Twenty Pound Somethings Week 8



  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Okay, bout to go to bed!!

    I did the Shred level 1 dvd..and did about 12 min of level 2!! After that I continued to just jump around and do random cardio until I was over 60 I did 63 min of exercise and burned another 633 cals! Woo hoo! I am so glad tomorrow is Thursday! (I dont have classes on Friday) I am ready for this week in school to be over!

    Have a great night you guys and I will check in tomorrow with ya :wink:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning all........
    today i have grandparents day at the granddaughters school for lunch. joy, crap to eat. today is GD2 day and tomorrow (if there is school (hannah)) is GD1 day. last year they had salads, but, it took at least 5 mins for them to make them and we only get so much time. so will have to see if they learned to make something different for us old folk.
    well, need to get on the treadmill, an hour there and need to wake DH, he has a meeting to drive (2 hrs) to. than shower and get ready.

    have a great day all....

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning friends! not going to talk about last night...I was LAZY and ate HORRIBLY! is a new day. Not weighing in until next Tuesday, but can seiously feel that my pants are tighter than normal...HORRIBLE! But today is a new day, and I'm going to jump right back in. Thats the whole point of this lifestyle change, right? To accept that there will be some small gains and drawbacks, but to get right back to it and continue! I CAN DO IT!!!!!

    So, here is the meal plan for today:

    1 c. multigrain cheerios, 1/2 c. skim milk, 1 c. canteloupe, 1 multivitamin, 8 oz. PlumSmart Lite juice.

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar-free vanilla caramel creamer, soft-baked Kashi TLC blackberry graham bar.

    Turkey, cheese, & pastrami sandwich (2 sl. village hearth wheat bread, 1 sl. free swiss single, 3 sl. turkey lunchmeat, 3 sl. pastrami lunchmeat, 1 tsp. mustard), 14 baby carrots, 1 small cucumber, AE yolite yogurt, diet coke.

    Afternoon snack:
    1 med. apple, 100 cal. pack almonds, Kashi TLC peanut butter granola bar.

    Tilapia with 1 c. steamed broccoli and wild rice.

    PM Snack:
    ???? Depends on remaining calories.

    Exercise plan--45 minute step class, 15 minute Ab workout will be a good day, I can feel it!!!!! Yesterday I was just so lazy, un-motivated, and tired! But...I'm back and raring to go!!!!! BRING ON THE DAY!!!!!

    Good luck all!!!
  • Hi Ladies!! :):flowerforyou:

    I was all set to go to the gym this morning....and I turned my alarm off instead of hitting snooze....:mad:

    Oh well...moving on. Perhaps I'll workout tonight after the little one goes to bed. :) Kristin you are soooo right. Today is a new day!!! I had a good day yesterday, but we ran out of coffee this morning and stopped for coffee on the way into work. Sooooo....I have already had 325 calories and I haven't eaten a bite!! So that just means clean eating the rest of the day....So here is my plan!

    1/2 cup oatmeal w/Splenda
    1/2 cup FF cottage cheese

    Chicken Caesar wrap with lite caeasar dressing
    1 cup Organic potatoe and leek soup w/12 mini saltine crackers.

    1 FF Strawberry Banana Yogart.

    Dinner is a BIIIIIIG ???? because I don't know what we have in the fridge. :) Perhaps I'll make turkey sloppy joes...oh..or maybe taco salad with ground turkey!!! Can you tell I have ground turkey in the fridge. :)

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Be good to yourself!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...just thought I'd get on again...have a lot of waiting around today at work...some processes in the lab take a while and I wait in between. Looking forward to having my lunch here in a bit....SO hungry! Haven't heard back yet about those job interviews but my supervisor said he got a call from one wanting some references around our I take that as a good sign...but still no word. Hopefully by the end of this week. Anyways...I'm seriously just kind of bored and wasting some time...nothing exciting to say really...

    So...have a good lunch hour and I'll check back later!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Afternoon,

    Hi Cassangelidy & welcome:flowerforyou:

    Hi Kristen, I like what you said about accepting drawbacks & get right back to it again. Glad your back. :happy:

    I just got back from my workout and feel good! I'm glad I went, because on we don't usually have a thursday class and I was planning on cleaning the house and a small walk. Most of you girls have way more energy than me, I can't wait until I start getting more energy back.

    1: oatmeal, banana, 1/2 tsp. brown sugar splenda
    2: canteloupe
    3: lite hot dog (I know this is bad, but we had leftovers in the fridge)
    4: might try making those sweet potato baked fries
    5: 1/3 califoria kitchen pizza 260 cal. & vegetable bake
    6: popcorn / peach

    Still can't decide which DVD to purchase "Shred or Turbo jam" but I will need to order soon, since the weather will be changing.

    I was invited to Brunch on Sunday & they have lots of great food there. This will be a real test or do I just enjoy and jump back on again on Monday?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I was invited to Brunch on Sunday & they have lots of great food there. This will be a real test or do I just enjoy and jump back on again on Monday?

    It's kind of your call...I would say not to worry about it too much but try and make good choices...then get back on track Monday. Lots of people on here have a day off during the week. It shouldn't hurt you. But you could also try and bump up on exercise that day...

    Good luck!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member I feel like CRAP!:sad: I don't know what is going on. I am bloated, crampy, and have been running to the bathroom every 5 minutes all afternoon! Not sure what my tummy is doing!!!!!!????????
    But it SUCKS! I am in so much pain I really can't fathum even attempting to go to the gym...which SUCKS because I NEED to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But after lots of contimplation and the advice of a few friends and my hubby, I am going to head home after work and maybe just try and walk with the dogs or something. This BLOWS!!!!!:explode: I want to go to the gym!!!! This is how I felt yesterday and I don't want to feel like this again!!!!! SUCKY! SUCKY!!! Maybe I'll start feeling better within the next hour or so until I leave, but chances are...:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: Plus...without the workout, I will end up being over in calories for today!!!!!:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Anyways...just had to vent...I am SO mad! It seems like things keep going from bad to worse!!!!!!:sad:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh...where are you my friends?? I just needed some words of encouragement. I'm headed home here in a few and will make some dinner...tilapia, broccoli, and wild rice...hopefully will feel well enough to take the doggies for a walk at some point...and if not...then....:explode: :explode: I am seriously SO mad right now...and there is no one to blame...not even myself...just my tummy for hurting like it does!!!!!:explode: :explode: I want to roll in a ball and sob!:sad: :sad: :sad:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    kistinbee....maybe you feel bad because you haven't eaten the right foods for the last few days. just a thought...i know i feel tired, bloated, just yucky if i don't eat right for a few days. the bad part is, it will take a couple days for your body to feel better. or, with cramping you might have a touch of food poison. i sure hope you feel better soon. just rest and eat right. i hope i didn't sound harsh?
    feel better, it's almost the weekend.
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Oh...where are you my friends?? I just needed some words of encouragement. I'm headed home here in a few and will make some dinner...tilapia, broccoli, and wild rice...hopefully will feel well enough to take the doggies for a walk at some point...and if not...then....:explode: :explode: I am seriously SO mad right now...and there is no one to blame...not even myself...just my tummy for hurting like it does!!!!!:explode: :explode: I want to roll in a ball and sob!:sad: :sad: :sad:

    We're here for you Kristen,

    If your tummy hurts, you should probably take it easy. Maybe some gentle stretching and remember to drink your water. I hope after a good nights sleep you feel better.:flowerforyou:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey guys..

    Yuck day today..well, it was just an overwhelming day! Still havent done my shred dvd today..not sure if I will- if I exercise too late in the evening I dont sleep well at night. I did get to go to the gym this afternoon though.

    Foodwise today:

    bfast: fiber one cereal skim milk and egg whites

    lunch: luna bar

    snack: banana and small salad with romaine lettuce, roma tomatoes, bell peppers and turkey slices

    dinner: protein shake

    exercise: 45 min on elliptical

    I feel bad that about not doing my Shred dvd tonight. Maybe I will just do it anyway. Who knows!

    Tomorrow will be good exercise wise, Im going to go to the gym in the morning for atleast an hour and I may do my shred dvd before I go to the gym!!

    Blah, so another weekend is here... Bday party Saturday evening..cake, ice cream, and pizza..Im thinking I will eat a protein bar or something before hand, and avoid the cake and ice cream..It wont be weird bc my family understands Im trying to lose weight and eat better :smile:

    Kristin- dont worry about skipping the gym..if you did go how much would you actually be able to do since you are in pain? Proly not much so it would be a wasted effort! Just relax, rest and get better soon and then go back to working out. Just watch your cals until you can get back in your routine!! I know how ya feel, when my grandfather was in the hospital for over a week I didnt go to the gym or exercise at all that week! I felt bad, but it was a good break from the routine. Get better soon!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good morning guys!!

    Im about to head off to drop the lil one at pre-k and then goin to the gym for awhile then studying...I didnt do the shred dvd last night, but its okay I will do it later today!

    Foodwise today...

    bfast: luna bar (lotsa protein and has carbs to give me quick energy at the gym!)
    snack: banana and maybe a fiber one bar
    lunch: not sure yet...
    dinner..not sure yet either!

    May do a subway turkey sandwich or turkey wrap for lunch..dunno yet!!

    Well have a good day and Ill check in later :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks friends!:heart: I'm back at work. Took it easy last night. I didn't even end up cooking. I went home and fell asleep on the couch. My hubby came home later with Chinese food he picked up (great for the diet right?) but I only nibbled on a little and then went back to bed. I'm feeling a lot better this morning, but this is how I was yesterday...fine in the morning and kept getting worse throughout the day. So hopefully the rest of the day goes well. No idea what the plan is foodwise today. I over-slept so had a VERY late start to my morning.

    Breakfast was...1 chocolate poptart (200 cal...holy cow!:noway: Never doing that again!), 1 cinnamon raison bagel with pear butter, 8 oz. PlumSmart Lite juice, and I forgot my multivitamin!!!:grumble:

    I grabbed the following and have a work with me:
    Kashi TLC blackberry graham bar
    Kashi TLC dark chocolate cherry granola bar
    Luna bar
    Single pack cinnamon roll oatmeal
    Single pack doritos

    Seriously forgot to grab an apple.:grumble: So my food for the day does not look so good. Maybe I should just go down to the cafeteria and grab some veggies and fruit...and a yogurt or something. We'll see how the day goes.

    Don't know about exercise this evening. We'll see how it goes. I'm hoping to re-group this weekend and find that motivation...I NEED it!

    Have a great Friday friends!:flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay guys...I give up! Today is another BAD day! I seriously want to just throw in my towel! My motivation level is :grumble: !! So...I'm hoping to get myself on a walk with the dogs tonight (like I've said the last two nights) and then get up for spinning tomorrow morning...I NEED to! I will go to the grocery store tonight so I have lots of healthy choices around me...(no more poptarts!) Tonight the plan is going to be to have a luna bar and an apple for dinner. If I am still hungry, I will have some baby carrots and cucumber. There is left over chinese food which the hubby can finish. My body is HATING me right now.

    So...for lunch today, my dad (who works at the same company as me) was going to meet me for lunch, we were going to hit up the cafeteria, and I figured I could get a salad and some fruit or something. But, instead he decided to take me to El Mariachi (mexican)...and what did I have? A chicken chimichanga, oh and with rice and beans!:explode: WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?!?!?!:explode: I could smack myself! Now I am WAY full and WAY mad at myself! more more time more bad choices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Someone yell at me please....I NEED the motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm NEVER this bad!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Okay guys...I give up! Today is another BAD day! I seriously want to just throw in my towel! My motivation level is :grumble: !! So...I'm hoping to get myself on a walk with the dogs tonight (like I've said the last two nights) and then get up for spinning tomorrow morning...I NEED to! I will go to the grocery store tonight so I have lots of healthy choices around me...(no more poptarts!) Tonight the plan is going to be to have a luna bar and an apple for dinner. If I am still hungry, I will have some baby carrots and cucumber. There is left over chinese food which the hubby can finish. My body is HATING me right now.

    So...for lunch today, my dad (who works at the same company as me) was going to meet me for lunch, we were going to hit up the cafeteria, and I figured I could get a salad and some fruit or something. But, instead he decided to take me to El Mariachi (mexican)...and what did I have? A chicken chimichanga, oh and with rice and beans!:explode: WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?!?!?!:explode: I could smack myself! Now I am WAY full and WAY mad at myself! more more time more bad choices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Someone yell at me please....I NEED the motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm NEVER this bad!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    OK Kristen,

    Get it together girl, I know you can do it. Your relying on the protein bars a little too much, no wonder why your hungry & don't feel good. Drink your water, eat the salad/ apple, and go for a walk. Remember we are weighing in again on Tuesday.

    I feel pretty good, because I had gained over last weekend, but lost that plus another pound. We'll see what Tues. looks like. I ordered both exercise DVD's Shred & Turbo Jam. Can't wait til they arrive.

    Today so far:

    1: cinnamon raisin enlish muffin w/ tsp. smart balance, coffee & cream
    2: Pria bar (only 1 & it was because I was on the road driving & eating, sometimes you just gotta do it)
    3: Sweet potato w/ tsp. smart balance & 3 slices of oscar mayer chicken only 25 cals., but not that tasty
    4: Peach
    5: out to dinner ?? probably a salad
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks DebLaf...and I normally don't eat the protein's just when I want something to fill me up without being really bad for me. SO...that's where that came from for my dinner this evening.

    As for weighing in Tuesday...I know and I'm scared. I'm almost certain that I've gained 5 pounds over my mini vaca and these past few bad days...but I will accept it...only myself to blame.

    So...I will check back later this evening.
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Thanks DebLaf...and I normally don't eat the protein's just when I want something to fill me up without being really bad for me. SO...that's where that came from for my dinner this evening.

    As for weighing in Tuesday...I know and I'm scared. I'm almost certain that I've gained 5 pounds over my mini vaca and these past few bad days...but I will accept it...only myself to blame.

    So...I will check back later this evening.

    Hey Kristen,

    You're doing good, remember progress, not perfection is the key. I hope your feeling better ;that does make it really hard to stay on track. And when your on the run all time too, just makes it harder, not impossible. I know you can get back on track and I hope you do.:smile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks DebLaf...and I normally don't eat the protein's just when I want something to fill me up without being really bad for me. SO...that's where that came from for my dinner this evening.

    As for weighing in Tuesday...I know and I'm scared. I'm almost certain that I've gained 5 pounds over my mini vaca and these past few bad days...but I will accept it...only myself to blame.

    So...I will check back later this evening.

    Hey Kristen,

    You're doing good, remember progress, not perfection is the key. I hope your feeling better ;that does make it really hard to stay on track. And when your on the run all time too, just makes it harder, not impossible. I know you can get back on track and I hope you do.:smile:

    Thanks! I know I can too! And I just keep telling myself that this is a "life-LONG" keeps me going on the hardest of days and makes me realize that things happen and it's dealing with those things that makes us stronger!

    I appreciate your kind words! Thank you so much!!:flowerforyou:
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