Someone asked my husband...pregnant



  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    The first time I went to see my Grandma after having my baby (she was three months old at the time) she asked me if I was pregnant again. I guess having cousins who are a size 0 two weeks after delivering makes it hard to NOT look pregnant considering the 50 extra lbs I retained .... I said "I better not be!" and walked off...oh Grams.
  • j2poet
    j2poet Posts: 2
    My mom actually asked me that once. I came home for Christmas and I guess after not having seen her in a few months, I looked like I had gained a lot of weight. I heard her talking to my grandmother and my aunt about whether I was pregnant or not. Then, when I walked into the room, before I could even sit down, she outright asked me if I was pregnant and seeing someone. In that order. I told her that I wasn't seeing anyone and that I wasn't pregnant. Talk about awkward moments. Thanks mom for making me feel depressed during what should have been happier times.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    The real question is why was your husband dumb enough to TELL you? If it were me I wouldn't have said a damn thing.

    I have to agree...He had to know it would be hurtful to you. :(
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Aww so sorry. I have had some one rub my belly and ask if I was pregnant. I laughed it off and said no but you will be first to know. It killed me inside.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Ouch that's gotta hurt!

    When I used to have my big protruding belly sometimes I would hold it and stroke it like there was a baby in theer because a) less embarrassing than being fat and b) im super brody hahahaha
  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member
    I don't think my husband told me to be mean. I still have a big belly. It is what it is. It's just super embarrassing. The funny thing about it is that the man who asked is not a thin person AT ALL.

    I was pregnant with my first and worked as a cashier. A lady came through my line and asked when I was due. I told her and then asked when she was due. She looked at me, and told me she already had her baby. I was mortified! Granted, she told me the baby was only a week old, but still. I have never asked another person even when it is super obvious. That was over 9 years ago.

    I had a little popcorn fest last night, but this morning, I am back on my game, and I exercised for the first time in a while. I was slacking off, and this was the push I needed to make me recommit.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I get that sometimes. The first place I gain and the last place I lose is in the gut. I worked in a grocery store as a cashier and a customer asked me when I was due. I asked her due for what, an oil change? She got the hint lol.

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this. I don't think that people always mean it to be rude (I know that some do and they suck) but this is a perfect response to it either way - IMHO, of course.
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I believe the comment I always remember on this topic is, "Never ask a woman if she is expecting unless you see a baby coming out of her." :happy:

    I totally agree! I won't even ask an 8 month pregnant woman who is about to pop when she's due. I'm that terrified of the fact she might just have a giant tumor or carry her weight in a very unfortunate way. I remember when my best friend had her first baby, she was so excited about the whole experience that she wanted to talk to everyone about it non-stop. I hated going out with her because she would ask women that had even the slightest belly bulge if they were pregnant. Luckily (while I was with her, at least), all of them really were pregnant (or at least claimed to be). I am so grateful that no one has ever asked me if I was least not in the context of actually thinking I might be pregnant because of my protruding stomach. But that's because I was fat ALL OVER.
  • EdieBird
    EdieBird Posts: 38
    I was getting that all the time a few months ago! I work in a nursing home, and it's very hard to break it to a little old lady whose greatest joy in life would be to meet a new baby that no, I'm not pregnant. Especially when you know she'll forget you told her and ask again the next time you walk by her! I started just pretending I didn't hear those particular ones.

    With non-senile folks, on the other hand, I keep a ready supply of smart-alec comebacks. "When are you due?" The twelfth of Never. "Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" Pretty sure it's neither, fat is gender-neutral! And for good ol' "Are you expecting?" Well, I did order something online last week, so I'm expecting a package in the mail, and I'm expecting to lose some weight, and I'm expecting the sun to rise tomorrow. Oh, that's not what you meant? Sorry!

    I haven't gotten any more interrogations about my non-existent baby since I began working out, though. Only lost ten pounds, but my stomach is definitely flatter and my waist is way more defined, and even in scrubs, which fit like comfy pajamas, you can tell. Yay!
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    It kills me that anyone would come right out and ask such a thing. Blatant rudeness. Unless the person is OBVIOUSLY pregnant, don't say a thing. It just strikes me as another thing that society finds acceptable - that certain people don't deserve the same sort of respect that others do. Overweight people deserve respect too! :-(