

  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member

    :heart: you!

    Hi everyone else in the group!

    I have been away on a course so I havent logged in to this group for a while! I completely forgot about this challenge until I saw it as my reminder today!

    I am going to definitely try and stay away from junk foods this weekend. I am "usually" pretty good during the week, and happen to eat out on the weekends so I have to watch that, and also add in more exericise on the weekends as well, instead of just doing house chores and then resting for 2 days and not being very active!

    I am also going to post my weight here once a week for a reminder, and also if I post it, I am making myself accountable to the group!

    So today I am: 135.6! My goal is to get back to the 120's and then my final goal is to get back to 120!

    Goals for this weekend:
    1) 60 min cardio on both days, 30 mins resistance training on one of the days
    2) No eating out!
    3) Experiment with increasing protein and decreasing carbs!

    I hope you all have a great weekend!

    Hello Sweetiepie!!! :heart:

    I know you have had a busy week, it's always tough when we are rushing around. Weekends are tough for me too, eating out and away from home are a bad mixture, it's so difficult to find anything very healthy.
    We can only try our best!!!

    The plan sounds great, I think it will help keep your weight stable.
    I have done well this weekend, managed to keep away from all fast food and snacky rubbish I sometimes find myself left with, this week I was able to buy some ready cooked chicken skewers and fruit, I took protein flapjacks with me and resisted the chocolate and biscuits!!! YAY!!!
    I didn't do so good with the alcohol though, I had a few glasses of wine and some baileys too, but I felt that that was my treat after being so good with food!!
    I also never log work as exercise even though I spend 5-6hours walking and dancing and doing jobs so I think it kind of burns off any drink calories I have - as long as I don't have too many baileys!!! :laugh:

    Have a fab week chick, I know you'll do great xxxxxxx
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Ok So it's Tuesday morning!!!

    Hello All!!!! :drinker:

    I hope everyone is doing well and trying their best to achieve their goals. How are you all getting on?

    This weekend I have done pretty well, I managed to steer clear of the rubbish I sometimes eat, I stuck to my fat burning plan pretty well but enjoyed a few baileys and pink wines!!! :noway:
    I weighed in on sunday and was surprised to see my weight has dropped by a few pounds, but I think that is due to the alcohol and water retention lost, so I haven't logged that as I thought it would come back on naturally.

    This week I am following a 3 day detox, I'm on day two, yesterday I messed it up with my friends visit, he bought some amazing nandos spicy nuts and I couldn't resist!! Today I was the same weight as monday morning so I lost nothing on day one, I usually don;t weight each day and try to leave it to the morning after I finish the detox but I wanted to see if the nuts had an impact and they did :sad:
    But I haven't gained anything, today I will get drinking the water and will follow the detox rules perfectly.
    I still have two days of detox and am hoping to drop 2 pounds from this, then I will log my new weight on thursday morning.
    I have then got to maintain that weight!!! I will have to be careful to not over eat after the detox and stay under my calorie goal, and also get some exercise in daily.

    I have not been running, detox usually makes me quite tired so I will see how I feel, sticking to the detox perfectly is my main goal for the next few days, I can run thursday and friday and make up for the lost day next week, I may even have a little run tomorrow if I feel strong enough.
    Yesterday I felt really well and full of energy but today I'm a bit more tired and feel that running will make me really hungry so I'm going to avoid for now.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!! :bigsmile:
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    Hi all!
    Sooooo after quite a while (at least a week! which is a long time for me) I was doing great. Then, today everything seemed to go wrong, and as usual, in response to my crap day, I ate, and ate, and ate. But... whereas delicious salt and sugar binging usually takes away all my woes, it totally didn't work today! No matter what I tried! So, I'm happy that food isn't "doing it" for me anymore in the stress-relief department, but now I don't know what to do as my default stress reliever. Any ideas? I've taking a liking to going to the gym (never though I'd say that), especially when I get to do yoga, but sometimes I just don't have time. Anyone got any ideas for quick, in the moment strategies to help with stress (and keep me from piling cheeseburgers into my mouth)?
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