Rocking the C25K May 2011 group



  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    Hello all! I'm new here but I've been doing c25k for a few weeks already. I like the community, you gals seem very great and supportive :-)

    I've been doing c25k every day instead of every other day (whenever i've tried it before, i could never keep up with it if i did it every other day, so every day has been helping me loads), i've actually stuck with it quite well, much longer than any of the other times i did it. i started weight training this week and it has made a noticeable difference. yesterday i did w3d3 and i went like WAY farther than i did the other 2 days of w3. today I did w4d1...let me tell you, it was HARD. i didn't think i was going to make it, but i did. and i felt SO awesome after because i didn't give up even though i realllllllllllly wanted to. the last 2 minutes of the second 5 minute run were damn near unbearable. but i'm so glad i finished because i know tomorrow will be so much easier!

    i'm also doing a weight lifting program through a book called abs diet for women, i did it a few years ago and i got AMAZING results, in like 6 weeks or something my body looked competely different. this time i'm only going to do that diet for 2 weeks and then i'm starting beachbody's slim in 6 program (i've tried it before, it's way harder than it looks).

    i'm doing all these crazy workouts because i have to go to a music festival at the end of the summer, it's going to be outdoors, it's going to be miserably hot (i live in south florida), and i want to wear a swimsuit. and i'm going to be hanging out with a lot of pretty well known bands so i need to look my best!

    anyway, off to do my weights now. i needed a break after that crazy run, i can't believe how hard it was. sunday is my day off, so Monday i'll be starting week 5, which looks really scary to me...eek! hopefully the weights pay off!

  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    Hi All, I finished w2d3 yesterday, although I had to walk a little bit through interval 4. I think I'll do it once more before going on to week 3.

    Sometimes geting started is so hard! It's like my legs are heavy weights during the first minute run. But then after that, it gets easier. I find that interesting, never having run before.

    Also, the three smallest toes on my right foot seem to fall asleep during my run. I'm tying my sneakers as loose as possible, so I don't think that's the problem. Anyone else have that happen to them? Solutions? Thanks

    Week 3, here I come!

    That used to happen to me, until I got new shoes. My feet used to always hurt, I think I was using like new balances or something and they were awful. Good for other things, horrible for running. I would reccommend getting a good pair of running shoes at a discount shoe store. I looked at all kinds of regular shoe stores and running shoes (or at least the good ones, like nike and asis) were like $100. I like the idea of running but that is just SO much money! But then I went to rack room shoes, and they had a pair of shoes identical to some shoes I saw in foot locker, just they were a weird color (black and hot pink) but they were like $50, and rack room was having a buy one get one free sale so my friend and I each got a pair and split the cost. So I got a pair of $100 shoes for like $25. And they might be ugly but they are the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn and my feet NEVER hurt anymore after running, nor do my toes go numb like they used to.

    Long story short: Def try new shoes :)
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Perpetualy on Week 1, I did 25 mins. yesterday before the shin splint got me.
    The first running session, I felt great and ran for 90+ seconds (which is really Week 2) but got such a bad shin splint I could hardly walk so I cut the session short.
    My knee hurts today as well.
    Since I am not sure about my running form, I bought the book Chi Running. It is interesting so far and has a lot of good points and I think it will help me. I tend to mid-foot strike when I run anyways.
  • deannabanana
    Perpetualy on Week 1, I did 25 mins. yesterday before the shin splint got me.
    The first running session, I felt great and ran for 90+ seconds (which is really Week 2) but got such a bad shin splint I could hardly walk so I cut the session short.
    My knee hurts today as well.
    Since I am not sure about my running form, I bought the book Chi Running. It is interesting so far and has a lot of good points and I think it will help me. I tend to mid-foot strike when I run anyways.

    Sorry to hear you have such bad shin splints. I get them pretty bad also. do you have good shoes? I've gone to specialty shoe stores before where they look at your running stride and will recommend shoes based on your stride. Also, not sure if you could find a better/different running surface. Cement is kind of hard on the joints. Maybe there is a place where you can run on a track or grass or even compacted gravel. Oh..and when I used to get them really bad my college running teacher told me to ice and elevate them at night and take an aspirin. I really think the key with shin splints is not doing too much too soon. If you have to stay on week one longer, no worries! :D Do whats best for you and your body!
  • deannabanana
    I forgot to check in yesterday. I weighed in at 150 blah (up a pound from last week)! Had guests last weekend and will again this weekend....need to stick to the diet!

    My plan for the week:
    Thursday: Leg day/situps
    Friday: W2D2
    Sat: Arm day/situps
    Sunday: W2D3
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I did it! I can't believe it, it was so hard. W4D1. I felt like I could pass out any moment, but I made it to the end. Yay! And the scales went down again. Just a little patience and hard work. It pays.

    Let's do this! We can!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    So happy for you! I am doing w4d1 tomorrow and Im super excited and scared ****less at the same time. Hope I'll do just as fine as you.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    OMG!!! I DID IT!!! I am so proud of myself. The first day of week 4 is now done and on Sunday I am half way through this program. Feels so great!
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am currently doing c25k and have just found your group! I have just finished week4 day2 last night so have my last week 4 run to do in the next couple of days.

    One thing I feel for me personally is that week 4 is a lot harder than week 3 and I think that one of the best ways to get through it is to really slow your jog down on the 5 minute runs, start off slow and steady, really pace yourself and by the last 1-2 mins of that section if you are on top of your breathing then push yourself a bit harder but as soon as you are going too far you just need to slow it down!

    I'd love to join you in your quest! :)
  • 90210UK
    90210UK Posts: 81
    Just ran D2W1 and did find it a bit harder then day 1, maybe it was because I was more tired from work. I am not excercising inbetween like most of you are so I will only be excercising 3 -4 times a week. Since Sunday I lost 1.5lbs so I am happy... bring on D3 :)
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Congrats Hanna & Peachy! You can do it! Welcome justleeanne! I'm on the same day as you and felt the same about week 4. As it is, I hard to repeat this week. Looking forward to finally getting to week 5! And good job honniballz!

    Had to change up my plans this week. Has ended up as:
    May 23 - elliptical 30 mins
    May 24 - W4D1
    May25 - rest
    May26 - elliptical 60 mins

    So rest of week needs to be
    May 27 - W4D2
    May28 - bike with the family
    May 29 - W4D3

    I MUST finish week 4 this week so I can finally move onto week 5. Felt good during my 60 mins on elliptical last night...went hard and felt like I could handle it. Feeling energized today. Hoping that today's run shows that improvement in endurance. Enjoy your exercise today everyone!
  • jillybaby86
    jillybaby86 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm so proud of all of you for week 4! GREAT JOB! I think I will have to repeat the week over again, but that is ok. I went again lastnight and that last 5 minute run just really gets me everytime. I am going to go again tonight. I think I will try it again, it can only help! I am also going to look up that abs diet for women....anyways! Just wante dto say how happy I was for all of you! :)

    For those of you who use the treadmill what is your speeds you are using?
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    OMG!!! I DID IT!!! I am so proud of myself. The first day of week 4 is now done and on Sunday I am half way through this program. Feels so great!
    Awesome! that is great. I am doing day 2 today.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I'm so proud of all of you for week 4! GREAT JOB! I think I will have to repeat the week over again, but that is ok. I went again lastnight and that last 5 minute run just really gets me everytime. I am going to go again tonight. I think I will try it again, it can only help! I am also going to look up that abs diet for women....anyways! Just wante dto say how happy I was for all of you! :)

    For those of you who use the treadmill what is your speeds you are using?

    Don't over do it. A rest maybe what you need to get that last 5 minutes in. Walk on non-run days helps too.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Did w4d2 today and did soooo much better! Did all the runs and didn't need to slow pace. Woohoo!

    jillever - I walk at 3.5-3.8 and run at 5.5. Seems to be the pace I can handle right now. Ran beside a lady doing 6.6 today...can't wait to build up to that. She looked so confident!
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    Yayyy to everyone who is powering through week 4! I did week 4 day 2 today, ugh, it wasn't any easier than yesterday, I still barely made it throught the last 5 min run! I think I didn't drink enough water before, or something. I woke up kinda late too so it was already almost 90 by the time I got to the park...that probably didn't help. I need to get back to going at 9am instead of noon! Anyway, I'm excited to start week 5 on Monday...excited and terrified, might I add. I might do a few more days of week 4 if I'm still feeling horrible afterward tomorrow, just to get a little more used to it since I am going through c25k so fast. Keep up the good work everyone :)
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Thanks, Reginamazing, for the tip about finding new running shoes - that's probably a great idea.
    I'm taking today off, but will be starting W3 tomorrow. I repeated W2D4 yesterday, and I felt surprisingly great.

    A bit frustrated today as the scale went UP instead of DOWN. I really had hopes that when I started running it would result in weight loss, not a gain. Anyway, really frustrated about that. Grrrrr.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Hi! Can I join this group or is this a closed group? I'm on week 5 and will run day 3 tomorrow. I'm nervous about it but excited at the same time. I would love to have some running buddies.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Hi! Can I join this group or is this a closed group? I'm on week 5 and will run day 3 tomorrow. I'm nervous about it but excited at the same time. I would love to have some running buddies.

    Welcome Mtnkat!! As you can see we are all on different levels, and everyone is welcome to this group (at least as far as I'm concerned). We all need all the support we can get. Oh, and for those who want to weigh in we do that on Wednesdays...

    So today I bettered my results on the 4.2K with 2 minutes (!!??) from last time (Friday). Today I did w4d2. I really can't believe it since neither my mind nor my body was really up for it today. I'm thinking if I can run at this pace when I weigh 95 kilos, what pace will it be when I weigh 75? :)

    This week I'll run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The rest of the days I'll be walking 6K. In another group I'm in for a distance challenge. So next week I have to travel 22 miles by foot, or 35.4 km. Not too hard with some walking in between.

    Have a nice Sunday folks!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Thank you Hanna! I appreciate that!

    I did it! I ran week 5 day 3 today with no problems. Sure, towards the end I thought I was going to pass out going up that last hill but then I realized - I always feel like passing out on that hill lol so I pushed through it. Now I feel great and I have no more soreness than the usual (ask me again tomorrow and I may answer different lol). What an awesome program.

    The worst thing for me was the heat. I picked the worst time to run....mid afternoon on a record high day. What was I thinking lol? I think that last 5 minute walk was the hardest simply because I was so hot.