People who do not watch their carb intake?



  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Carbs are an essential part of my everyday diet. I have lost 85 pounds and have been holding on maintenance since November, 2010. My weight is in my range of "133-137" and I wear a size 6 or 8 now in pants, dresses, jeans, etc. You don't have to eliminate "everything white." White baked potatoes are very good for you. They are inexpensive. Easy to prepare. Delicious and nutritious. All vegetables are carbs. All fruits are carbs. You should, in fact, have some carbs with all your meals. Google the "Food Pyramid" to learn more. It will explain the ideal ratios of carbs, fats and proteins. Study this carefully. It's been around for decades and that is good, clean eating. Do try to eliminate as much sugar as possible. There are hidden sugars everywhere. Do eliminate cakes, candy, pies, fried snack foods... that sort of thing. But whole grain breads and whole grain pastas are good for you. Take the time to educate yourself. See what works best for you. You can do this!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I do carb cycling. Higher carbs on workout days (to fuel workout and recovery) and lower carbs on rest days. Usually for me low is around 100g and high is up to 250g.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I don't watch my carb intake. Only make sure that my calories are below what they need to be.

    Calories in, calories out!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Less than 30 carbs per day? I doubt that many people here are that obsessive. Most of the people you will find here are here to lose the weight in a healthy way, which includes a moderate level carb intake much like yourself. Carbs are healthy and needed.

    Carbs are not needed. Essential Amino Acids and Essential Fats, there are no essential carbs. Not saying don't eat your veggies, just the science.

    Carbs are needed. There are not essential carbs, but there is a minimum number of carbs a person needs in a day I believe around 130 grams. Basically they are needed to provide energy to your muscles and brain. They are not evil, but over consumption of them, especially simple refined carbs, can lead to overeating them and thus eating too many calories.

    This is silly. Read any medical text book and you'll find that isn't true. Many cultures ate essentially no carbs at all in their daily diets and lived long healthy lives. Check the cancer rates on Eskimos.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I don't count carbs but i restrict all the white ones to rarely consumed with the exception of white rice. Carbs of no real nutritional value if you will.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    update: Since I posted on this thread i've radially changed my I only have 15% of my daily calories as carbs. And you know what, the pounds are falling off, that sleepy, sluggish feeling has gone away and my stomach is looking much flatter!