Just binged now feel like quitting :(

Yup that time of month and i just binged hardcore on chocolate :( it's so hard to get back on track after binging and I just feel like quitting now. I hate this so much. Need help :( Sorry just need to vent...


  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    uhhh how bout nooo don't do it!!!


    come join my weight loss challenge - we'll keep you motivated!!! check out page 6 post that has an image of a girl/guy holding up a rules sign to get the skinny on us...
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Don't stress it. Use it as motivation! Turn a negative into a positive!
  • Caroline9252
    We all have these days for sure. We do it get mad, and it makes us want to give up. Dont let this bring you down! Stay strong and dont worry about this.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    Don't quit. Tomorrow's a new day. I did the same thing and I feel dumb for doing it, but it'll be just fine. Go back to doing what you know is good. Just don't quit...you'll feel worse!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    You can quit but then you will never reach your goal.
    You need to look @ why you hate this so much...... when I started out, I allowed myself to have a little treat every day. That way I did not binge. As I progressed, I slowly reduced the treat to now it is almost eliminated from my diet & I no longer miss it. Maybe you are trying to change your eating habits too quickly. Maybe back off a little bit & make slower changes. You can do this..... you just have to want it enough.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    *kitten* happens. Suck it up and move on. :love:

    Besides, being on your period cancels out chocolate. Its like a scientific fact or something.
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Don't beat yourself up - just work it off tomorrow. Amp up your workout, or workout if you don't usually. Burn that chocolate off!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    *kitten* happens. Suck it up and move on. :love:

    Besides, being on your period cancels out chocolate. Its like a scientific fact or something.

    Yup, exactly. Don't worry about it! Keep on keeping on! Life's a garden, dig it!
  • dnytna
    dnytna Posts: 12 Member
    Same here - except I went for the peanut butter cup cookies - ugh! I have a bad migraine tonight and when I get one - I can't think straight and don't deny myself anything (the problem with that is that I have been getting them 2-4 times a week for the past few months).

    Don't give up. We are all human and tomorrow is a new day and I know tomorrow will be better than today. Hugs!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Ah, to be human, which is what we are! lol Tomorrow's a new day and you will indeed continue on your successful journey! :o)

    (That's one thing I really enjoy about getting older, no TOM!! But then again I have nothing to blame my chocolate cravings on :tongue: )
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    And quitting will accomplish what? More binges, weight gain, undoing all you've worked so hard for - all over a little chocolate?!?

    If you ate more than 500 calories worth (your daily deficit), then just work out a little harder the next few days. No big deal, we've ALL done it. (anyone who says they haven't is lying! :wink: )
  • rlyoungers
    rlyoungers Posts: 14
    Oh, I know the feeling! Everybody has those days, and one meal or day of overeating is not going to derail your efforts - it is what you do about that will. I know because I've done it - I overdo it for lunch, so then I give up for the day and end up overeating all day. Then I think, oh well, tracking sucks, I'm done...and then I won't track for a week and each day I'll overindulge some more. By the time I finally get back to it, I'll have really set myself back. So don't let yourself give up, get right back to it and it will blow over in no time. :)
  • cuteone3163
    Don't give up 2mrrow is a new day. I do the same thing when its that time of the month. But forgive urself and move forward. Giving up is not a good thing. You can do it!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Why feel guilty about something you craved...eat it move on and depending on where you live or what kind of access you have to equipment...work out to relieve some of the stress your feeling now...some people just have to eat what they love 'I do" just do it in moderation have one piece every night..and account for it on your calories
  • crishta
    crishta Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there. I just joined myfitnesspal and started reading some posts. I usually don't post anything on any website, but I had to say something to you. It’s okay to feel like quitting; but it's not okay to quit. Everybody has weak moments, and loses focus of our ultimate goal. But think of all the hard work that you are doing, just to let one day of "hardcore binging" make you quit. NO WAY! You just wake up in the morning, and start your day with your goal in mind. Focus on the positive changes you have made. Most of all, remember that the way you are feeling now when you feel like binging again. It helps detour you from losing sight again. Take it easy on yourself, nobody is perfect. Those who think they are - ARE NARSISISTIC. And that's way worse then what you are going through temporarily. Hope this helps...
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    Ditto to all except quitting!

    I was just thinking to myself, I've worked so hard over the last month how could I throw it all away with an In-n-Out hamburger at lunch, an ice cream sandwich for a snack, and then a piece of Pizza Hut pizza for dinner!!! I am forcing myself to go to the gym!

    What ever you do don't give up! You are worth this goal that you have worked so hard at and tomorrow is another day. One day of binging won't ruin your goals. You can do it! :happy:
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    We all have days like this. I heard somewhere "just own it and move on". So yes you ate too much chocolate. Oh well tomorrow you won't. Don't let it be an excuse to quit. You can do it!! Just keep trying :)
  • ljglivingfree
    ljglivingfree Posts: 44 Member
    Please don't!! Because that's what I always tell myself when I binge. I need to know that there are people out there who mess up but keep going!! I'm the one who always quits so I need soeone else to not do it! :) I just joined this week so this is all new for me and one of my goals here is to NOT quit every time I mess up. That alone would be an accomplishment for me. Of course my first goal would be to never mess up right!? But really? Is that even possible in an entire lifetime?? To always stick to the perfect amount of calories every single solitary day???? I would love if that were possible but I don't think it is. So......don't quit!!! Stay here with me, one day at a time, fighting those damn hormones we have to fight, trying like hell not to binge but continuing on the journey even when we do.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    That happens to all of us sometimes. Don't quit. Stay on and let us hear all about your futures successes that I know you are going to choose :-)
  • theresa7576
    theresa7576 Posts: 46 Member
    I ate a WHOLE BAG of those mini peppermint patty pieces saturday. Just like a total oink oink. I just needed them that day. But. you know what? But like me, that was probably the norm for you before, whereas you actually feel BAD about it now...which means you DO care. Just like I do. You start fresh tomorrow... you don't quit cause you screwed up, you carry on. Every day you eat correct amount of calories is one more day of you doing the right thing. There will be ups and downs.. that is part of life.

    FWIW my weight hiccuped the day after I pigged out...but today I was right back on track after eating good sun-today. STICK WITH IT. giving up will make you feel worse...that isn't your goal is it?