Twenty Pound Somethings Week 8



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hmmm...decided to give myself some goals for over this weekend since I have been struggling...

    1. Get my butt out of bed tomorrow morning and go to spinning!!!!
    2. Make healthy choices and not go over on calories either Saturday OR Sunday!
    3. Re-evaluate some of my food choices and plan out dinners for next week!

    Hope this will help me! I WILL walk the dogs today when I get home! I WILL get some healthy food at the grocery store! AND...I will NOT make any more bad decisions!!!!! I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh...and here's my weight updates ( so I can find then next week for weigh in!)

    Week 1 171.5 pounds
    Week 2 170.0 pounds
    Week 3 169.0 pounds
    Week 4 169.5 pounds
    Week 5 168.5 pounds
    Week 6 165.0 pounds
    Week 7 165.0 pounds
    Pre-vaca 164.5 pounds (Friday morning)
    Week 8 ???--week off from weighing-in
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hey Kristen,

    It sounds good. Planning is really key for staying on track. I will check in tomorrow to see how you did. I hope I have a good weekend too. Or should I say I WILL have a good weekend too.:bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey Kristen,

    It sounds good. Planning is really key for staying on track. I will check in tomorrow to see how you did. I hope I have a good weekend too. Or should I say I WILL have a good weekend too.:bigsmile:

    You WILL!!! And yes...let's check in tomorrow!:flowerforyou:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey everyone..

    Kristin..It sux things are off for you right now...but just look at all the progress you have made since you began!

    Try this for motivation : go to a store that carries hand weights and pick up a 10lb weighs more than you would think doesnt it? Now look at it as, wow..thats the weight Ive lost so far that WONT come back as long as I can help it :smile:

    You are SUCH a hardworker and your posts and encouragement helps push me through and keep going! You CAN do this and you WILL get over this rut youre just may take a few more days to get back on board.. I have faith in ya girl!!

    If you get out to take your dogs for a walk tonight, dont look at it as exercise and dont push yourself too hard- just think that you are goin to take them on a casual relaxing walk and enjoy it..after a few minutes of the relaxation you may decide to bump it up a lil..and if not, even casual walking is good for you ! Just ease back into your routine and youlll be back to it before you know it! :flowerforyou:

    So, today..foodwise so far..

    bfast-luna bar

    then lunch was at mexican rest. with a friend (so I can empathize with ya here Kristin)
    I ate maybe 1/2 of a chicken fajita quesadilla and some lettuce and tom and just one or 2 bites of rice...did eat a few chips with a lil salsa and cheese.

    dinner...not sure yet..maybe some soup, though I am NOT in a soup stomach is actually starting to kinda feel ick..not sure why.

    exercise today..35 min on elliptical and did shred dvd level 1 and level 2..about 58 min together, then 5 min cool down of my own. On level 2 I didnt really keep up with their momentum, I was mainly trying to get the moves down for me but maybe with practice I can get as quick as them!

    Sooo..thats it for now..gonna relax for a bit to see if my stomach will settle... Check in with you guys later!!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Katy! You are WONDERFUL!:flowerforyou:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    No prob Kristin :smile:

    So dinner..ended up being a lean cuisine pizza roasted vegetable. it was yummy...and now im drinkin a bud light with lime..still under 1000 cals for my day ...i burned over 1000cals today so my calorie goal was like 2200 or somethin crazy..yea right i hardly ever eat all the calorie alotments.

    Have a good night everyone :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening all. well we still have power from the storm. went to DD for a WII party and some pizza for dinner and storm fun:tongue: . i had brought a salad with me and had 2 slices of tombstone pizza.also brought my own 100 calorie cheesecake dessert. they all ate cake and ice cream. you know it didn't bother me one bit. came home and felt good about what i did and not over stuffed and gave myself a pat on the back.:drinker:
    well off to watch a little tv before the storm makes land fall and we lose power.
    hope to be back tomorrow.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good morning!

    Good luck with surviving the storm chipper hope all goes well!!

    Today food wise will be interesting. I am drinking a protein shake for bfast and maybe a salad for lunch with turkey and provolone. Dinner will be the interesting daughters bday party is this evening at a fun park and they are serving pizza cake and ice cream for dinner. Im thinking that I will bring a luna bar or something like that.

    Exercise wise today..Im going to do my shred dvd in a few minutes..proly just level 1 but we will see. May go to the park for awhile but Im not sure. It may just be shred exercise today cuz I dont really have a lot of time!!

    Tomorrow Im working a 12hr shift so that will be time for exercise unless I do it at 530am!! And I am SO not a morning person! Food wise Im not sure though, I wont get alot of movement in those 12 hours so I need to keep it nice and light....suggestions anyone?

    Hope you guys have a great day and Ill check in after the bday party hopefully :)
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin, POOR YOU!!! But girl, pick yourself up, give your head a shake, and realize that the farther this goes the worse you're going to feel about it. You know how proud you'll feel when you start to accumulate days again that go just as you want them to. Reflect on that before each meal and know that, like you said, the long haul is where we're taking this and there will always be hiccups and challenges. Fresh day, fresh start, and remember that every MOMENT is always a fresh start!!

    Sorry I'm not all caught up - having company has totally kept me away from the computer but I'm still planning my meals so I'm hoping to see a good change come Tuesday!

    Have a great weekend everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning all just a quick drive by for me right now. i have been wanting the mcrib (it's back) so to have it i went and mowed the lawn (1/4 of 3/4 of an acre) burned 1170 calories in 1 1/2 hours. came in to shower now off to get my mcrib. told DH this was the only way i could get it.
    check back later....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Chipper...good for you with mowing! Awesome way to allow the reward!

    Pedalhound...thank you! You are always an inspiration to me!:flowerforyou:

    SO...I went to Spinning! And I feel GREAT!!!!! Now I have to clean the house, do some laundry, and planning on taking the pups on a walk a little later since it quit raining! YAY FOR ME!!!!

    Here's the meal plan for the day:

    Smoothie (1 med banana frozen, 1/2 c. strawberries, 1/2 c. blueberries, AE YoLite Yogurt, 4 oz. PlumSmart Lite juice), 1 multivitamin.---YUMMY!!!!!!

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar free vanilla caramel creamer, soft-baked Kashi TLC blackberry graham bar.

    ???? No clue yet! But I went to the store yesterday and have plenty to choose from!

    Afternoon snack:
    1 med. apple, maybe almonds or chocolate rice cakes...don't know for sure.

    4 oz. tilapia, 1 c. steamed broccoli, 1/3 c. wild rice, and probably a salad beforehand...just got some Asian spritzer dressing...YUM!

    PM Snack:
    No clue. We're going to a friends, so I'll probably just bring a Kashi TLC Honey Almond Flax granola bar with me. Or maybe another piece of fruit!

    Exercise--1 hour Spin class...DONE THIS MORNING!!!!!!

    I feel great! I'm so glad I got up and did it! Now...back to the norm! Have a FABULOUS day everyone and I'll probably check back a little later!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay...lunch is...

    1 red tomato cut into wedges, 1 small cucumber in slices, 1 small zucchini in slices all mixed together with 1 tsp. EVOO and some salt and pepper

    1/2 c. fat free cottage cheese

    3 Melba Toast Whole Wheat crackers

    Diet Coke

    YUMMY...gonna eat now!!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Going Kristen,

    Your smoothie sounds delish. I just got back from an art fair (one of my favorite things to do), but I did buy a small package of those cinnamon roasted almond, warm & always smell so good. They were yummy, but huge calories maybe 1 cup is 855 cals. Now I must make up for this. I will try to go easy on food the rest of the weekend. Maybe not even go to brunch tomorrow.:ohwell: I am going out to do some gardening and if I still have energy I will go for a bike ride later.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm now having my afternoon snack: 1 med apple and 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter...Yum! Almost finished with house chores...then heading to the pet store to get dog food. Hopefully then I can go for a quick walk before dinner!

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    oh, my mcrib was well worth the mowing.. i was afraid it might not be. had a side salad with it and all together was under 600 calories. i took some of DH's fries and yucky they tasted like grease...sure didn't eat many at all. now getting ready to make meatloaf, twice baked sweet potatoes, and some broccoli for dinner. i am having a skinny day. i love it when i feel skinny, i seem to hold my head higher. well better get to making the meatloaf and in the oven.
    have a great weekend.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay chipper! Good day for you!!

    Umm...I am SO freakin excited right now it's not even funny! I BOUGHT A POLAR F6 HRM!!!!!!!!!! I've been wanting one forever and it was on sale today so I bought it!!!!!!!! Took the dogs for a walk to try it out and I actually burned MORE than I used to record! YAY! Anyways...had to share! Off to make dinner now!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    kistinbee....don't you just love it. i love mine, it's not a polar, but does the same things. i am taking the dog out tonight. i normally walk around our huge yard after dinner (4xs) but thought tonight i would walk the neighborhood. which has a total of 2 streets. i think it's a mile around. i will wear my HRM tonight to see.
    have a good dinner and nice evening.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    kistinbee....don't you just love it. i love mine, it's not a polar, but does the same things. i am taking the dog out tonight. i normally walk around our huge yard after dinner (4xs) but thought tonight i would walk the neighborhood. which has a total of 2 streets. i think it's a mile around. i will wear my HRM tonight to see.
    have a good dinner and nice evening.

    Yes...I LOVE it! Although getting used to wearing the strap will take a little while, but it's really not too bad and I like knowing the accuracy is SO much better! Maybe I will start having some better results!

    I just got a call from the hubby...plans are changing for dinner. We are going to a friends. They have chicken kabobs and brats (I will have a kabob) and I am packing a salad to bring. I will also bring a Kashi bar for later. Hopefully this should all be okay, but I have a lot of extra calories from spinning this morning and my walk!

    Have a great evening friends and I'll check back tomorrow!!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey everyone!

    Kristin I am soo glad today was such a good one for you!! YAY!!

    Well, today I did my shred dvd level 1 then about 25 more min of random cardio...bfast was a protein shake, lunch was a luna bar and snack was fiber one cereal with milk..dinner was wendys- grilled ckn sandwich and small chili.

    I did avoid the pizza, cake and ice cream at my daughters party and everyone understood so that was cool. I was starving when we left so we stopped by Wendys. BUT- I think I burnt alot of calories this evening bc I did batting cages, laser tag, and other games and was on my feet for a solid 4 hours! Well, tomorrow is my 12hour shift day so I dont know if I will post til tomorrow night again.

    Hope you guys have a fabulous night and Sunday!!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin, yay for your success AND for your HRM!! I adore my polar f6. Makes a world of difference :happy:

    Chipper, I love skinny days!! I totally know what you mean!

    Katy, good for you for avoiding temptation :tongue:

    I'm afraid I'm having a really rough couple of days since my friend has been here. I tanked ROYALLY today. I need to get my groove back and get my head together! I'm thinking of putting together an inspiration board for myself on a piece of notebook sized paper and keep it somewhere I see often so that I can be reminded constantly why to make the best choices.

    I'm going to go plan my meals for the next couple of days now!