

  • jezziebeth
    jezziebeth Posts: 9 Member
    Current weight: 163lbs (WHAT. I gained 1.2lbs Oops!! Lots of graduation parties this past week. What better way to celebrate than with cake?)
    Pounds lost since last week: 0. I'm back on track though after a week of horrible temptations.
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? Sort of. I've been at this for five months and have measured myself three times. I just never think about it and instead judge by my clothes.
  • momof3babes
    momof3babes Posts: 103
    Current weight: 151
    Pounds lost since last week: 0 :-(
    Question of the week: I haven't been tracking inches but need to start. Judging mostly by trying on my "skinny jeans" and they are getting closer and closer!

    My goal is to chug water since it's TOM and do my 5k training, Pushup challenge, and 30DS consistently!
  • MommyAleong
    MommyAleong Posts: 12
    Current weight: 155lbs
    Pounds lost: 1
    Question of the week. I haven't been tracking inches but try on a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans every couple of weeks to see my inches progess.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Hi ladies! I'll weigh in tomorrow and am excited because I know I finally broke through my plateau! Just want to reiterate - measure, measure, measure! It is such a better indicator of how well you are doing. My scale hadn't budged for a long, long time but I lost 4 inches in one week and I have a waist again :-). That was two weeks ago, last week nothing budged but this week I know I'm down, just not sure of the number or inches yet.

    Keep up all the good work girls! I'm so happy for all of you for making this commitment to yourselves to live healthier lives :happy: .
  • sybil1106
    sybil1106 Posts: 71
    Hello Hello
    My current weight is 176.4
    I lost 2.6 lbs this past week.

    I haven't been tracking my inches. I've only measured my self when I first started this journey. So I'll take some measurements tomorrow morning. Trying to stay consistent.
    I've really had some difficulties with the after dinner snacking. I've been drinking water and decaf green tea. It seems to be helping to curb the cravings. Ahh!! I hope I can keep up this discipline. Actually I hope it soon turns into a life style and not something I have to work so hard at.
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Checking in:
    Current weight: 159
    Pounds lost since last week: 1lb
    I counted my calories, did hot yoga every day of the week, and cycling to and from work every day.

    I've been measuring myself and I highly recommend it to everyone! It took me almost 2 weeks to lose 1lb, but in just this week I lost 7 inches overall! So, get to measuring - it's a big motivator, especially if your scale is being stubborn. :grumble:

    This week's projected workout: (it's expected to rain, rain, rain all week so likely no cycling :frown: )
    Monday: hot yoga (done!), start the two hundred sit-up plan.
    Tuesday: hot yoga
    Wednesday: hot yoga, two hundred sit-up plan
    Thursday: hot yoga (I'm a broken record!)
    Friday: hot yoga, two hundred sit-up plan
    Saturday, Sunday and Monday are likely to be write-off days, as I'm going out of town for the long weekend. So, no exercises, but I'll try my best not to go crazy with the calories. :drinker:

    Great progress everyone! Keep it up!!!

    great idea to record our exercise too :)

    Yesterday I did 75 minutes of walking at 4mph, I was planning on doing JM no more trouble zones last night but I was up so early and was super busy all day by the time the kids went to bed I just collapsed had I not have done my walking (whilst kids were sleeping and hubby stayed home with them) I would have done the workout :)

    Today I plan on doing the above workout.

    p.s. if any of you want an extra motivating friend please feel free to add me :) Nice when we are doing the same challenge :)

    Good luck this week guys :)
  • jannapurna
    jannapurna Posts: 49 Member
    A couple of edits to my last post:
    I had my boyfriend read the scale for me this morning (the lines are small and I didn't have my glasses) and he told me it was 158, more like 157.5, rather than 159! So, I've lost more weight than I thought! 2lbs!! WOOT!!!

    Also, instead of doing the two hundred sit-ups, I think I'm going to grow a pair and try the C25k.

    Let's go, girls!
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    keep it up everyone!!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    This is going to be a rough week. Today is my wedding anniversary and Thursday is my husband's birthday. We're going to be celebrating all week. On top of that, it's my TOM. Talk about when it rains, it pours. I'm going to eat super strict all day, keep working out and we'll see how dinners go...

    I managed Level 3 of 30DS last night and followed that up with a 40 minute dog walk. My pup is a little chunker and when I tried to run she whined. I think I'll be leaving her home tomorrow night!

    I weighed in this morning and am down 1 lb but I typically like to weigh in on Friday. I think I'm going to stick with my Friday weigh ins...

    And to answer the question of the week- I absolutely measure. I haven't been dropping pounds too quickly but the inches are coming off quite nicely.

    My workout plan for the week is to work out every day. I will do a Jillian dvd 5x, walk/run 4x and ab work every night.

    Happy Tuesday ladies!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Weigh in for me this week:

    Start weight: 128
    Current weight: 125.6

    Lost 2.4 lbs this week and 1 inch. :bigsmile:
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    Alright, sorry it took me so long!

    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 126.7
    Pounds lost since last week: .7 (I didn't specify that last week I was at 127.4)
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? No :( I still have to go buy a tape measure.

    note: I might not do very well this week--I mean, I'll eat well, but I can't exercise too much because of a recent stress fracture in my ankle and I'm on crutches :(
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    OK, today's my day to weigh in- lost 1 lb. CW= 136 :happy:
    I'll do measurements on Saturday.
    I need to calculate an accurate bfi which will no doubt make me feel better about building muscle vs. Weight loss. It will be slow.
  • mom2jacob
    mom2jacob Posts: 54
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 173.2
    Pounds lost since last week: +0.2
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? no
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Alright, sorry it took me so long!

    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 126.7
    Pounds lost since last week: .7 (I didn't specify that last week I was at 127.4)
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? No :( I still have to go buy a tape measure.

    note: I might not do very well this week--I mean, I'll eat well, but I can't exercise too much because of a recent stress fracture in my ankle and I'm on crutches :(

    Oh no you poor thing! How did you manage that?
  • jannapurna
    jannapurna Posts: 49 Member
    Just thought I'd share this video with you all. It shows you some moves you can do at home to get a pop star body!
  • macdaddyyall
    SW: 157
    CW: 156.5
    Loss: 0.5 pounds

    Not so great. But I'm taking a chill week, and hopefully it'll keep going down as I start eating back every single damn exercise calorie this week.
  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey Ladies,
    I have good news and bad news...good news first: I haven't gained any weight...yet. Bad news: I broke my little toe! On top of that, we are in the middle of remodeling my kitchen so all I've eaten is crap. Yuck. I have an 8 hour endurance run coming up in 5 weeks that I may have to pull out of because my toe makes it painful to do anything but the elliptical. Grrr...
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Ouch! your poor toe!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    My inspiration for this week:


    I know she's not in a bikini but LOOK AT HER.
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 136
    Pounds lost since last week: 0
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? Yes I am, and I'm really happy that I do, because I've lost inches although I've not lost lbs.

    Have a good week everyone!