it and more. I started last Wednesday at 198.00. Some may say NO WAY, but I am on the Dukan diet, finally got hormone replacement, and am taking meds for my high prolactin levels and they are all working in my favor. Along with my C25k routine.

    Doing W3D1 was hard, hard, hard for me, but I made it and feel amazing afterward.

    Thanks everyone for reading!

    Only 2 days left of week 3, with only 30 minutes of brisk walking.
  • QUETA2212
    QUETA2212 Posts: 81 Member
    I am going to begin this program I hate running and if this will help me to get fit and get more comfortable with it I am willing to do it! This program coincides with my goal of reaching my goal weight by July 10 so I will add it to my weekly workout regime.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    My very first post - Can I join in? I'm on wk4d3...but have been there for 2 weeks now. :blushing: Just haven't been getting out. But want to get back on track. Thinking it is best to repeat the entire wk 4 this week so I can start fresh on the scary wk 5 next week. This week's plan:
    May23 - 30 min elliptical
    May24 - wk4d1
    May25 - 30 min elliptical
    May26 - wk4d2
    May27 - 30 min elliptical
    May28 - wk4d3
    May29 - rest & family bike ride
  • jillybaby86
    jillybaby86 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey everyone! I was just reading through all of your posts and I started C25K on May 2nd! I am going to do W4D1 tomorrow and am a bit nervous for the 5 minute run... I have been runnin gon a treadmill though. I did go outside once and personally like the treadmill more. However, outside was just harder so I am going to try and incorporating 1 day a week outside. My first 5k will be before the program is over and it will be June 11th...not saying I will be abel to run the whole time, but I just want to experience it and test myself to see where I stand. But, that was my only option where I live because there won't be another one until the end of July. So I thought why not! Anyways, I am glad I found you guys! :)
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Todie - welcome aboard! Just do it...feels so much better afterwards.

    jillever - I am doing last day of w3 tomorrow and I am also dreading w4. How did it go for you? Was it hard?

    Queta - it is so much fun. welcome!

    Peachy - Good to know things are going great for you!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Week 4 starts tomorrow for me, too. I am a little scared I won't be able to run 5 mins, also, but I am going to keep telling myself the program works and it will work for me. I can do this!

    We all can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink::bigsmile:
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Hannastyrborn!

    Did my 1st repeat of week4 today. Yikes. Not sure if it is because I did 30 mins on the elliptical last night or what but it was tough. But I kept going! When I felt wiped, I just decreased the speed of the run and kept going. And I feel proud that I did it. Can't wait to get back to where I was when I first did week 4. Was scared to do week 5 (that 20 min run at the end is intimidating!) but now I feel eager.

    jillever - I like the treadmill better too. But your idea of doing 1 day outside is good. Think I need to do that too. And you've motivated to look for that 5k earlier rather than later!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    I've never liked treadmills. Running outside is totally awesome. As long as I get to have my music with me. But great that you are back at it Todie, this isn't impossible!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    This weeks goal.

    May 25 - W4D1
    May 26 - 60 Minute walk
    May 27 - W4D2
    May 28 - 60 Minute walk
    May 29 - W3D3
    May 30 - 60 Minute walk
    May 31 - 60 Minute walk

    This morning weighed in at 190.2

    Feeling a little discouraged, the scales aren't going down any. I am stuck at 190.2 - 189.6. I can see a difference in the way my clothes are fitting and I feel I am a bit firmer. I hope all this work isn't for nothing. I am a little scared of Week 4, but I was scared of Week 3 and I did it. So, I will do this too. I hope. Hope everyone is doing well, this fine Wednesday morning!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Hi All, I finished w2d3 yesterday, although I had to walk a little bit through interval 4. I think I'll do it once more before going on to week 3.

    Sometimes geting started is so hard! It's like my legs are heavy weights during the first minute run. But then after that, it gets easier. I find that interesting, never having run before.

    Also, the three smallest toes on my right foot seem to fall asleep during my run. I'm tying my sneakers as loose as possible, so I don't think that's the problem. Anyone else have that happen to them? Solutions? Thanks

    Week 3, here I come!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296

    Feeling a little discouraged, the scales aren't going down any. I am stuck at 190.2 - 189.6. I can see a difference in the way my clothes are fitting and I feel I am a bit firmer. I hope all this work isn't for nothing. I am a little scared of Week 4, but I was scared of Week 3 and I did it. So, I will do this too. I hope. Hope everyone is doing well, this fine Wednesday morning!

    Hey, Peachy - don't be discouraged by the scale. If you can see a difference in the way your clothes are fitting and you feel a bit firmer, all your hard work IS paying off. It's not for nothing - the scale is not the only measure of success. Just stick with it - you're doing great!
    Happy trails!
  • jillybaby86
    jillybaby86 Posts: 66 Member
    Hanna- I failed :( It was pretty tough, I am not going to lie. I just need to start adding in more strength training I think. Anyways, the first 5 minutes was ok, it was difficult but I pushed my way through it, than the 2nd 3 minute I was pretty tired not knowing how I was going to manage another 5 minute run, than the last 5 minute run came and I hate to admit but I had to stop for 1 minute in the middle of the run. I tried to push myself, but I just couldnt. So, I am going to have to repeat this week I feel. I am going to work out today and than try day 2 tomorrow...wish me luck!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Darling, you gave it your best! Just keep trying and you will succeed!

    I didn't think I'd get out for a run today. Woke up with TOM this morning, so I felt real sick and his presence is not wanted in any way. However the day came and went and at 10 pm I went for a walk with a friend and ended it with w3d3. I am truly scared of Friday when I'm starting week 4. But better try and fail than never try in the first place.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Oh and yesterdays weigh in was 95kgs