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Is it fair to fine fat people for not dieting?



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    weight alone isn't a true indicator of health.

    This... in a nut shell is what it's all about.
  • Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    I'll tell you why. I'm overweight still even though I'm working hard at it and have lost 26 lbs. I'm on state aid, not because I'm lazy. I work two jobs and go to college. I'm on state aid because my husband of 15 years left me and our two children for another woman to breed with. My two jobs don't offer insurance, hence me going to school so I can get a better job to provide that for them. I don't get child support...in fact I'm owed $46,000 in it right now. This article (is how the word is spelled) would fine my *kitten* $50 for being overweight. I can't pull another $50 out of thin air if I tried. I also want to point out that I didn't get overweight from being lazy, nor am I a crack addict or some foodstamp *kitten* that makes babies to make money...nor did I get on the system to make your life more miserable. I did it so my children can get their school shots or, for when my oldest got mono..I wouldn't have to sell a kidney on the black market to take care of him.
    THIS is why the article is wrong.

    Once again read the whole damn article before you comment heres a quote for you to wrap your brain around this is from the ARTICLE
    Rewards for those who meet slimming targets could come in the form of keep-fit videos or other kinds of incentives, says Ms Coury. People with children, and those overweight due to a medical condition will not have to pay.

    "But if you are just an average person who is able to do something to address your weight issue, and your doctor believes you can do something about it and prescribes a regime for you and you choose not to follow it, your treatment [for heart problems in later life, for example] is costing more and we're asking you to put something back to the system."

    Ive been on state aid myself,I didnt say everyone on it was a crack hoe or anything.But it is heavily abused.So because im married and my husband grosses a high amount of money BEFOR we get the **** taxed out of us my KIDS cant get health care,and his job does not provide it either.So feel lucky that atleast your KIDS get to go to the drs when mine cant unless its an emergancy.I would HAPPILY pay an extra 50 bucks a year if it ment I didnt go into debt everytime one of my kids were sick.
    Some time ago I had a pretty bad brain injury it affected the way my brain works as far as spelling and math an such goes.So if it makes you feel better about yourself go right a head and correct my words I dont give a ****.I cant even get dissablity for it because I am still phiscally able to work,which I cant do because the day care would cost more than I would be able to make.
    MY POINT WAS people should read the whole article before the go and make comments on it which it seems no one really did...YOU INCLUDED!
    I forgot to mention that I'm on welfare so can't read.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Too many loopholes...instead of targeting the people, why don't we target the education and the production of food. If all we have are healthy choices to make, we'll make them. Drop the prices on fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts, lean meats and the like and tax the bajeebus out of things that have no nutritional value (like soda, ramen noodles, twinkies, etc). Of course, you'll always have the people who buy the junk anyway (there is no way I would live my life without macaroni and cheese, no matter how expensive it is!), but I'll bet there'll be a lot more healthy people. Like it or not, people have the RIGHT to be fat, and sometimes have no choice. But if we stop treating healthy, and organic!, food like it was a foreign thing, I think that it would really help.

    Excellent post!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    If people would read the article they would see that people makeing and effort,or people with kids,or medical conditions would not be fined.What is wrong with that?They only want to fine the people who are able but not willing.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    If they had a serious random drug testing program they could weed alot of people of the dole. I have to be radom drug tested at my work, like many people. I guess welfare is for the people who fail the test, LOL
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    If they had a serious random drug testing program they could weed alot of people of the dole. I have to be radom drug tested at my work, like many people. I guess welfare is for the people who fail the test, LOL

    I know of some states that do random drug testing for welfare,and I fully believe ALL states should.
    and its funny when I was on state aid in cali the sent me to classes on nutrition,budgeting,job help classes all that.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Well here in the USA we are free to be as stupid as we want. I don’t believe in fining people for their free choice to be stupid, but I would be ok with rewarding people that do make smart choices. But the government should stay out of it. Insurance companies do give cheaper rates for people that take care of themselves, and the government could help by getting out of the insurance companies way and letting them compete. Employers can and do offer incentives for employees that are in better health, again the government can help by getting out of the way, i.e. it’s not discrimination to offer a healthy person cheaper insurance than a obese person.
  • If they had a serious random drug testing program they could weed alot of people of the dole. I have to be radom drug tested at my work, like many people. I guess welfare is for the people who fail the test, LOL

    I know of some states that do random drug testing for welfare,and I fully believe ALL states should.
    and its funny when I was on state aid in cali the sent me to classes on nutrition,budgeting,job help classes all that.
    It's a State to State thing. If a State can get funded for the education, they will (same with drug testing). It all falls down to voting and which social services can stay funded or have to close. We even lost an agency that provided free donated wheelchairs, walkers and canes to the elderly. One year you can be open, the next closed....leaving a lot of state aided individuals/families in the abyss of where to go or what to do. My State is heavy with the remnants of deinstitutionalization where the elderly and mentally ill were kicked to the curb and left homeless and unmedicated due to closed agencies and lack of funding.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Frankly it's just another way of blaming the poor for the fiscal woes of the country. The fact is that most people in poverty don't have as much availability to healthy foods. It's not coincidence that as SES lowers, waist line increases. Sure many people can manage to buy healthy foods while staying in a strict budget, but it takes a lot more work and often going to multiple stores (a produce store/farmer's market/etc.) which might not be difficult if you have a car, but for someone who has to walk or rely on public transit, it's a problem.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Only if they start fining those who get too drunk, those who smoke, those who stand next to people who smoke, those whose parents smoked around them, those whose mothers drank while pregnant, those who take drugs recreationally etc etc.

    Basically if you fine one "drain on society" then you fine them all or it's discrimination.

    Well said!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Absolutely not!!! skinny does not equal healthy, and fat does not equal unhealthy. yes, if you are obese it increases your chances of getting certain diseases. but skinny people can be just as unhealthy if not worse. the size of your body has nothing to do with what your insides look like! I know lots of skinny people that smoke and drink and eat crap all day long, lots of skinny people with diabetes and heart disease. and at the same time, I know lots of bigger people that eat healthy and their insides are healthy as can be. Don't judge a book by it's cover! Should the govt encourage weight loss? yes? but try fixing the "food guide pyramid" for starters, or making more health restaurants and grocery store options. cut back on the processed crap that is made just to make more money. Start making doctors prescribe healthy diets instead of pills. I could go on and on, but I'll stop.

    Just my opinion!
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    Only if they start fining those who get too drunk, those who smoke, those who stand next to people who smoke, those whose parents smoked around them, those whose mothers drank while pregnant, those who take drugs recreationally etc etc.

    Basically if you fine one "drain on society" then you fine them all or it's discrimination.

    Spot on. I couldn't agree more with this post!
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    I'll tell you why. I'm overweight still even though I'm working hard at it and have lost 26 lbs. I'm on state aid, not because I'm lazy. I work two jobs and go to college. I'm on state aid because my husband of 15 years left me and our two children for another woman to breed with. My two jobs don't offer insurance, hence me going to school so I can get a better job to provide that for them. I don't get child support...in fact I'm owed $46,000 in it right now. This article (is how the word is spelled) would fine my *kitten* $50 for being overweight. I can't pull another $50 out of thin air if I tried. I also want to point out that I didn't get overweight from being lazy, nor am I a crack addict or some foodstamp *kitten* that makes babies to make money...nor did I get on the system to make your life more miserable. I did it so my children can get their school shots or, for when my oldest got mono..I wouldn't have to sell a kidney on the black market to take care of him.
    THIS is why the article is wrong.

    Wow.....my heart goes out to you. (((Hugs)))
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Frankly it's just another way of blaming the poor for the fiscal woes of the country. The fact is that most people in poverty don't have as much availability to healthy foods. It's not coincidence that as SES lowers, waist line increases. Sure many people can manage to buy healthy foods while staying in a strict budget, but it takes a lot more work and often going to multiple stores (a produce store/farmer's market/etc.) which might not be difficult if you have a car, but for someone who has to walk or rely on public transit, it's a problem.

    My family eats healthy on a very small grocery budget,you do not need to buy organic.I worked for about a year as a chashier at wal mart.this is what I saw when it came to the people with food stamps,a few would come in and buy lotts of canned or frozen veggies,lots of chicken.you can get a 10 pound bag of chicken breast at wal mart for 10 bucks.Most everyone else would come in buying 5 twelve packs of soda,chips,ice cream,hostess,bulk packages of hamburgers,frozen french fries,gallons of chocolate milk (a gallon of chocolate milk here is 3 something regular milk 2)
    My neighbour who is on state aid says that atleast where I am at they offer nutriton and bugeting classes here,but it does not change anything.
    There are many many people on aid who are doing the right thing and they are struggling to try and better their lives and the lives of their children,but there are just as many who are not and are milking the system for all its worth.Its very frustrating.It is just to easy for people to take advantage.
    Last christmas I volunterred for a charity that is similar to toys for tots,we provided new toys to families that were on aid or low income.we couldnt help everyone,yet there were people that showed up to pick up toys in their brand new cars sitting in line with Iphones and Ipads and I couldnt help wonder how many children we were not able to help who deserved it because of the ones that took advatage of it.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Absolutely not!!! skinny does not equal healthy, and fat does not equal unhealthy. yes, if you are obese it increases your chances of getting certain diseases. but skinny people can be just as unhealthy if not worse. the size of your body has nothing to do with what your insides look like! I know lots of skinny people that smoke and drink and eat crap all day long, lots of skinny people with diabetes and heart disease. and at the same time, I know lots of bigger people that eat healthy and their insides are healthy as can be. Don't judge a book by it's cover! Should the govt encourage weight loss? yes? but try fixing the "food guide pyramid" for starters, or making more health restaurants and grocery store options. cut back on the processed crap that is made just to make more money. Start making doctors prescribe healthy diets instead of pills. I could go on and on, but I'll stop.

    Just my opinion!

    And there is the rub, and why I hate the government getting involved in anything. Who decides what is healthy and what is not. Is it weight, is it cholesterol levels, is it what types of foods you eat?
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Absolutely not!!! skinny does not equal healthy, and fat does not equal unhealthy. yes, if you are obese it increases your chances of getting certain diseases. but skinny people can be just as unhealthy if not worse. the size of your body has nothing to do with what your insides look like! I know lots of skinny people that smoke and drink and eat crap all day long, lots of skinny people with diabetes and heart disease. and at the same time, I know lots of bigger people that eat healthy and their insides are healthy as can be. Don't judge a book by it's cover! Should the govt encourage weight loss? yes? but try fixing the "food guide pyramid" for starters, or making more health restaurants and grocery store options. cut back on the processed crap that is made just to make more money. Start making doctors prescribe healthy diets instead of pills. I could go on and on, but I'll stop.

    Just my opinion!

    Girl preach:))
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Frankly it's just another way of blaming the poor for the fiscal woes of the country. The fact is that most people in poverty don't have as much availability to healthy foods. It's not coincidence that as SES lowers, waist line increases. Sure many people can manage to buy healthy foods while staying in a strict budget, but it takes a lot more work and often going to multiple stores (a produce store/farmer's market/etc.) which might not be difficult if you have a car, but for someone who has to walk or rely on public transit, it's a problem.

    My family eats healthy on a very small grocery budget,you do not need to buy organic.I worked for about a year as a chashier at wal mart.this is what I saw when it came to the people with food stamps,a few would come in and buy lotts of canned or frozen veggies,lots of chicken.you can get a 10 pound bag of chicken breast at wal mart for 10 bucks.Most everyone else would come in buying 5 twelve packs of soda,chips,ice cream,hostess,bulk packages of hamburgers,frozen french fries,gallons of chocolate milk (a gallon of chocolate milk here is 3 something regular milk 2)
    My neighbour who is on state aid says that atleast where I am at they offer nutriton and bugeting classes here,but it does not change anything.
    There are many many people on aid who are doing the right thing and they are struggling to try and better their lives and the lives of their children,but there are just as many who are not and are milking the system for all its worth.Its very frustrating.It is just to easy for people to take advantage.
    Last christmas I volunterred for a charity that is similar to toys for tots,we provided new toys to families that were on aid or low income.we couldnt help everyone,yet there were people that showed up to pick up toys in their brand new cars sitting in line with Iphones and Ipads and I couldnt help wonder how many children we were not able to help who deserved it because of the ones that took advatage of it.

    I totally understand where you're coming from. I have a degree in social work and worked in the field for a while. I saw first hand how many of my clients abused the system. Very sad. I also saw first hand clients who really really needed the help and were trying to get out of the situation. Heart breaking for me....some nights I didn't sleep. Anyway, while I understand your frustration, I don' t think it would do any good to place a fine on people needing aid....I honestly don't. I think some the other ideas many have listed here would be better. Either way....it involves government action.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Lets look at it this way,since they were talking about smokers also. I am a smoker have been for a very long time.would if I was getting state medical and they offered me help,pills classes whatever and I chose to not even try,why shouldnt I have to pay a little bit down the line to help with the cost of my healthcare when i end up with emphysema?
    What they want to fine is people without children and medical conditions who refuse help for their weight or smoking.So say someone on state aid was told to join something like mfp to help montier there calories and mabey learn a little bit about better nutrition and wouldnt even attempt it,then they would have to pay the yearly fine. I do not see a problem with that
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I totally understand where you're coming from. I have a degree in social work and worked in the field for a while. I saw first hand how many of my clients abused the system. Very sad. I also saw first hand clients who really really needed the help and were trying to get out of the situation. Heart breaking for me....some nights I didn't sleep. Anyway, while I understand your frustration, I don' t think it would do any good to place a fine on people needing aid....I honestly don't. I think some the other ideas many have listed here would be better. Either way....it involves government action.

    I agree with everything execpt this last little bit,,,,,,,,,, It involves government action. I would put it this way,,,,,,,,,,,, it's CAUSED by government action. IMO :smile:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    I'll tell you why. I'm overweight still even though I'm working hard at it and have lost 26 lbs. I'm on state aid, not because I'm lazy. I work two jobs and go to college. I'm on state aid because my husband of 15 years left me and our two children for another woman to breed with. My two jobs don't offer insurance, hence me going to school so I can get a better job to provide that for them. I don't get child support...in fact I'm owed $46,000 in it right now. This article (is how the word is spelled) would fine my *kitten* $50 for being overweight. I can't pull another $50 out of thin air if I tried. I also want to point out that I didn't get overweight from being lazy, nor am I a crack addict or some foodstamp *kitten* that makes babies to make money...nor did I get on the system to make your life more miserable. I did it so my children can get their school shots or, for when my oldest got mono..I wouldn't have to sell a kidney on the black market to take care of him.
    THIS is why the article is wrong.

    But look at you. You are down 26 amazing pounds. You have stepped out of that zone. You are wanting to make a wise decision that will help you. You wouldn't be fined the fifty bucks.
    Thank you. It still angers me though that people are lumped together as a "whole". If you're on welfare, then you're overweight and irresponsible, and therefore should be fined until you conform. Conformity, even a $50 conformity "incentive", is dangerous.

    If I read it correctly, I don't believe the idea is to fine you just b/c you are overweight. I believe the fine is for those that are overweight AND have been instructed by a doctor to lose weight AND choose to ignore that advice. My sister was on state aid for many years for the exact reasons you stated above...deadbeat dad behind in child support, etc. And she is not lazy, she has worked her butt off to do right by them, but sometimes you need extra help. I don't think the idea is to further make those already in trouble MORE in the hole, but for those who choose to ignore the advice to help them get better. Again, I only read it through once, but that is how I took it.