ughhhh men!!!

mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
this will be a rant so please forgive me now.

MEN FLIPPIN SUCK! why cant RL men be like MFP men? i swear that the men here are the only men on earth that are decent. now i could be wrong... they could all just be putting up a front from behind the pc, but the men here are AMAZING! why is it sooooo FN hard to find a decent man? i met two new guys this weekend, and BOTH tried to sleep with me from the jump. i mean, didnt even attempt to get to know ANYTHING about me. now im no saint, and i have had my fair share of one night stands... but SERIOUSLY! i wish i could get the chance to meet some of the MFP men in person. reason for that... to shake ur hands and to THANK you for being the amazing, supporting, complimenting men that u are. even the ones who are super flirty, ALWAYS know when to draw the line. thank u guys for giving me hope that somewhere in this world there just might be ONE good guy left.

end rant.


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    The MFP men ARE real men. There are lots of wonderful guys out there - you'll find one. They can't all be gems, anymore than all women can be.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    this will be a rant so please forgive me now.

    MEN FLIPPIN SUCK! why cant RL men be like MFP men? i swear that the men here are the only men on earth that are decent. now i could be wrong... they could all just be putting up a front from behind the pc, but the men here are AMAZING! why is it sooooo FN hard to find a decent man? i met two new guys this weekend, and BOTH tried to sleep with me from the jump. i mean, didnt even attempt to get to know ANYTHING about me. now im no saint, and i have had my fair share of one night stands... but SERIOUSLY! i wish i could get the chance to meet some of the MFP men in person. reason for that... to shake ur hands and to THANK you for being the amazing, supporting, complimenting men that u are. even the ones who are super flirty, ALWAYS know when to draw the line. thank u guys for giving me hope that somewhere in this world there just might be ONE good guy left.

    end rant.

    I promise you that their are good men out there and not just MFP men. You deserve the best and I truly hope that you meet him.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Men and women are equally as bad. But I agree, I wish I could meet a lot of the guys on here.
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Right there with ya, OP! My male MFP friends are amazing too. Let's clone a few!
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I would have to agree men suck for the most part. There are some good ones and then some great ones out there. You just have to find them.
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    I have an MFP man Id love to clone!! HAHA You will meet someone someday babe!!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Right there with ya, OP! My male MFP friends are amazing too. Let's clone a few!

    ive been working on cloning myself for some time awesomenss is hard to duplicate though
  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    well they tell me there are good men out there but I was feeling the same today , MFP men are great, they dont judge a woman by her size, they see maybe a pretty face sure but they take the time to talk and get to know you and are supportive and encouraging and its so great! So to those that have been there for me personally thank you.

    But in real life I have not had a good guy be supportive at all no way, either they are insecure and dont want you thin for risk of losing you so bring crap food into a house or they maybe support your eating well and then get all jealous your gonna get thin and other guys will notice and you will leave them. so its basically all about them, they dont ever simply focus on you doing the work to get healthy and in turn a side effect is more attractive to other guys, they need to suck it up and deal with it lol.

    Just tell them to stop sitting on their brains and get a clue lol.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    A lot of the guys on here get stuck in the "friend" zone in RL, others are putting up a front, and still others think they have a pool of easy fish with low self esteem (someone pointed out to me recently that MFP was listed on some PUA forum as a place to get easy hook ups)... Personally I don't even get the friend zone in RL because they all cross the street clutching their handbags with a look of fright on their faces when they see me coming.
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    Men do suck......that's all i gotta say! :grumble:
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Right there with ya, OP! My male MFP friends are amazing too. Let's clone a few!

    ive been working on cloning myself for some time awesomenss is hard to duplicate though

    See what I mean?! :laugh:
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    this will be a rant so please forgive me now.

    MEN FLIPPIN SUCK! why cant RL men be like MFP men? i swear that the men here are the only men on earth that are decent. now i could be wrong... they could all just be putting up a front from behind the pc, but the men here are AMAZING! why is it sooooo FN hard to find a decent man? i met two new guys this weekend, and BOTH tried to sleep with me from the jump. i mean, didnt even attempt to get to know ANYTHING about me. now im no saint, and i have had my fair share of one night stands... but SERIOUSLY! i wish i could get the chance to meet some of the MFP men in person. reason for that... to shake ur hands and to THANK you for being the amazing, supporting, complimenting men that u are. even the ones who are super flirty, ALWAYS know when to draw the line. thank u guys for giving me hope that somewhere in this world there just might be ONE good guy left.

    end rant.

    I promise you that their are good men out there and not just MFP men. You deserve the best and I truly hope that you meet him.

    Agree with SoldierDad. There are a lot of good guys out there. Your time will come OP. It'll come for you and all the other amazing MFP ladies that I have the privilege to interact with on a regular basis. Y'all kick just as much *kitten* as we do!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    A lot of the guys on here get stuck in the "friend" zone in RL, others are putting up a front, and still others think they have a pool of easy fish with low self esteem (someone pointed out to me recently that MFP was listed on some PUA forum as a place to get easy hook ups)... Personally I don't even get the friend zone in RL because they all cross the street clutching their handbags with a look of fright on their faces when they see me coming.

    For the record, I wouldn't do that.
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    this will be a rant so please forgive me now.

    MEN FLIPPIN SUCK! why cant RL men be like MFP men? i swear that the men here are the only men on earth that are decent. now i could be wrong... they could all just be putting up a front from behind the pc, but the men here are AMAZING! why is it sooooo FN hard to find a decent man? i met two new guys this weekend, and BOTH tried to sleep with me from the jump. i mean, didnt even attempt to get to know ANYTHING about me. now im no saint, and i have had my fair share of one night stands... but SERIOUSLY! i wish i could get the chance to meet some of the MFP men in person. reason for that... to shake ur hands and to THANK you for being the amazing, supporting, complimenting men that u are. even the ones who are super flirty, ALWAYS know when to draw the line. thank u guys for giving me hope that somewhere in this world there just might be ONE good guy left.

    end rant.

    Amen! Rant on! I was never one to hate men, thought some were def bigger jerks than others, but, surely they weren't ALL bad... I've been proven wrong time and time and time again and I've become a bonafide man hater (yet I do agree those here are very supportive - thank you) and I have no desire to ever bother being with one - I don't need to be with someone to feel like crap about myself, thankyouverymuch! Rant on, sister! ;-)
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    this will be a rant so please forgive me now.

    MEN FLIPPIN SUCK! why cant RL men be like MFP men? i swear that the men here are the only men on earth that are decent. now i could be wrong... they could all just be putting up a front from behind the pc, but the men here are AMAZING! why is it sooooo FN hard to find a decent man? i met two new guys this weekend, and BOTH tried to sleep with me from the jump. i mean, didnt even attempt to get to know ANYTHING about me. now im no saint, and i have had my fair share of one night stands... but SERIOUSLY! i wish i could get the chance to meet some of the MFP men in person. reason for that... to shake ur hands and to THANK you for being the amazing, supporting, complimenting men that u are. even the ones who are super flirty, ALWAYS know when to draw the line. thank u guys for giving me hope that somewhere in this world there just might be ONE good guy left.

    end rant.
    what she said...
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    A lot of the guys on here get stuck in the "friend" zone in RL, others are putting up a front, and still others think they have a pool of easy fish with low self esteem (someone pointed out to me recently that MFP was listed on some PUA forum as a place to get easy hook ups)... Personally I don't even get the friend zone in RL because they all cross the street clutching their handbags with a look of fright on their faces when they see me coming.

    For the record, I wouldn't do that.

    WT............ :huh:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    A lot of the guys on here get stuck in the "friend" zone in RL, others are putting up a front, and still others think they have a pool of easy fish with low self esteem (someone pointed out to me recently that MFP was listed on some PUA forum as a place to get easy hook ups)... Personally I don't even get the friend zone in RL because they all cross the street clutching their handbags with a look of fright on their faces when they see me coming.

    For the record, I wouldn't do that.

    Neither would I.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    We all get to know each other without pretenses.
    I have to say the same about MFP ladies,so sweet and caring while looking you right in the eye and saying what they think and feel.

    Can`t help but to luv all them on my friends list. :heart:
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    A lot of the guys on here get stuck in the "friend" zone in RL, others are putting up a front, and still others think they have a pool of easy fish with low self esteem (someone pointed out to me recently that MFP was listed on some PUA forum as a place to get easy hook ups)... Personally I don't even get the friend zone in RL because they all cross the street clutching their handbags with a look of fright on their faces when they see me coming.

    For the record, I wouldn't do that.

    WT............ :huh:

    Not unless you had a sword.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    There are men that suck and there are women that suck. Every person just needs to be patient, the right person will come along. Be confident, look in good places (NOT the local bar/club), and remember even if you don't find "the one" your life will be as fulfilling and complete as you make it too be.