Rocking the C25K May 2011 group



  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Ain't that the 20 min run? I am really scared of beginning week 5. Do you feel the increase from day 2 - day 3 is too big? or is it manageable?
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Looks like we're doing pretty well! Good job, all.
    I ran W3D1 today and did OK. I just want to thank you all for the support, you're keeping me going!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    You all are doing great!

    I've now finished week 4 and it has been hard and truly challenging but I did it! I am so freaking proud of myself. So on Thursday I'll begin week 5 and that week is really scary. But since running is a mind game I can't show my fear.

    Now I am gonna get some coffee and waffles for breakfast.

    All my best!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    You all are doing great!

    I've now finished week 4 and it has been hard and truly challenging but I did it! I am so freaking proud of myself. So on Thursday I'll begin week 5 and that week is really scary. But since running is a mind game I can't show my fear.

    Now I am gonna get some coffee and waffles for breakfast.

    All my best!
    I'm right there with you Hanna. It was so freaking hard, but we did it. I am proud of everyone that is sticking to this. Great job everyone! I start week 5 tomorrow, scared once again. I was scared of week 3 then week 4 and now week 5, but I am going to try my hardest before I admit defeat. So lets do this! I Know I Can!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Did w5d1 today...and absolutely rocked it! All of you that just finished week 4 and are nervous about week 5 - You can do it! You've been working hard and your body is ready for it! Excited about day 2 and that 8 min run!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Did w5d1 today...and absolutely rocked it! All of you that just finished week 4 and are nervous about week 5 - You can do it! You've been working hard and your body is ready for it! Excited about day 2 and that 8 min run!

    Thanks! That is really comforting :happy: I don't know if I'm that worried about day one and two, but the 20 minute run... Oh my!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I'm so impressed with you, my friends. Way to get it done!!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Weigh in day: 94.9 / 208.8

    Not much really, but the centimetres seem to disappear :)
  • jillybaby86
    jillybaby86 Posts: 66 Member
    Good job toadiejones for finishing w5d1!!!!!!!!! I am repeating w4 since I had such a hard time finishing up that last 5 minute run, but I feel that even by repeating the week it can only make me better in the end! I am so glad to hear that w5 wasn't too horrible!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    This week:
    6-1-11 W5D1 today
    6-2-11 Walk
    6-3-11 W5D2
    6-4-11 Walk
    6-5-11 W5D3
    6-6-11 Walk
    6-7-11 Walk

    Weighed in a little higher because I blew my diet this Memorial Day Weekend. 192.4 That's okay, it will come off as easy as it came. I hoping!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Okay so I did w5d1 this morning, got interrupted by a phone call, but ran a little longer on the last interval to compensate. This evening my uncle is coming here for a few days and he is in to running as well so I'm taking a second run tonight. Might do day 1 all over again or give day 2 a try :noway:

    Well done you all! now I'm gonna eat some and then prepare for tonights dinner.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Great commitment Hanna!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Last night I did W5D1, wasn't bad at all. Actually, I really enjoyed it.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Ain't that the 20 min run? I am really scared of beginning week 5. Do you feel the increase from day 2 - day 3 is too big? or is it manageable?

    It was actually easier to run the 20 minute run that it is to start and stop. Someone once said that in a post somewhere and I found it hard to believe them until I actually ran it myself. It's a weird thing lol. I ran week 6 day 1 yesterday and I am so sore from the run....however when I ran week 5 day 3, I barely was sore at all.

    I really now believe that the program conditions you for the longer runs. Now that I've done the dreaded w5d3 run, I feel that I can complete the program without any problems at all. It has given me a great deal of confidence!

    Good luck to all of you...what a great program!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I just did w3d2 and am having a HUGE revelation! Allow me to gush about this:

    I came home with a rotten headache. A trying-to-deal-with-middle-schoolers-in-june-tension-headache. Normally in this case, I would
    A. Take a nap. OR
    B. Drink a couple glasses of wine. OR
    C. Both

    I actually did lay down on the couch. Then, I started thinking about my pals and how they would hold me accountable if I didn't do my run like I said I would. And guess what? I got off the couch and ran! And guess what? It totally cleared out my headache!
    I feel great. You guys who are already runners probably think I am nuts, but this is the first time I actually felt like I could say that I felt an immediate benefit from exercise! I am just amazed. A total release from tension.

    Just had to say that this was a bit of a victory for me, and THANKS to everyone out there who is holding me accountable in the virtual sense. You are the only reason I got out there today. MFP is rocking my world right now!
  • deannabanana
    Weigh in day: 94.9 / 208.8

    Not much really, but the centimetres seem to disappear :)

    I havent lost much either (actually, I gained some back from the holiday) but I feel a little firmer also. :D
  • deannabanana
    I just did w3d2 and am having a HUGE revelation! Allow me to gush about this:

    I came home with a rotten headache. A trying-to-deal-with-middle-schoolers-in-june-tension-headache. Normally in this case, I would
    A. Take a nap. OR
    B. Drink a couple glasses of wine. OR
    C. Both

    I actually did lay down on the couch. Then, I started thinking about my pals and how they would hold me accountable if I didn't do my run like I said I would. And guess what? I got off the couch and ran! And guess what? It totally cleared out my headache!
    I feel great. You guys who are already runners probably think I am nuts, but this is the first time I actually felt like I could say that I felt an immediate benefit from exercise! I am just amazed. A total release from tension.

    Just had to say that this was a bit of a victory for me, and THANKS to everyone out there who is holding me accountable in the virtual sense. You are the only reason I got out there today. MFP is rocking my world right now!

    Glad you pushed through it! I never feel like running, but once I do, I'm very glad I did it. The hardest thing for me is getting out the door.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Glad you pushed through it! I never feel like running, but once I do, I'm very glad I did it. The hardest thing for me is getting out the door.

  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    rschmmidt - Yay! Great job! MFP was the only reason I went to the gym last night at 9:45pm. And glad I did!

    Doing W5D3 today! I'm going think of you all pushing me through those 20 minutes!!!
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    I did W5D1 today.

    I was SHOCKED that I made it without even really being tired at the end. I got a little tired during the last 5 min run, but not anything like last week when I was doing W4D2 and I thought I was going to DIE when I finished. I think the only reason I felt like such crap that day was because I didn't drink nearly enough water before I went out, and because I went way too long without having a rest day I think. I actually went a little overboard on resting, I decided to go to Key West (oops) and kind of forgot about the entire world for a few days. So when I started back nearly an entire week later, I did NOT have high hopes of finishing W4D3, but I did with no problems.

    I'm not sure if I should do W5D1 again tomorrow, or if I should just move along to W5D2. All I can do is try, I suppose. I didn't think I was going to be able to do W5D1 but i did so hopefully the same thing will happen tomorrow! And then Monday is the gnarly 20 min run...I'm nervous!