Is it fair to fine fat people for not dieting?



  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    But, being a normal weight doesn't assure health. That's been brought up ad nauseum in these forums. Sure, the chances are higher that someone who is overweight MAY have more health issues. I'm in good health even though I need to lose weight (for now, I know). The only doctor visits I make are for my "annual" and I've never been on any medications whatsoever.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    It’s just like how auto insurance has to pay out even if you were an idiot and did something stupid like drove with a cell phone, drove too fast on wet roads or painted your toes while driving. Unfortunately, idiocy is insured 99.9% of the time. As long as you aren’t convicted of a criminal code violation we have to pay and even then there is a lot of accident benefit coverage’s insurers cannot deny and subrogation is very costly so most insurers don’t try to get their money back.

    ~ Happy to be an underwriter not an adjuster ;)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Well, I don't think it is fair to fine a person for being overweight or for smoking. After all we have the right to make those choices...however, refusing to follow a dr's advice is expensive to the tax payer. So perhaps instead of fining them it would be better to lower the coverage of person who refuses to comply...but then, in order to do that, they would have to provide couseling to help people stop their self destruction. Smoking cessation classes and eating disorders can be expensive.... So, I guess, my opinion is its wrong, but I see their point?! LOL

    What about the people on certain medications who gain weight or people who find it hard to lose after having babies or ppl who suffer depression and eat a lot its not fair to reduce their coverage on insurance if we look at them and assume they don't comply

    Wouldn't this be noted by the doctor?

    So people without insurance would then have to pay a doctor to get a note for the judge to avoid a fine from the government. What would be the standards then? If I lose 30 lbs, but still have 20 to go...would I be fined until I met what the government says is my goal weight? So Big Brother could basically set down a flat weight everyone needs to be at and collect until they reach it? Then we can all wear the same clothes so we don't get clothing fines. We should also probably read the same books, because the uneducated would be fined. Also, there's that whole religion thing. There are a few people out there with different faiths that could pay in $50 til they convert. Oh...and the unemployed. If they're not working like everyone else..fine them til they're like everyone else.
    The list goes on and on until we all resemble a really bad made for SyFy movie on a Tuesday night.

    The article stated that the fine would be for the people who have not established a regimen with their doctor. It doesn't say that they have to complete it to avoid a fine. If I misread it, I apologize.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    dont cover them for obesity related illnesses. simples :tongue:
  • Selphie8
    Selphie8 Posts: 10 Member
    those who stand next to people who smoke, those whose parents smoked around them, those whose mothers drank while pregnant,

    There is a HUGE difference between those who suffer health problems due to their own decisions, and those who suffer because of other people.
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I worked in the hospitality industry for many years.... at a fine 5 star hotel. Where doctors would come with their families and friends to spend the weekend which was entirely paid for by the pharmaceutical companies that were pushing their products. There would minimal conference time and then a complete right off for said company and then doctors would go back to their offices and clinics and try and prescribe the product...... Kick Back, yes I think so. Take said money and re-invest in health care and I think we'd all benefit instead of charging an individual for their short comings!!!!!!!!

    Spend a night in the emergency room with your sick child with other mothers and elderly alike and I think your opinion would be other wise!!
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    It's not fair, will it happen in the future? - probably. I think before that happens the bMI needs to be looked at as many athletes and people in top shape are over thier BMI.
    While your on this line of reasoning, wouldn't it be better to make a reproduction license? That way You, or who-ever is in control could 'weed out' all the undesirable traits you mention and in 100 years have the society you dream of. They already do this in China in some form....
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    I'll tell you why. I'm overweight still even though I'm working hard at it and have lost 26 lbs. I'm on state aid, not because I'm lazy. I work two jobs and go to college. I'm on state aid because my husband of 15 years left me and our two children for another woman to breed with. My two jobs don't offer insurance, hence me going to school so I can get a better job to provide that for them. I don't get child fact I'm owed $46,000 in it right now. This article (is how the word is spelled) would fine my *kitten* $50 for being overweight. I can't pull another $50 out of thin air if I tried. I also want to point out that I didn't get overweight from being lazy, nor am I a crack addict or some foodstamp *kitten* that makes babies to make money...nor did I get on the system to make your life more miserable. I did it so my children can get their school shots or, for when my oldest got mono..I wouldn't have to sell a kidney on the black market to take care of him.
    THIS is why the article is wrong.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    The short answer to your question is yes. However I don't think it's the best way to reach the goal they are trying to achieve. This "fat tax" will be seen as nothing more than a way for Arizona to create a new revenue stream. I would be really surprised if it actually becomes a law, but you never know with Arizona.

    The truth is that the obesity issue in the U.S. is incredibly complicated. There are socioeconomic issues, education issues, food source issues, health care issues, etc. I think Arizona, or any state for that matter, would do a lot better with their obesity rates if they broke each of these issues up separately and addressed them individually. Create better paying jobs so people have money to buy the food they need. Provide a free nutrition service to people who are overweight and want to lose weight. Tax restaurants that serve grossly unhealthy food (like alcohol and tobacco taxes). Give an incentive to doctors who spend time with their patients discussing weight loss and give tax breaks to free clinics that provide weight loss counseling. This is basic stuff here that could be done to improve our conditions.

    In the mean time, people will work 2 part-time jobs, buy 99 cent cheese burgers from McDonalds, have no idea the effect high calorie, fat, carb, sodium food will have on their body, and be denied health coverage for pre-existing conditions.
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    I'll tell you why. I'm overweight still even though I'm working hard at it and have lost 26 lbs. I'm on state aid, not because I'm lazy. I work two jobs and go to college. I'm on state aid because my husband of 15 years left me and our two children for another woman to breed with. My two jobs don't offer insurance, hence me going to school so I can get a better job to provide that for them. I don't get child fact I'm owed $46,000 in it right now. This article (is how the word is spelled) would fine my *kitten* $50 for being overweight. I can't pull another $50 out of thin air if I tried. I also want to point out that I didn't get overweight from being lazy, nor am I a crack addict or some foodstamp *kitten* that makes babies to make money...nor did I get on the system to make your life more miserable. I did it so my children can get their school shots or, for when my oldest got mono..I wouldn't have to sell a kidney on the black market to take care of him.
    THIS is why the article is wrong.

    But look at you. You are down 26 amazing pounds. You have stepped out of that zone. You are wanting to make a wise decision that will help you. You wouldn't be fined the fifty bucks.
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    I'll tell you why. I'm overweight still even though I'm working hard at it and have lost 26 lbs. I'm on state aid, not because I'm lazy. I work two jobs and go to college. I'm on state aid because my husband of 15 years left me and our two children for another woman to breed with. My two jobs don't offer insurance, hence me going to school so I can get a better job to provide that for them. I don't get child fact I'm owed $46,000 in it right now. This article (is how the word is spelled) would fine my *kitten* $50 for being overweight. I can't pull another $50 out of thin air if I tried. I also want to point out that I didn't get overweight from being lazy, nor am I a crack addict or some foodstamp *kitten* that makes babies to make money...nor did I get on the system to make your life more miserable. I did it so my children can get their school shots or, for when my oldest got mono..I wouldn't have to sell a kidney on the black market to take care of him.
    THIS is why the article is wrong.

    But look at you. You are down 26 amazing pounds. You have stepped out of that zone. You are wanting to make a wise decision that will help you. You wouldn't be fined the fifty bucks.
    Thank you. It still angers me though that people are lumped together as a "whole". If you're on welfare, then you're overweight and irresponsible, and therefore should be fined until you conform. Conformity, even a $50 conformity "incentive", is dangerous.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I like the idea but it could definitely be viewed as discriminatory. And I'd be interested to see how they plan on following up with the fines. Would it be a slap on the wrist or a be seen as severe as tax evasion?

    Personally, I believe it would be more effective to revamp the EBT/food stamp system. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great system to help those that need it but I've also seen it abused. IMHO, foods like ice cream, soda, chips or even sugary cereals should not be covered.
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    In a way I completely agree with you but in another I don't. I have worked in medicine for 11 years...seeing various classes of people from the wealthy to the dirt poor. Yes I agree that it is unfair that we have to pay for everyone elses Healthcare and I can barely afford to pay for my son's because of my income bracket. The problem with judging everyone who has government based insurance is this....NOT all of them have a choice. I have patients who are beaten down single mothers who have been victims of abuse....left by their husbands...left with children to feed .... who are disabled due to a certain ailment.....IE Sarcoidosis....can flare causing the patient to have to go onto Prednisone, which is a steroid, which causes you, if taken for an extended period of time, to gain excess weight....some of these patients can never come off of this...This is only one example.. So do I agree wtih the fine? NO! There are people that abuse the system and no matter what rules are made what fines are set in place they will always abuse it. You can not group everyone together like that.....To many people who actually need the assistance will suffer.
  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    The article raises some good points. We are at crisis mode in the United States. The article clearly states that people with problems (medical, children etc....) would not be subject to this fine.

    Just to be Devil's advocate here.... has anyone noticed what people do with their welfare money.... not food stamps.... but welfare money. It is often spent with no responsibility.... I have seen people with a carriage in Wal-mart with their 2 year old screaming in the seat while they select 2 thirty racks of bud light and go straight for the cash register and ask for a couple of cartons of cigarettes. How do I know they are on welfare? Because when they pull out their "debit card" to pay in Massachusettes it is a very recognizable card that everyone on welfare gets.

    Also, I have spent time standing in customer service lines at Shaws and Wal-mart only to have 3 VERY large people in front of me in a scooter cashing their welfare check..... only to think to myself that this is MY MONEY they are spending.... and yours too. I think any incentive to help guide some of these people into a responsible lifestyle is a positive step. Oh yeah.... when I was going out to my car to leave.... I saw the person in the scooter get up, return the scooter and walk clear across the parking lot to get into their car and leave.

    Now I know the discussion is about medicaid and I know I sound synical.... but the article also states that there are benefits. If there are things like gym memberships etc.... then how can this be a bad thing? Also, the cost of fruits and veggies is actually less than the fast food junk they serve at McDonalds and Burger King. A healthier country is a more prosperous country. While no system is perfect, I am all for taking a drastic and possibly unpopular step towards making a difference.
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    I like the idea but it could definitely be viewed as discriminatory. And I'd be interested to see how they plan on following up with the fines. Would it be a slap on the wrist or a be seen as severe as tax evasion?

    Personally, I believe it would be more effective to revamp the EBT/food stamp system. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great system to help those that need it but I've also seen it abused. IMHO, foods like ice cream, soda, chips or even sugary cereals should not be covered.

    Sure. I'll agree that it should be revamped, but everyone could use a sweet treat every once in a while. Too bad they can't but a limitation do it. Same with those not on it. I don't have foodstamps or anything of the such, but it sure would be nice if someone monitored what I buy. But then again, that would get too creepy. Thus in saying, it all falls back on us. We are the only ones who can control what we buy and put in our bodies.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Over here and I am sure in the states, shops only sell "perfect" veg and fruit.... you go to someplace like Spain...... its all sold regardless of what it looks like, and its cheaper.

    My favorite grocery store has a discount rack for over-the-hill fruit & veggies. Like bananas that are starting to go black or slightly mushy peppers. I always check for something I can use. Got a pound of sliced baby bella mushrooms for 74 cents!

    That said, my overweight husband is much healthier than my skinny ex ever was. I was healthier overweight than I was when I was young and skinny, too. I'm healthier NOW than I was at either extreme, but weight alone isn't a true indicator of health.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    I'll tell you why. I'm overweight still even though I'm working hard at it and have lost 26 lbs. I'm on state aid, not because I'm lazy. I work two jobs and go to college. I'm on state aid because my husband of 15 years left me and our two children for another woman to breed with. My two jobs don't offer insurance, hence me going to school so I can get a better job to provide that for them. I don't get child fact I'm owed $46,000 in it right now. This article (is how the word is spelled) would fine my *kitten* $50 for being overweight. I can't pull another $50 out of thin air if I tried. I also want to point out that I didn't get overweight from being lazy, nor am I a crack addict or some foodstamp *kitten* that makes babies to make money...nor did I get on the system to make your life more miserable. I did it so my children can get their school shots or, for when my oldest got mono..I wouldn't have to sell a kidney on the black market to take care of him.
    THIS is why the article is wrong.

    Once again read the whole damn article before you comment heres a quote for you to wrap your brain around this is from the ARTICLE
    Rewards for those who meet slimming targets could come in the form of keep-fit videos or other kinds of incentives, says Ms Coury. People with children, and those overweight due to a medical condition will not have to pay.

    "But if you are just an average person who is able to do something to address your weight issue, and your doctor believes you can do something about it and prescribes a regime for you and you choose not to follow it, your treatment [for heart problems in later life, for example] is costing more and we're asking you to put something back to the system."

    Ive been on state aid myself,I didnt say everyone on it was a crack hoe or anything.But it is heavily abused.So because im married and my husband grosses a high amount of money BEFOR we get the **** taxed out of us my KIDS cant get health care,and his job does not provide it either.So feel lucky that atleast your KIDS get to go to the drs when mine cant unless its an emergancy.I would HAPPILY pay an extra 50 bucks a year if it ment I didnt go into debt everytime one of my kids were sick.
    Some time ago I had a pretty bad brain injury it affected the way my brain works as far as spelling and math an such goes.So if it makes you feel better about yourself go right a head and correct my words I dont give a ****.I cant even get dissablity for it because I am still phiscally able to work,which I cant do because the day care would cost more than I would be able to make.
    MY POINT WAS people should read the whole article before the go and make comments on it which it seems no one really did...YOU INCLUDED!
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    I'll tell you why. I'm overweight still even though I'm working hard at it and have lost 26 lbs. I'm on state aid, not because I'm lazy. I work two jobs and go to college. I'm on state aid because my husband of 15 years left me and our two children for another woman to breed with. My two jobs don't offer insurance, hence me going to school so I can get a better job to provide that for them. I don't get child fact I'm owed $46,000 in it right now. This article (is how the word is spelled) would fine my *kitten* $50 for being overweight. I can't pull another $50 out of thin air if I tried. I also want to point out that I didn't get overweight from being lazy, nor am I a crack addict or some foodstamp *kitten* that makes babies to make money...nor did I get on the system to make your life more miserable. I did it so my children can get their school shots or, for when my oldest got mono..I wouldn't have to sell a kidney on the black market to take care of him.
    THIS is why the article is wrong.

    But look at you. You are down 26 amazing pounds. You have stepped out of that zone. You are wanting to make a wise decision that will help you. You wouldn't be fined the fifty bucks.
    Thank you. It still angers me though that people are lumped together as a "whole". If you're on welfare, then you're overweight and irresponsible, and therefore should be fined until you conform. Conformity, even a $50 conformity "incentive", is dangerous.

    It doesn't matter what group you're apart of, you're still going to be a 'whole.' Unfortunately. My sister has put such a horrible name to herself that is has affected me. I have to step out of that place and be my own person. It will be hard and some people will still assume I'm the same person as her, but I know I'm not. There are some people who break the mold and as it seems, you're one of them. It's refreshing to know that.
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    I like the idea but it could definitely be viewed as discriminatory. And I'd be interested to see how they plan on following up with the fines. Would it be a slap on the wrist or a be seen as severe as tax evasion?

    Personally, I believe it would be more effective to revamp the EBT/food stamp system. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great system to help those that need it but I've also seen it abused. IMHO, foods like ice cream, soda, chips or even sugary cereals should not be covered.
    I'm allotted a flat amount each month which varies depending on how much I make. If I blow it all on donuts, I'm stuck the rest of the month with no money to feed my kids. I plan my food budget wisely (although some may not). I worked in human services for 8 years helping low income people budget. Some on the system are uneducated or mentally handicapped and have a problem budgeting. Unfortunately, state funds for my non-profit job were my State no longer educates the value of budgeting on these people. It's a catch 22. No one wants welfare folk to eat spaghettios, but no one wants to teach them how to budget. No one wants to aid non-profit child and family services, but no one wants to teach the responsibility of birth control or proper child care. YET...let's fine the fatties.
    Raise your hand if you can tell I'm enraged yet. ;)