3500+ Calories Burned Challenge 5/23-5/29



  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000 (edited goal from 5000)
    Sun: 292 Bike riding w toddler on back - 60 min.
    Mon: 906 Riding bike to/ from gym & Crossramp 111 min.
    Tues: 506 Riding bike to/from gym & flexibility & strength training - 103 min.
    Wed: 910 Eliptical and Crossramp 114 min.
    Thur: 517 Weight Training and Eliptical 103 min.
    Fri: 519 Crossramp 60 min.
    Sat: 175 Bike riding with a toddler on back 30 min.

    Total: 3825
    Left to go 175 ....did not meet my goal of 4000 cals :sad:
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I was 175 calories shy of my 4000 goal .....DARN it!!!! :sad:
  • yvonnerab
    yvonnerab Posts: 21
    Well I'm not really sure if can say I hit the mark this week or not. Our week was disrupted by a flood in our little town, so the "plan" went out the window entirely!

    I have here the items I know how to track, but honestly I have no idea how many claries one burns running around town helping evacuees and filling sandbags. I know it was a tough 2 days, so I know I was burning cals, but just how many I could only hazard a guess!

    Here's the items I KNOW I can count:

    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 221 (Treadmill)
    Tues: 265 (Treadmill)
    Wed: didn't work out at all - spent the evening between the phone and the internet watching the flood alert
    Thur: not sure - spent the evening filling sandbags
    Fri: not sure - spent the afternoon and evening helping deliver food to evacuees.
    Sat: 713 (gardening)
    Sun: 713 (gardening)

    Week total: 1912 (not including flood days)

    Remaining: 1588
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    I'm in again and ready to R-O-C-K this week!!!!

    Week #18

    Weekly Goal: 5500
    Mon: 1153 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit, Insanity Cardio Circuit)
    Tues: 519 calories burned (spin & back circuit)
    Wed: 1071 calories burned (C25K, glutes circuit & walk 6 miles)
    Thur: 818 calories burned (spin, back circuit & Insanity Power &Resistance)
    Fri: 913 calories burned (walk 6 miles, Insanity Pure Cardio & Insanity Recovery)
    Sat: 924 calories burned (spin, arm circuit & walk 4 miles)
    Sun:534 calories burned (Insanity Ply & Cardion & Insanity Cardio Power & Res)

    Total: 5932
    Left to go: 0 (Zero) Over +432 calories

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Woo Hoo!!! I am excited and tried. Will not be setting that goal again next week. It left no :bigsmile: time to do anything but go to work and workout. It all worked out because yesterday at the Jazz Festival I eat cheesecake & fried sweet potatoe fries :drinker:. They were delightful and sinful!!!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Well I'm not really sure if can say I hit the mark this week or not. Our week was disrupted by a flood in our little town, so the "plan" went out the window entirely!

    I have here the items I know how to track, but honestly I have no idea how many claries one burns running around town helping evacuees and filling sandbags. I know it was a tough 2 days, so I know I was burning cals, but just how many I could only hazard a guess!

    yvonnerab I hope that you and your family are doing well and did not have any damage. I am sure you burned calories especially filling sand bags :flowerforyou:!!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Week 3 on this challenge:

    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 596 calories burned (running 5k!!!)
    Tues: 591 calories burned (running 5k)
    Wed: 713 calories burned (running 6.5miles )
    Thur:449 calories burned (running )
    Fri: Rest Day!
    Sat: 1005 calories burned (48mins on the elliptical)
    Sun: 1244 calories burned (65mins on elliptical)

    Total: 4598
    Left to go: 0 Exceeded goal by 1098 calories!!! I will be changing my goal to 4000 calories next week!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3600
    Mon: 618 (Step Class)
    Tues: 864 (Trainer and Step Class)
    Wed: 546 (Step Class)
    Thur:280 (Body Works Plus Abs)
    Fri: 550 (Step Class)
    Sat:543 (Step Class)
    Sun:460 (Treadmill, Elliptical, Bike)

    Total: 3861
    Left to go: -261 WOO HOO! I DID IT!
  • ChelseaCamariJane
    Sounds great! I want in this week!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 163 calories burned
    walking, squats, sit ups (my knee was hurting so it was a WEAK day)
    Tues: 829 calories burned
    5 mile run, 1.5 mile walk, 405 squats
    Wed: 511 calories burned
    120 sit ups, 80 push ups, 120 squats, 25 min Jumping Jacks, running stairs
    Thur: 74 calories burned
    squats and push ups
    Fri: 158 calories burned
    Sat: 742 calories burned
    10k run, walk, squats, stretching
    Sun:173 calories burned

    Total: 2650
    Left to go: 850.....oh well I guess next week right!
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: Day of REST or should I say SICK DAY!!! UGH!!
    Tues: calories burned 353 (Walking, exercises)
    Wed: calories burned 824 (Pool exercises, squats and ZUMBA)
    Thur:calories burned 624(Walking 60 min. and 45 squats)
    Fri: calories burned 960 (Walking 100 min. and 30 squats)
    Sat:calories burned 664 (Walking/jogging 60 min. and 30 squats)
    Sun:calories burned 1118 (Heavy duty gardening 4 hrs. & 30 squats)

    Total: 4543
    Left to Go: *+1043*

    Ended up having a wonderful week!! I really pushed it hard fighting a cold all week. I'm finally starting to feel better today!!! I hope you all have an amazing holiday tomorrow with family and friends!!!!!
  • pannacottayum
    pannacottayum Posts: 96 Member
    Weekly Goal:4000 (surpassed on Saturday)

    Mon: 866 (65 minutes elliptical)
    Tues: 1057 (90 minutes kayaking/600, 36 minutes spinning/457)
    Wed: 679 (10 minutes walking/93, 43 minutes running/586)
    Thur: 831( 6 minutes walking/51, 43 minutes trail running/780)
    Fri: Rest Day
    Sat: 714 (10 minutes walking/84, 35 minutes trail running/ 630)
    Sun:1010 (120 minutes kayaking)

    Total: 5157
    Left to go: -1157 (!)
  • Bringerofrain
    Bringerofrain Posts: 163 Member
    Weekly Goal: 9000 cals
    Mon: calories burned 1231 mtn biking 91 min 1006cals & Circuit Wt Training 30 min 225 cals
    Tues: calories burned 1407 Mtn Bike riding 145 minutes
    Wed: calories burned 1125 Cals Mtn bike riding 100min/Curcuit Weight training 25 min
    Thur:calories burned 1404 Cals burn doing 160min of Mtn Bike riding
    Fri: calories burned 670 cals Mtn Biking, Weight lifting. (got a flat so had Low Cals)
    Sat:calories burned Off day due to bike repairs
    Sun:calories burned Usually a big bike day but Repairs bogged it down. Walked Burned 121cals

    Total: 5958
    Left to go 3042
    Bummer, but I lost 2.2lbs which aint bad at all!:wink:
  • ReggaeNurse
    ReggaeNurse Posts: 140
    I am definitely in again!!! I passed my goal of 3500 last week, so now I'm going to push for 4000...I know I can do it! Good luck to you all, and happy losing!

    Weekly Goal: 4000

    Mon: 1181 burned (Wii Cardio Dance & Just Dance 2 - 95 minutes; Turbo Jam - 33 minutes)
    Tues: 617 burned (Turbo Jam - 30 minutes; Flirty Girl Fitness: Chair Fit (strength training) - 40 minutes)
    Wed: 787 burned (Wii Dance Workout - 25 minutes; Walking - 35 minutes; C25K - 42 minutes)
    Thur: 508 burned (Wii Dance Workout - 25 minutes; Just Dance 2 - 35 minutes)
    Fri: 1272 burned (Wii Just Dance 2 - 65 minutes; Wii Dance Workout - 50 minutes; Abs & Booty [strength video] - 47 minutes )
    Sat: rest
    Sun: rest

    Total: 4365
    Left to go: 0000....whoo , I passed my goal by 365 with two days in the week to spare!!! I love this challenge! :happy:
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 400 burned on elliptical 60 min
    Tues: 1000 burned elliptical 60 min and running 60 min
    Wed: 850 burned elliptical 30 min and running 60 min
    Thur:950burned elliptical 60 min and running 50 min
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:400 calories burned 60 min elliptical
    Sun: 600 calories burned running 40 minutes, elliptical 35

    Total: 4200
    Left to go: 800
  • crozierb
    crozierb Posts: 61 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000

    Mon: 347 burned walking 90 min, cleaning
    Tues: 518 burned running 40 min + abs and push ups

    Total: 865
    Left to go: 3135