

  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Great job ladies. I love reading these to help with the motivation. I love the idea of tracking our exercise to. I think it helps us feel more accountable. Feel free to add me as a friend also.
  • jocelynrinear
    This week's check-in:
    I gained 4.4 lbs. I have the famous visitor. Does this make you gain?
    I am tracking inches too: Lost 2 inches off my waist.
    Lost 1 inch off both thighs.
    Lost 1 inch off my hips.
  • lojohnson
    lojohnson Posts: 3
    Thanks for letting me join Leslie!

    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 127.8
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? I am definetely tracking my measurement(s). Especially when the scale doesn't move much for me, it is better for me to look at my measurements.

  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    My official weigh ins are Saturday mornings. As of this morning however I'm up 2 lbs, thanks to being a woman, so hopefully after some shredding and whatnot that water weight bloating will be blasted away.

    Congrats on everyone and their losses! Friday's my payday and I think I'm going to get a dvd or two off Amazon to add some varitey to my workouts
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hi girls, and welcome to WEEK TWO of our Bikini by July 4th Challenge!!! I have now closed this group due to it's size and my ability to track it all. If you checked in last week you're in, so keep checkin' in!!!!

    Current weight: 185
    Pounds lost since last week: 1
    Question of the week: Yes I am doing them monthly and am super happy about my first results: Right thigh -2"; Left thigh -1.5"; Right arm -1.5"; Left arm -1.75"; Natural waist -1", Hips -1.5!!!!

    This week my workout plan is as follows:
    Sunday: Rest day
    Monday: C25K and yoga
    Tuesday: cardio muscle and30DS - missed this and will add it to tomorrow.
    Wednesday: C25K and yoga
    Thursday: cardio muscle and 30DS
    Friday: C25K and something else to make an hour
    Saturday: Weights and some fat burn on the treadmill
    **I take my two breaks at work and walk a mile in 20 minutes, so that is an additional 40 minutes each day. I was off work Tuesday though so I did NOTHING and I am sad about that :angry:
  • 3girlmommy
    3girlmommy Posts: 24 Member
    I wondered where everyone went :wink:
    Sorry if I'm late!

    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 148
    Pounds lost since last week: 1
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? No....but I probably should be huh.....
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 169 (As of Thursday 5/12 - I weigh on Thursdays.)
    Pounds lost since last week: 1
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? No....and I really hate I didn't get my inches measured when I realized in Nov it was time for a change.
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    Alright, sorry it took me so long!

    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 126.7
    Pounds lost since last week: .7 (I didn't specify that last week I was at 127.4)
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? No :( I still have to go buy a tape measure.

    note: I might not do very well this week--I mean, I'll eat well, but I can't exercise too much because of a recent stress fracture in my ankle and I'm on crutches :(

    Oh no you poor thing! How did you manage that?

    I ran too much too fast about 3 months ago and then didn't take very good care of it because I was training for a triathlon and when I competed in the triathlon last Saturday, my ankle got pretty mad at me...hahah but I got xrays last night and I'm happy to say there's no NEW stress fracture, just bruising from the old one and a pretty bad sprain! Hopefully I'll be off crutches soon, they're terrible
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Oh my gosh girl look after your wee self!

    It's hard when you are focused on a goal to put that aside I know - hope you are feeling better soon and are back onto it :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks to the poster who clued us in... I didn't realize there was a week 2 thread!:laugh: Will there be a new one every week?

    I'm peeved with my scale.
    Last week: 130.2
    This week: 132.4

    I took measurements yesterday but wont measure again for at least 30 days.

    I started P90X last week and my theory is that the gain is reflective of water retention from muscles tearing, swelling and repairing.... oh, and the fact that I ate more food and justified it because I was doing "hard" workouts. I also confess to two fast food visits, one involving two sandwiches. :grumble: The scale is showing me the error of my ways. :wink:

    This week's workouts:
    Monday - rest
    Tuesday- Chest/ Back and Ab Ripper X
    Thursday - Shoulders/Arms and Ab Ripper X
    Friday - Yoga X
    Saturday - Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X
    Sunday - Kenpo X
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member

    Monday - 75 minutes powerwalk
    Tuesday - nothing :(
    Wednesday - 55 minutes jillian michaels no more trouble zones
    Thursday - I will do as yesterday
    Friday - JM NMTZ
    Saturday - JM NMTZ
    Sunday - rest
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Good idea

    Monday - 30DS, 20mins elliptical
    Tuesday - 20mins walk (rest day)
    Wednesday - 30DS, 25mins elliptical, 40mins walk
    Thursday - 30DS, 20mins elliptical, 20mins walk + weights
    Friday - 30DS, 20mins elliptical, 40mins walk
    Saturday - 30DS, 30mins elliptical + weights
    Sunday - 40mins walk (rest day)

    When I put it like that I am a GOOD person!! Wow. I should chill out a bit.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Finally weighing- I'm at 166.7 so I lost around 2 lbs. This week is super rough because of all the drinking and celebratory (lame excuse, I know) eating. I walked for 45 minutes and did level 1 of Ripped in 30. I didn't really feel like I got that great of a burn in but at least I was moving...

    I'm only going to track measurements every couple of weeks. I like to see change and I don't think I'll see too much week to week.

    Happy Thursday ladies! Keep up the great work and keep busting your butts to get in that bikini!! It's almost summer time :)
  • Celeste79
    Celeste79 Posts: 21
    Current weight: 201.2
    Weight Loss: NONE. In fact I'm up .4 lbs
    Measurements: I do measure myself once a month and I'm sad to say I've not lost anything since beginning MFP in January. I'm pretty darn PO'd about that too.

    Got way-sided by a back injury a couple weeks ago and am getting back into the swing of things this week. Managed to spin twice and run once—repeating Week 3 of the C25K program since that is where I left off—frustrating though knowing I **should've** been on Week 5 now; but just have to remind myself that I'm getting back on track now and that's the important thing. Debating on doing a 30DS work-out tonight but not sure if my shoulders are up to the challenge as they've been acting tweaky as well and still are.
  • RENEA72
    RENEA72 Posts: 3 Member
    I gained .5 this week but TOM was here so kinda expected it! I'm going for a 1.5 lose this week wish me luck(:
  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    My scales are DEAD! I shall weigh in next week when I have purchased some more :)

    I also track inches my current mini goal is a 25 inch waist, I'm currently on 25.6!
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 188
    Pounds lost since last week: 2- since I started this challenge
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? Not yet but I plan to. Once I start I'll add my begining measurements and keep track of those as well
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    Oh my gosh girl look after your wee self!

    It's hard when you are focused on a goal to put that aside I know - hope you are feeling better soon and are back onto it :)

    aww, thanks fromaquizer! Haha I'll try to remember to take care of myself next time. I saw the doctor today, though (not the stupid clinic doctors, the real one)...crutches for 2 more weeks :(:(:( He caught something on the xrays that the doctor at the clinic didn't.
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    Mini victory for myself, I actually completed an entire workout on level 1 of the 30DS and I did not stop to take one break. This is such a HUGE accomplishment for me because I ALWAYS would put the weights down for a 8 count:sad: or take a knee and catch my breath:embarassed: and for the first time ever I completed an entire workout with Jillian! Yay me! :happy: :drinker:
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Mini victory for myself, I actually completed an entire workout on level 1 of the 30DS and I did not stop to take one break. This is such a HUGE accomplishment for me because I ALWAYS would put the weights down for a 8 count:sad: or take a knee and catch my breath:embarassed: and for the first time ever I completed an entire workout with Jillian! Yay me! :happy: :drinker:
    Great Job!!!