I'm giving up already



  • RaeLynn_3
    RaeLynn_3 Posts: 22
    Dont give up!! As others have said...dont think of it as a diet...IT IS A NEW LIFE STYLE!! I have been on my journey since February!! I have lost 47 pounds to date! I am a single mother of three and it is not easily eating right & getting my exercise in! I had people that put negative thoughts in my head like you not going to stick to this "diet" .....keep your fat pants you might need them....u look like you put on a few pounds!! Day by day I keep proving them wrong!! The biggest thing for me is to write everything down u eat!! I also do have my kids that motivate me in some way or another! PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • makpitt
    makpitt Posts: 18
    Anything worthwhile in life takes work and discipline. I use to quit every diet or weight loss plan I tried. I had a hundred reasons and they were all just crap. So I spent 20 years overweight and unhappy. I was not living my life but existing day-to-day and using food as a substitute for happiness. The reality is that you have got to stop kidding yourself! That's right! Stop deluding yourself. You are the only person who is in charge of your life. If you want to live being overweight, that is certainly your choice but if you are really ready for a change, you are absolutely in control. I started getting up and going to the gym before work. I used to tell myself that it was too hard. Surprisingly, it wasn't! And it is a terrific feeling to know that my workout is done before I get to work. Find a support team. It could be your family, friends, or co-workers. No support there? Join Weight Watchers or another weight loss program where you will receive encouragement. Whatever you do, don't give up. Make small changes and forgive yourself but don't lose focus that being healthy and fit is the goal. I wish you luck and keep me posted.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Thank you so much everyone. I *don't* want to give up but the comments were especially hurtful to me as they were from my own mother. I'm going to stick this out and prove her wrong.

    No one has the power to hurt like family. Good on you for deciding to stick it out - but do it for YOU - the best of all reasons. You're worth the effort!
  • angijunbug
    angijunbug Posts: 205
    Lots of people who seem nice enough (to our faces) really just are watching & waiting to see us fail...that is evil & do not listen to that awfulness. Let's prove them wrong & tell them to watch the little birdie :oD
  • Calorie_Ninja
    Calorie_Ninja Posts: 14 Member
    That's an awful extremely unsupportive thing to say!!!! Seriously what do they even know! Don't give up! If you fall off your diet just get right back on because we all have slip ups. You've just got to keep a positive attitude. It's difficult to lose weight but EVERYONE is able to do it if they put their mind to it. It's been hard for me too but I don't see myself giving up anytime soon and you shouldn't either. :smile:
  • healthyandlean
    Have a feeling that those folks are FAMILY!!! STAY CLEAR FOR AWHILE!!! I have HAD TOO with mine!! MEAN will sabatoge me everytime!! WORDS are harder than food!! YOU CAN DO IT
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    HI there,
    According to the BMI tables, at 5 ft 11 in and 158 lbs, you have a normal BMI of 22. I read your profile and the comments you made about your body. Maybe you just need to 'tone up' and look at yourself in a different way. Remember: it's not what is said to you but rather how you react that is important. :flowerforyou:
    Amen to this! Please, please pay attention to those posters who have advised you thus. The things that will increase your happiness are a fit, strong, healthy body, and a healthy self-image, not fewer pounds on a scale, or smaller clothes.
  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP. who ever told you that you are kidding yourself is most likley jealous they cant do it
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    and it's not even been a week. I just got told to "stop kidding myself that I'm ever going to stick to this diet", and y'know what? They were right. Who am I kidding? I'm a greedy pig and five days is nothing in the great scheme of things. So what if I've lasted five days? I feel stupid for ever thinking I could do this. I might as well go stuff my face with food now. I don't know why I'm posting this really. Sorry.
    i think we have all felt this way . Please don't give up... and as my good friend Jannie says when people are getting me down, "do you want me to come over there and get all Jersey on their a**?":grumble:
  • susieomega
    susieomega Posts: 6 Member
    Have faith in yourself sweetheart! You can do this. You're not alone.. "When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop of into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.”
    Fly with us.. You can do it!!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    i think we have all felt this way . Please don't give up... and as my good friend Jannie says when people are getting me down, "do you want me to come over there and get all Jersey on their a**?":grumble:

    LOL from the transplanted Joisey Gurl
  • noxx27
    noxx27 Posts: 18 Member
    I know at times it is hard and other times it seems almost impossible, but ever journey begins with a single step. And often the journey worth traveling are often traveled alone! Not because our friends don't care but because often they are afraid of you doing it alone or afraid of you leaving them behind. So know that you can do this and you can succeed its all just a single step..... its not an hour, a day, or a week, just one step....... then another.

    I know you can walk so I know you can do this!

    Just one step at a time, and you will reach your destination.

    Feel free to friend me if you need support. I'm always here to help. Keep walking.... and you'll make it there!

    Have faith,
  • AJelinski
    AJelinski Posts: 36
    Don't look at it as a diet. Diet is a four letter word. Look at it as a lifestyle change.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Do it for you!! just let the ugly people be your motivation! you can do it
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Amen to all those who say "it's tough but don't give up."

    I'll offer this: this isn't a success/fail class. There is really no "failure" here other than the failure you want to attach to your own self.

    Here is my OPINION: You are a complex person with many options for satisfaction. Some of them (the desire to be in better health) conflict with others (the desire for satisfaction through food). Plus you have toxic people around who shame you when you fail (and it seems want to help you fail).

    You can't deal with the desire to get healthier if you let toxic people tell you how to feel. I can't help you with that.

    You CAN choose to get healthy. The fact that you started this program AND you posted here of your failure means YOU STILL HAVE CONTROL. I emphasize this because a lot of people will tell you that you are a failure because you failed. But we all fail - all the time. Just that some of us realize that failure is a part of being human and making choices.

    Don't think you can do this the rest of your life? Then pick a smaller goal. Choose smaller objectives. Don't go for the "I will lose 100 pounds by Christmas!" type of thing. Go for "I will exercise 10 minutes a day and keep my fat count under 50gm" (or whatever it is). Pick something only a LITTLE bit more than just existing. Hit that. FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT! Celebrate the success!

    Then pick a slightly harder goal.

    I purposely picked 20 pound "mini-goals" for myself because the thought of 18-24 months just to get down to my normal weight is overwhelming. But I can do 2-3 month mini-goals. And if I don't make the goal right away, I've only just missed a small goal and I can try a little harder, rather than think OH MY GOSH MY LITTLE ATTEMPTS ARE DOING NOTHING.

    I'm real sorry you are feeling down, and I don't blame you, and I won't add to that. I just hope you can look at yourself and love yourself enough to do what YOU want and not what your so-called support group wants you to do.
  • lestahling
    lestahling Posts: 36
    Don't give up!
    Small steps!
    It is the journey, not the destination.
    You are not going to be perfect!
    And these things take time.

    I was reading your profile and it made me feel quite sad how you are putting down yourself and your body. I would really really encourage you to start the mental transformation journey along with the physical one you want.... When you lose weight, your mind will not magically jump into "Oh wow I'm awesome" mode.

    You are a worthwhile person. You are beautiful and if i, a stranger, can say this, What do you think your friends and family think? :}

    There will always be bumps in the road, we just have to rise above them :)
  • schooch11
    schooch11 Posts: 2
    Don't give up on yourself. I've been there. I've started so many times telling myself that I'm going to do this and after a little while I eventually quit. I've just started MFP recently and I am determined to do it this time. Also, don't let negative comments get you down and make you think "maybe they're right, I can't do it." Do it for yourself and nobody else. It's you that you have to please and no one else. Good luck and hang in there, it'll be tough but you can do it.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    There's some great support here, and they're right. You can do this.

    Some days will be hard, some days will be easier, some days you won't do as well as you'd like, other days you'll surprise yourself. The key is not giving up.

    I'm sorry your mom was harsh to you, sometimes those closest to us are our harshest and most unfair critics, I wish I knew why that is. But just because they're close to you, doesn't mean they know just how much you're capable of.

    Hang in there.