When you were 17....



  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    When I was 17...
    I weighed 50kg (110 lbs) and thought I was fat.
    I was a prissy teenager, but thought I was a grown up.
    I was loving all my first year uni subjects, and studying 50 hours a week.
    I printed my essays on a dot-matrix printer. I hadn't heard of the internet.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    When I was 17...

    - I was just starting college
    - I got drunk around people that were not my family for the first time
    - I changed my major 3 times
    - I was a counselor for Type 1 Diabetics at a camp in Pennsylvania
    - I wrecked my first car (96 Mazda MX6, manual trans)
    - I was sexually assaulted (see bullet point #2)
    - I dated a Marine who cheated on me and married a girl who looks just like me because he got her pregnant.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    When I was 17...

    I was already back to being a good girl!! I had been dating my now husband for about a year.

    It was the two years before that I was trouble!! Out drinking my friends, throwing parties wherever I could, ditching school more than I was in it, accepting rides from boys I didn't know...

    ..... you know, having a good time!! :bigsmile:

    Oh yeah, my bikini top was a PERKY size D, the bottom a FIRM size 5... THOSE were the days!!

    Not sure how I survived some of those stories!! hahahaa
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    When I was 17 I had a 3 year old,
    I had been with my boyfriend (Now husband) for 4 years,
    completed highschool in 3 years,
    Worked 30 hours a week at JCPenney,
    Drove an 82 chevy cavalier,
    Weighed a whopping 124lbs (thought I was fat)
    wore a size 7,
    Rode my skateboard and skated half-pipes (sometimes)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    When I was 17
    I was already out of HS a year
    Working full time hours and primarily running the family business.
    Going out to the bars on the weekend.
    A good girl even though my rep said I wasn't.
    I thought being a secretary was a good idea (It wasn't, but the skills took me places).
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    When I was 17...

    I drove an awesome Jeep Cherokee that I wish I still had

    I was a senior in HS and worked pretty much full time

    I ran 2-3 miles a day, played soccer and volleyball and was in awesome shape, but thought that I was fat because I was muscular and curvy and wasn't a stick figure like most of the other girls... ha now I am working my *kitten* off to get back to looking like that

    I skipped a lot of school and got away with it ;-)
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    When I was 17, my life was a chaotic hell. Would never go back there.
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    When I was 17, I was 6'4' and 155 lbs. people mistook me for string.

    I lived with two collage roommates.

    I wrote a term paper the night Cherise Stone slept over, no one else was in the house and she kept coming out to talk to me with less and less clothing on. (still causes me to bang my head on the desk due to my lameness)

    I lost the "who gets drunk first" game and my friends poured peroxide in my hair. in their defense, I did so much worse to them when they lost the game other times.

    LOL !!!!
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    When I was 17, I drove a car that was a year older than I was. It was a 1966 Datsun stationwagon. It burned oil. It had been brush painted the same color as a green m&m. I was teased mercilessly. I didn't care. Most of those that were making fun of me had NO car! Thanks. You made me remember some fun times driving my GREEN MACHINE!

    LOL :drinker:
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    When I was 17:

    I thought I had it all figured out...I hadn't a clue:laugh:

    I thought I was fat, but now am working HARD just to get CLOSE to that weight:frown:

    I could eat anything and not gain a pound, now I can't eat anything without gaining a pound:grumble:

    Thought the idea of having kids would be easy, because, ya know, it's kinda like babysitting...right?:huh:

    I drank and smoked and liked feeling like an adult, now I don't drink, don't smoke and don't like feeling like an adult...:sad: (j/k)

    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    lol..I drank and smoked to feel like an adult..and now that I am ..I don't lol so trueeeeeeeeeeeee :laugh:
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    I turned 17 on November 25, 1997. I was a Junior in H.S., was a cheerleader (small school, not many to compete with lol), thought I was fat then....now i see My uniforms...I would love to be "that fat" again! When I was 17 I had a very strict stepfather (still have that same step dad, but i love him now) who wouldnt allow me to go out often. I worked at McDonalds and had crushes, but no b.f (somethings, NEVER change 'eh). When I was 17 I had frizzy hair and big glass and loved Billy Ray Cyrus :) Oh to be 17 again.......
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    When I was 17 I had the confidence to wear a bikini (sort of!). I exercised twice a day and ate carbs all the time. I dated a different guy every other weekend. Maybe it was all those free dinners that made me gain weight? ;) lol
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    When I was 17................

    I graduated high school.
    Loved all the metal hair bands (Poison, Bon Jovi, Motely Crue, Warrant etc) LOL
    Had no curphew.
    Walked to the mall....................will only drive now-a-days, LOL
    Drank and smoked drugs.
    Always got in trouble for talking in class.......................even says so on my report cards :laugh: :laugh:
    Couldn't wait to be 19 so I could "legally" drink and go to clubs............
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    When I was seventeen I was slim, practiced karate, was in love and thought that life was beautiful.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    I also thought that when I had my owns kids I would be a perfect parent.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    when I was 17 - I was looking after my mom who had been diagnosed with Cancer. It was actually a great time up until the end. We went on trips and shopping. And we went to the Cancer clinic.
    when I was 17 - I would go clubbing every night after my mom had gone to bed. didn't need ID...dating the DJ. LOL
    when I was 17 - I decided a straight edge lifestyle was for me. Have only had about 5 drinks since. never done any drugs.
    when I was 17 - I was finishing high school.

    I would not go back to that time.
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    When I was 17 I was a senior in high school.
    I was actually smart. I dreaded graduating and growing up. Who wants to get a job, pay bills, deal with stress, etc. Had it made in high school. :drinker: I enjoyed every minute of being 17.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    Oh what fun! Wait a minute! :noway: I was big fat and pregnant with my son, and had my daughter on my hip. :laugh: It's all good I was lovin it! :heart:
  • Chiquita_Banana
    when i was 17...

    - i stole my parents car almost every night and came home right before they woke up
    -it was reported stolen once n i was in biggg trouble
    -i smoked a pack a day
    -i was a pot head
    -bought at least 2 pairs of shoes a week... i now have over 250 pairs... i donated some
    -i lived with no regrets or thought of consequences
  • justkelley
    justkelley Posts: 53
    When I was 17
    -I was a HUGE band geek and totally loved every second of it
    -I was 20 lbs heavier
    -I was really insecure
    -I wore really thick glasses
    -i was in love with my gay best friend :-D
    -I saw my nephew being born and was the 2nd person to hold him <3
    -I didn't know how to drive
    -I stalked a guy I had a crush on lol

    I like the me I am now more than the 17 year old me :-)