Summer of Change Student Edition (Week 1)



  • kristalm74
    kristalm74 Posts: 5
    229lbs! Down one pound in a week!! Not bad for just starting out!! Here's to many more for myself and everyone else!!
  • kaylor908
    kaylor908 Posts: 42
    Weighed in at 174.5 today
  • kayladiane5
    kayladiane5 Posts: 94
    I had a rough weekend :/ I was excited at first to try on swimsuits, but doing so made me realize what a long a road I still have to go... Still have big boobs, icky back, giggly legs. I was hoping to be more impressed with my body this summer, but in a swimsuit I still feel like the shame chunky monkey :(

    I did lose a pound this week though. I'm at 177. I also lost an inch off my hips and half an inch off my waist (or vise versa? I can't remember)

    Can we post measurements on occasion as well? I find with using weights I have more results in measurements than actually weight at times.

    Feel confidant when you go out there! I am gonna be in a bathing suit when I go to Florida and I weigh 220. Realize that there is bigger people out there in bathing suits

    With the measurements.. That would be really hard for me to keep track. So feel free to share with the group, I just don't have the time to keep track of all that. I'm sorry :(
  • forJupiter
    forJupiter Posts: 45
    Was super busy this week starting a new job and didn't jump in on this weeks challenge. Gonna weigh tomorrow. Pretty excited for the new challenge but am expecting no change in weight.
  • newkay
    newkay Posts: 20
    I weighed myself this morning.. 142. Good thing I broke out my wii fit because my week was terrible until then. Can't wait for the challenge! Im feeling more motivated than I have in weeeks, thanks to all of you. :)
  • kayladiane5
    kayladiane5 Posts: 94
    Just a reminder to everyone to either message me or post your weight on here by midnight! If you don't, I will record the same weight as last week and you will have a weight loss total of 0.
    The new challenge will be posted shortly after midnight along with the results from this past week :)
  • GvMeSmthn2Lstn2
    WEIGHED IN AT 175.5 TODAY!! WOOT WOOT!!! I don't know what happened between today and yesterday but I'll take it ;)

    Oh I didn't mean you had to record them, I just though we could share them occaisionally :) that would be alot to log in!
  • believeinmagic
    I started a new workout schedule this week and today is the 5th day of being on it. Hopefully since I switched it up, my plataeu will be over soon :) My clothes are starting to feel loser so I think I lost inches. Should I weigh myself next week or this weekend? If I weighed myself this weekend, would it have been enough time to lose weight?
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    My goals for the summer...(I know I'm late on this. Couldn't find a Week 2 thread though, so I'm assuming we're still here!)

    Losing another 9.4 pounds. I think this is totally doable, because I have more time to lose this than I did for the last 9.4 pounds. I also want to lose another couple of inches in my waist, hips, thighs...maybe even inches in my chest, just not cup size! Haha.

    I started a new workout regime last week; I've begun to incorporate weight training three days per week now, and I definitely want to keep on with that. I also have a goal to run a 5K on July 4th, which I'm training for currently.
  • believeinmagic
    I plan to run a 5k also but in September :)