Couch to 5k...start today?



  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    W1D2 in the books, but holy cow I am scared of week 2...i can do the w1 jog time, but seeing next week's goal is scary...

    go at your own pace. If you try it and can't make it all the way through, then STAY on week 2 till you CAN complete it the suggested amount of times.
    When I first did C25K I did week 1 four times instead of 3, then I did week 2 for 2 weeks straight before trying week 3. I didn't move on till the one I was doing became easy.
    Don't worry about a schedule and finishing the program the same day as everyone else. You're not everyone else, you're you. Just do what's right for you.

    Great advice, this is my second week on W1 (i became sick and was so not ready to move on) now i am feeling great and ready to make it a little bit harder, we will do it, but at our own pace :D:D

    And to add to the great advice above, I would suggest slowing your running part down. I don't know how fast you are jogging, but if you slow down a bit, you may be able to do a little better. Your first goal is to work on the endurance part and then you can work on the getting faster part. I run really slow, but I have been able to increase my speed a bit from the last time I attempted C25K. When I first started and I slowed my running down, I could run for much longer periods of time.
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    Finished W1D2 today! Did 3.2 walking and 4.2 jogging :D

    Great job!!
  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    I do 3.6 walking and 5 jogging.
  • smcguirt
    smcguirt Posts: 11
    W1D2 Done! Even ran an extra 2 minutes on the end!
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    week one day three.. complete! and i'm still alive and kicking to report about it ;) did treadmill again, mostly the same speeds but instead of just one jog at 5.0 i did the last two at it :D i'm so excited about this. i can safely say i never thought i'd be actually looking forward to learning how to be a successful runner but i am! i think it's mostly thanks to everybody on here being awesome and super motivational already. i know we've only just begun but most everybody i know in real life couldn't care less about what c25k is, much less that i'm doing it. finish week one strong, everyone! i know you can do it. bring on week two!!
  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    W1D2 Done! Even ran an extra 2 minutes on the end!
  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    week one day three.. complete! and i'm still alive and kicking to report about it ;) did treadmill again, mostly the same speeds but instead of just one jog at 5.0 i did the last two at it :D i'm so excited about this. i can safely say i never thought i'd be actually looking forward to learning how to be a successful runner but i am! i think it's mostly thanks to everybody on here being awesome and super motivational already. i know we've only just begun but most everybody i know in real life couldn't care less about what c25k is, much less that i'm doing it. finish week one strong, everyone! i know you can do it. bring on week two!!
    Same here. Awesome Job!!!!!! I wish I had started earlier
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    After reading all of this, I'm thinking we're all having positive things to report!
    My co-worker read that if you have to do two consecutive days, it is okay. The article did say to avoid three consecutive days at all costs, though.
    Awesome job, everyone. We are the best! : )
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    After reading all of this, I'm thinking we're all having positive things to report!
    My co-worker read that if you have to do two consecutive days, it is okay. The article did say to avoid three consecutive days at all costs, though.
    Awesome job, everyone. We are the best! : )

    Good cause I totally have to do days 2 & 3 one after another because of my college schedule :)

    Also WTG to everyone!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Week 1 down and scared of week 2, just like a few other people. Still can't figure out how to run slower without it being harder. I'm sure I'll get the hang of this eventually.
    Max speed 7.5mph. Average speed 4mph.
    I'm not enjoying this at all! That doesn't mean I'm going to quit though. If you love running when did you start to love it?
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Week 1 down and scared of week 2, just like a few other people. Still can't figure out how to run slower without it being harder. I'm sure I'll get the hang of this eventually.
    Max speed 7.5mph. Average speed 4mph.
    I'm not enjoying this at all! That doesn't mean I'm going to quit though. If you love running when did you start to love it?

    I think week 3 is gonna be hard for me, week 2 seems easy peasy what with 90 sec jogging 2 minutes walking (unless I'm looking at the wrong place?!)
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    W1D3 completed ! Phew.... I just read through the posts, sorry I haven't been on here in a few days. Still trying to figure out these "community" pages.

    Anyway, it sounds like everyone is doing a great job and what motivation!!!

    I just emailed my stats! ;-)

    Keep up the good work and bring on week 2!!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If you use a treadmill, look here:

    this may help with the schedule.

    Or even if you use a watch to time it outdoors because you don't have an app...
    if you use the app this won't be needed...

    and here is the normal schedule if anyone still needs it.

    I have to do day 3 today but DH is giving me ****. I hate fighting with him about exercise. He does NONE, so when I want to he rolls his eyes and kinda gets mad.

    He just said "I'm gonna take a shower, come with me." (we both just got home from work)
    and I said I'll take one after I work out, and now he's lying on the bed sulking after we got loud about it...
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    If you use a treadmill, look here:

    this may help with the schedule.

    I read through this and didn't see any difference with the times for walking and jogging. Is it more so for keeping track with the timer?
  • NZhogiebear
    NZhogiebear Posts: 84
    You guys are doing so great!!!

    @ Robin hope things are better at home, sometimes they just dont understand that you are not doing it to annoy them that this is for you!! and for you health and happiness, good luck :D

    Well it is Sat morning here in New Zealand, just had my weigh in and i lost 1.6kg (3lb for you guys) so doing a big happy dance :D:D will email Ash soon :)

    I use the treadmill as well, will try to get outside on weekends, when hubby home to watch kids :D Hope everyone has a great day and weekend where ever in the world you are :D:D
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    If you use a treadmill, look here:

    this may help with the schedule.

    I read through this and didn't see any difference with the times for walking and jogging. Is it more so for keeping track with the timer?

    I think it is, I printed it out and it really helped me keep track of things
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If you use a treadmill, look here:

    this may help with the schedule.

    I read through this and didn't see any difference with the times for walking and jogging. Is it more so for keeping track with the timer?

    I think it is, I printed it out and it really helped me keep track of things

    yup, just to help people with no app keep track.:happy:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    and I never ended up doing day 3 of week one either....

    so it's either do it tomorrow after work, or I'm pretty well screwed since I am out of town till Monday night after that.

    hopefully I get home soon enough tomorrow and James (ok, and me too) is in a better mood.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    When is it running and not jogging?
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    I completed W1D3 last night and I'll admit that getting started was a bit harder than the last time. My shins felt like they were going to start cramping and running kills my lower back. But good thing is by the time I got towards the end, I was feeling better and even ran a few intervals at 5.0! I need to go to a show store and be fitted for some good running shoes. There was a really good sale on some New Balance shoes the other day, but it was an online store and I've never worn NB and didn't know how they would fit and what I needed to order. So I had to pass it up even though they were nearly 50% off. :sad: