Paleo questions.



  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    (psssssst, hpsnickers. Don't tell anyone but I like MDA a whole bunch. I probably agree with 95% of the stuff written by Mark Sisson. it's just a shame that his message gets distorted out of all proportion. Maybe its the fault of people like me. Or maybe it's the fault of some people who claim to follow his guidelines but do such a half assed job of portraying them on forums such as these...

    Personally, I don't care as I am going on holiday ;) Good luck lady. I'm glad it works for you.)

    Now where was I? Paleo. Boooooooo.

    Depending on how you take Mark, his eating lifestyle could easily be seen as another "fad diet". What I liked about Primal - as opposed to Paleo - is it's as strict as YOU want it to be - you can personalize it to suit you. I try not to be strict on anything (other than getting bills paid on time and making sure I eat veggies). I was never strict with my exercise and my eating habits and I had no issues losing weight. My loss was "those last 10lbs". To me strict means stress and I have enough issues with the way my body handles stress.

    You have fun!!! Holiday means no stress at all about anything (and that includes calories and weight loss!)
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    What drinks are allowed on the Paleo diet? Just water? Where do you get any type of drink these days that hasn't been processed? Bottled or tap, it's still processed. Even if you drink from a stream, well the soil and air are not exactly contaminate free (unfortunately).

    I know I shouldn’t do this, but here it goes. ALLOWED? Or do you mean recommended? We are all adults here I don’t need anyone telling me what is “ALLOWED” I can make the decision for myself. BUT, for the most part all I drink is water, out of the tap (thru a filter), I will drink some tea (unsweetened) and once in awhile some milk (maybe one glass a month if that). A beer with friends (make mine dark and rich) but I’ve never been much of a beer drinker (well haven’t since I got married), so I drink less beer that I do milk.

    *sigh* The question wasn't what are you personally allowed to drink. It's what does the diet allow, but perhaps allow was the wrong choice of words. So, so very sorry!

    You can eat and drink anything you want! Depends whose Paleo you choose to follow and how strict you want to be.
  • bcdevany
    bcdevany Posts: 2
    I was reading through the messages and I just wanted to say that the more wealthy a culture gets the more they eat a western diet of fried crap. They start eating out more. Convenience is able to be payed for.
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