Diet soda is NOT evil



  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    dont get me wrong, i think its amazing that yet another person has learnt the art to being able to copy text from a range of sources, and pasting them into one post on this forum

    just a shame that the text copied appear to be from quie one sided sources

    all your opening post will do is encourage people to glug down diet soda instead of water
    i guess you didnt read about the girl 2 years ago who corroded through her entire stomach wall with diet soda - ended up everything she was eating and drinking was leaking into her body and her liver ended up failing

    lets see how many more people this happens to when they truely belive they too can drink as much diet soda as they wish with no side effects

    Lets see, One girl 2 years ago, Hmmm can you post this story I would be interested to read it instead of hearing it from your ONE SIDE. Sounds like urban legend until you back it up with some of that copy and paste.
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    Basically - everything in moderation.
    If you're gonna drink more than a bottle a day, then you need to cut back....simple as


    yup... I don't limit that much, but I try to keep it to either two 12oz cans or a 1liter bottle.
  • 3) Artificial sweeteners trigger insulin release in the body. B***L S***T. Insulin is released by the pancreas to regulate and efficiently utilize carbohydrates and fats in our body. These two fuel types need to combine with insulin to either be used or stored. When we consistently over long periods of time **years** take in more fuel than our body needs, the pancreas may get so overworked that it burns out. Consequence: diabetes. Artificial sweeteners have no fuel content. The body's metabolic system is completely indifferent to artificial sweeteners. It is essentially flavoring.

    I M H O.

    So here you have claimed that insulin release triggered by artificial sweetener is bull. You then proceed to type a load of words about where insulin comes from. Where is your relevancy to your bulls**t claim?? I already know where it comes from and what it does. I know that insulin isn't released without the presence on carbohydrate. Sugar is a carbohydrate and the body can't tell the difference between a sugar and an artificial sweetener.

    As for your rediculous cancer related writing, I suggest you read some recent research. And by research I don't mean wikipedia.

    Artificial sweeteners contain no carbohydrates or fat. They are "artificial". The flavor profile is similar. They have been engineered to taste similar to sucrose, but they aren't a carbohydrate like sucrose is.

    You don't seem to understand what I am saying. You body cannot differenciate between sugar and artificial sugar AKA sweeteners.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I cut pop out of my diet completely since December. The weight loss speaks for itself. My wife cut out Diet pepsi 3 years ago. She' lost 36 pounds.:happy:

    She lost 36 pounds by JUST cutting out Diet Pepsi. No other diet changes and no additional exercise?? Really?? Because if there were other lifestyle changes I just don't get your point.
  • Merodie
    Merodie Posts: 21
    MODERATION is the key :happy: There is nothing healthy for you with soda. The only good thing is the taste (Diet Coke fan here) Also remember the acids are not only harmful to your insides IN EXCESS, but also devasdtating to your teeth.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    None of what I posted is fact, just like no one elses in this thread is. I M H O = In My Humble Opinion
    I posted links to back my info...
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    I am named after rapper Ice-T's wife Coco, cause she is short and curvy like me!!! I'm a little heavier than her so I added the Puff!

    I dunno... anyone have stats on how much silicone weighs compared to fat? Ice-T bought his woman a couple of medicine balls on her chest! :tongue:
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    I heard that mountain dew kills your sperm...just a rumour I'm sure. We don't even have mountain dew in the UK.

    People used to tell me that crap.... I told them, "Sure it does! But by the time I drink enough of it for that to happen, I will have all the kids I want and then won't have to pay to get snipped! Sounds like a win to me!"
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    I heard that mountain dew kills your sperm...just a rumour I'm sure. We don't even have mountain dew in the UK.

    You guys have lived your whole lives without Mountain Dew??? OMG. That's wrong. :noway:

    They can't have any real online gamers over there! You can't be a gamer without piles of Mountain Dew cans and pizza boxes around your computer! :laugh:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm drinking my first diet pepsi in a LONGGGGGG time. It's not the taste; I just honestly feel like they caue migraines for me. :/ But I'm risking it 'cause I want something schweet! <3
  • I heard that mountain dew kills your sperm...just a rumour I'm sure. We don't even have mountain dew in the UK.

    You guys have lived your whole lives without Mountain Dew??? OMG. That's wrong. :noway:

    They can't have any real online gamers over there! You can't be a gmaer without piles of mountain Dew cans and pizza boxes around your computer! :laugh:

    We are celebrating the relaunch of the psn with a pizza hut delivery!
  • None of what I posted is fact, just like no one elses in this thread is. I M H O = In My Humble Opinion
    I posted links to back my info...

    You have basically just wasted everyone's time by posting a long list of your own opinions. Not everything on this thread is made up, fact!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    3) Artificial sweeteners trigger insulin release in the body. B***L S***T. Insulin is released by the pancreas to regulate and efficiently utilize carbohydrates and fats in our body. These two fuel types need to combine with insulin to either be used or stored. When we consistently over long periods of time **years** take in more fuel than our body needs, the pancreas may get so overworked that it burns out. Consequence: diabetes. Artificial sweeteners have no fuel content. The body's metabolic system is completely indifferent to artificial sweeteners. It is essentially flavoring.

    I M H O.

    So here you have claimed that insulin release triggered by artificial sweetener is bull. You then proceed to type a load of words about where insulin comes from. Where is your relevancy to your bulls**t claim?? I already know where it comes from and what it does. I know that insulin isn't released without the presence on carbohydrate. Sugar is a carbohydrate and the body can't tell the difference between a sugar and an artificial sweetener.

    As for your rediculous cancer related writing, I suggest you read some recent research. And by research I don't mean wikipedia.

    Artificial sweeteners contain no carbohydrates or fat. They are "artificial". The flavor profile is similar. They have been engineered to taste similar to sucrose, but they aren't a carbohydrate like sucrose is.

    You don't seem to understand what I am saying. You body cannot differenciate between sugar and artificial sugar AKA sweeteners.

    No I understood this point perfectly. It's the very crux of what I'm calling you out on. You are not correct about this point. MY BODY CLEARLY KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUGAR AND ASPARTAME. My body's insulin production is completely different for sugar and Aspartame. Fact. Numerous studies have proven my personal experience out.
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