

  • journey2size10
    I did it! It would have been more I think but I had more off meals than planned. Woke up this morning and hit the gym with a mission and feels good to get it out the way early!

    My goals this week:
    Strength training - 2 days
    Cardio - 5 days
    Off meals - 2-3
  • trapitt
    trapitt Posts: 93 Member
    I am in.
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    I did it! I even exceeded my goal for this week. Thanks for the motivation, Kristy! And thanks to all MFP friend for the support!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    Well it is weigh in day, and I totally screwed up all of my weeks hard work yesterday!! We had my son's birthday party, huge cook out, etc... family over, friends over.... and I was so frigging hungry, the kids at all my 'Healthy" food this weekend... they are older kids, so they tend to just grab whatever, ALL DAY LONG..... I was very upset with them for eating "mom's" food...but none the less, I could've had better self control, and I did not...

    So add in my Hotdog, beans, mac salad, corn on the cob, cake & ice cream + constipated, and you have 2.5lb gain!! No time to chug the water and get it outta my system before this morning.... damn it...

    I wont beat myself up over it, i will learn from it & move forward........ I had SUCH a great week, and then yesterday evening..... it went KERPLOP!!

    Not next week though....

    I hope everyone did better than I did!! :grumble:
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it IamBrande!! Everyone has those days. I know I'm going to a pig at my wedding for sure, but did you also take your measurements? You actually may have lost inches and gained some muscle due to exercise! :happy:

    Here are my results from week one to two. I'm also keeping them on my blog.

    Week 1
    Weight 136 lbs
    BF = 35.4 %
    Tricep = 11 inches
    Waist = 31.5 inches
    Hips = 38.5 inches
    Thigh = 22 inches

    Week 2
    Weight = 135
    BF = 34.4%
    Tricep = 11 inches
    Waist = 29.5 inches
    Hips = 38 inches
    Thigh = 22.5 inches

    Apparently half an inch of fat moved from my hips to my thigh. Maybe that's how it works! lol Hope it doesn't sweel my feet next!

    Long Day's Night by the Beatles would be a good song to describe this first week I think. Everyone has been working so hard and whether they lost or not, I think they deserve some mad respect for taking the challenge so seriously. Keep it up everyone and I'll leave you with these songs for some motivation!!

    Gonna Make You Sweat - Supershake 2010 remix

    Indigo - Ummet Ozcan

    Happy Monday and Happy Losing!!:heart:
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    wow I lost 1.8lbs this wk! YAHOO!!!!
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    wow I lost 1.8lbs this wk! YAHOO!!!!
    Great job!!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i gained 5 lbs over the last 2 my blog, "not happy but not discouraged"
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    I cant believe I lost only a pound this whole week! I need to kick it up a few notches.
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    Wow, everyone's working so hard, you're all AMAZING!
    If you didn't lose any weight, don't mind you've most probably gained muscles from your work out. These muscles are helping you in the future to burn even more fat!!!

    I started the challenge on saturday and back then I was swimming in the really cold outside pool for 30 mins. Yesterday I went hitchhking with a friend for almost 3 hours.
    and today I started the 30 day shred.

    Today in the moring it was so good to see, that I've lost 1.6 pounds since saturday, which was great - so next week's goal is also almost done ;)
    Guess I'll have to adjust my goals a little, but I'll see how things are working out this week :)

    @everyone: GO ON LIKE THAT, YOU'RE GREAT!!!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    Wow, everyone's working so hard, you're all AMAZING!
    If you didn't lose any weight, don't mind you've most probably gained muscles from your work out. These muscles are helping you in the future to burn even more fat!!!

    I started the challenge on saturday and back then I was swimming in the really cold outside pool for 30 mins. Yesterday I went hitchhking with a friend for almost 3 hours.
    and today I started the 30 day shred.

    Today in the moring it was so good to see, that I've lost 1.6 pounds since saturday, which was great - so next week's goal is also almost done ;)
    Guess I'll have to adjust my goals a little, but I'll see how things are working out this week :)

    @everyone: GO ON LIKE THAT, YOU'RE GREAT!!!

    I am going to hope hitchhiking is an error, or is there another meaning of Hitchhiking,than in the USA?

    Congrats on your loss!
  • sjcook23
    sjcook23 Posts: 87 Member
    (BOB) Battle of the Bulge Summer Weightloss Challenge!:
    SW - May 16: 188
    Wk #1 - May 23: GW: 185 Actual: (187.6) oh well, I've got to get a handle on my weekend workouts and eating habits.
    Wk #2 - May 30: GW:182 Actual: (???.?)
    Wk #3 - Jun 06: GW:179 Actual: (???.?)
    Wk #4 - Jun 13: GW:177 Actual: (???.?)
    Wk #5 - JUNE 20 WEIGH-IN GOAL: 175
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    Good job and welcome!!!!

    I worked my butt off this past week and didnt make my goal of 3lb (i guess thats kinda high)
    BUT i did lose 2 lbs.... I should be happy.....

    Feel free to friend me and we will keep tabs on each other.... :glasses:

    have a good holiday Monday :heart:
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Down to 146! Yay! I think it was quite a large loss because I cut out alcohol completely, which also help to remove unhealthy late snacks. I was also training for my 5K, which I did Sunday. I don't have my official time, but I do know I finished 18th for all the women and 6th in my age division. My time was about 31:15, which is 3.5 min less than the one I did in March. I've also added swimming to my workouts, which is helping to build up that muscle. This week will be tough. We are camping Wed night through Monday afternoon. I'm going to try to jog each morning and watch what I eat AND drink. Good luck to everyone for week 2!
  • Hannahrenee86
    Hannahrenee86 Posts: 183
    Down .8lbs not my goal but oh well. This week I need to cut out deserts and try to lower my sugars. This is my last week of P90X. But there are so many things this week. Our wedding anniversary is on Wednesday, Stephen and I are going to Sedona on Friday/Saturday and then I am flying home to PA on Sunday... plus I have a 5 k on Monday . Oh my...

    *Drinks water* Good job all! You are so amazing.
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    I am still battling with my lazy self that has a hard time getting off the couch. I find that if I turn off the tv and turn on music, I get up and get moving- wether it is cleaning or getting ready to leave the house. I cancelled cable this weekend because I was so disgusted with myself not getting up and moving. I am hoping I will make it through the True Blood withdrawals this summer.

    My goals for this week are 1. NO alcohol, 2. work out every day, spin 3x this week 3. no night eating!!

    Great week everyone, keep it up!!!!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member

    Hope everyone reach their goal weight today.

    Battle of the Bulge Summer Weightloss Challenge

    SW - May 16, 255.6

    Week 1 - May 23, GW: 252 Actual: 252.8, Well! I didn't meet my goal, there's always next week to work a little harder.
    Week 2 - May 30, GW: 248 Actual:
    Week 3 - Jun 06, GW: 244 Actual:
    Week 4 - Jun 13, GW: 240 Actual:

    Week 5 - Jun 20, WEIGH-IN GOAL: 235
  • x_sotonguetied
    WOO finally able to join this wonderful group. was finally able to get my starting weight in, and i am definitely pumped to start looking better this summer!

    i've been lurking around here and you're all doing such a fantastic job! definitely motivational, keep it up :)

    don't have a gym membership for the summer yet (dyin without one!), so other than when i go out to do my runs it's going to be extra hard to motivate myself to workout at home until i'm back in a gym again. fingers crossed for the best! lol
  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
    BOB) Battle of the Bulge Summer Weightloss Challenge!:

    SW - May 16: 269

    Wk #1 - May 23: GW: 268 Actual: 267.5
    Wk #2 - May 30: GW:267 Actual: (???.?)
    Wk #3 - Jun 06: GW:266 Actual: (???.?)
    Wk #4 - Jun 13: GW:265 Actual: (???.?)
    Wk #5 - JUNE 20 WEIGH-IN GOAL: 264

    GW: (July 25th) 260

    GW: (August 29th) 255
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    i gained 5 lbs over the last 2 my blog, "not happy but not discouraged"

    its alright,i am up too.... dont let it get you down..just keep on keeping on...the scale WILL move... it has no choice...right?