Couch to 5k...start today?



  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    And yes, for MFP sake, I log time running (5 mph - slowest pace in the list - LOL!) and time walking separately.

    I just created a custom one - C25k Intervals, and use it. Before I had a Heart Rate Monitor, I would take my pulse during the walks and come up with an average for the duration, then put that into a heart rate/calorie calculator ( is the one I use) with the number of minutes. I found that i was estimating 120 bpm for the 28-32 minutes of c25k workouts. Once I got the HRM, I found out i was underestimating a little. =)
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Week 6 day 2 done.. now that I'm apparently training for a half marathon (a very fit friend of mine wants me to do it with her.. but she wants to do it at a 8:00 min/mile pace!!), I'm going to have to be running every day.

    Crraaazzyyy. Well, almost every day. Started a training plan. :)
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Week 6 Day 2 done here too. I realized at the end that this is the last day of the program that has a "break" walk. From here out, it's all warmup/jog/cooldown.

    I signed up for a 5k here with the local NFL team the Saturday that ends week 9, so very good timing - my last day of C25K "training" will be a timed 5k. excited!
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    W6D2 completed!!

    Just read the post above - no more breaks!!! :-O
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    ugh I've completely fell off the C25K wagon. I'm so MAD at myself!! I'm going to start again with week 2 even though I was just about done week 3 and get back at er. I really really want to run a 5km trail run that is held in my home town every September. Here goes nothing....again...
  • angelaclev
    angelaclev Posts: 95
    i added a c25k app today... but it is a diff one that the one you have... but if it is ok with you I would like to still do this
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    W6D3 done, it's getting harder to keep my HR in the target zone, but my legs don't want to move any faster...not sure what to do, do i just man up and run faster and take the pain? lol.

    25 minutes was not nearly as exciting as the 20 minute one, but it's done, I didn't walk, and i'm feeling pretty good. I think i'm actually a runner now - while I hate every single step of jogging, I find myself looking forward to it, and I love how i feel for a good couple hours after the run. I think I'm addicted - and I'm ok with that.

    I got new shoes last night, what a world of difference. They're just 50 dollar nikes from sports authority, I was using some new balance running/walking shoes from several years ago (not a lot of use, just old), but man oh man, i think I might save up for some "real" running shoes.

    have a great weekend everyone, see you all in week 7.
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    ugh I've completely fell off the C25K wagon. I'm so MAD at myself!! I'm going to start again with week 2 even though I was just about done week 3 and get back at er. I really really want to run a 5km trail run that is held in my home town every September. Here goes nothing....again...

    It's not nothing, you just learned a way not to do it, that's all. You can do this!! Don't be too hard on yourself, and don't lose hope. Anything worth accomplishing is not easy, and winners aren't always the ones who do it perfect the first time, they are often the ones who keep at it despite the setbacks.
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    i added a c25k app today... but it is a diff one that the one you have... but if it is ok with you I would like to still do this

    whatcha mean? You can use whatever app or podcast or whathaveyou that you want! =)
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    ugh I've completely fell off the C25K wagon. I'm so MAD at myself!! I'm going to start again with week 2 even though I was just about done week 3 and get back at er. I really really want to run a 5km trail run that is held in my home town every September. Here goes nothing....again...

    It's not nothing, you just learned a way not to do it, that's all. You can do this!! Don't be too hard on yourself, and don't lose hope. Anything worth accomplishing is not easy, and winners aren't always the ones who do it perfect the first time, they are often the ones who keep at it despite the setbacks.

    Thanks!! :)

    I actually surprised myself and started on week 3 again and pushed myself through it. On to W3D2 tomorrow!! I think I need to save up and get spme new shoes too, my one foot always goes numb half way through a run. I think I would do so much better if I had proper shoes to run in.
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    I re-did W5D2 today...I just couldn't psych myself up for the 20 minute rune...but the 8 minute intervals were definitely easier than before. But I haven't given up!!
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    Did Week 6 day 3 on Saturday morning at the cottage and smoked it! I really had to slow myself down to pace myself. The last 4 minutes were even uphill! I was so psyched afterwards!
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    still havent attempted w6d3, i know ive been really busy but i think i have been avoiding it since someone pointed out there are no more breaks any mores. ...!
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    Hiya everyone! Firstly....I want to say WELL DONE to everyone who is keeping up with this! I'm still on Wk5 but i have been running i just haven't been logging.

    I did my 5K Race For Life on Saturday gone and did it in 41 Minutes i am so proud of myself! i just need to train for my half marathon in August now!! VERY nervous about that one!!
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    still havent attempted w6d3, i know ive been really busy but i think i have been avoiding it since someone pointed out there are no more breaks any mores. ...!

    *whistles innocently*
  • rat70
    rat70 Posts: 129 Member
    The lack of breaks freaked me out a bit too. I started W7D1 on Monday at the gym (so cold, windy and horrid outside) and I could only do 10 minutes! I did, however, do a 10km walk on Sunday (pacing it out pretty well too) so my legs were tired. I gave myself an easy workout day yesterday and I managed the 25 mins very well today. Friend just sent through the registration information for the Canberra Times Fun Run too - eek! There is a 5k option but the 10k is the main run...
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I still need to do W5D3 and i'm putting it off at the moment because of my "runners knee" that i've got and it's very painful whn i walk. So yesterday at the gym i did lunges with 1kilo weights in my hand and also leg press with both legs then with 1 leg at time, then i went on the bike for 30 mins. it kinda helped but then i walked round Tesco (English food shopping place) and i had to leg it (I ran!) o the loo and that's when BOTH knees started hurting. So i'm giving myself a few days off of running and i can't believe i'm saying it but i really just want to get back out there!!

    Well done to everyone too, you are all awesome! x:smile::flowerforyou:
  • yusineddy
    yusineddy Posts: 457 Member
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    So the last time I ran was friday July 1st until today. I had a very busy weekend, and 2 days turned into 4 into 5 and blah.

    So i forced myself to get out and run tonight. 3 minutes into it i looked at my watch and thought there's no effing way i'm going to make it.

    3 minutes later i looked down and couldn't figure out why it said 6 minutes and not 10.

    6 became 10, 10 became 12:30 (halfway?!), and i kept plugging along, somewhere between the speed of a turtle and someone on crutches, but not walking. 12:30 became 15:00 (ding, 10 minutes to go), and it became kind of apparent that i could probably do this, even though i'd taken more time off than i wanted to.

    at the 7:30 to go mark, i decided i should probably turn around, or i'd have a couple miles to walk back. 20 minutes down, the app told me i had 5 minutes to go, and i just kept smiling at people who ran past me, even a couple who walked toward me at a higher walk speed than my run cadence.

    Somehow, 25:00 elapsed, and I still hadn't stopped jogging. I wonder how far I can go. Lets see if we can do 27:00

    27:00 came, oh hell, lets do 28, i'm going to have to do that later this week anyway. done. still jogging. I'll stop at 30:00

    30:00, still going. huh, this is strange. I feel alive, not dead. I am sweating like crazy, but my breathing is not ragged, and my heart rate is around 140. Apparently, I'm not going to die. wonder if i can hit 33:00

    33:00 - wow, why am I doing this, and why don't I stop? I feel so sore, but euphoric. I wonder if i can run 35 minutes. I'll stop there. My breathing is finally starting to get harder - not ragged, just harder. My body is really working. I focus on my cadence and form. I'm going to make it to 35.

    35:00 - uh, i'm so close to 37:30, which would be 50% more than I was scheduled to do. Let's stop there, before we hurt someone.

    37:30 - I stop jogging, giggling to myself like a crazy person, slightly dizzy, either from the exertion or the endorphins, likely from both. I can hardly believe what i've done. I just ran over 2 miles - without stopping.

    In high-school, about the time i was 16, i weighed somewhere around 265-270. In april 2011, when i was handed insulin syringes and told that this is going to kill me slowly if I don't do something, i weighed 288 pounds. When I started C25K with you guys, I could barely jog the required intervals the first week. I was convinced that at some point I would give up - it's too hard, I'm too big to jog, I should wait until I lose more weight, I don't like how sore I am all the time, I could burn more calories if i just walked every day instead of jogging 3 times a week....the excuses were a laundry list. But - i never stopped.

    I never walked when I wasn't supposed to. I ran every minute of the workouts so far and then some. i have gone from not being able to run 90 seconds without being utterly convinced that I would drop dead of a heart attack or suffocation 7 weeks ago to being able to decide "let's just see how far I can run tonight". I crave it now. I look forward to the runs, because although i hate every single step, how they make me feel - mentally and physically - is something I hold onto tightly and do not want to let go.

    Wherever you are in this program - you can do it. Don't convince yourself you can't. if you can physically support your weight while jogging, you can do this. if you can get past all the reasons you think you can't - you can do this.

    If I can do this, anyone can do this. Thank you guys, so very much, for inspiring me to try something i was convinced I couldn't do, and holding me accountable to my commitment. in just over 2 weeks, i'll be running onto the 50 yard line at the San Diego Chargers' Qualcomm Stadium, on the last day of week 9, completing my first 5k. It won't be the fastest, but I know one thing: I can do it.
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    @ Ping_A1C2U - What positive and inspriring post! Good for you! I wasn't brave to keep going, though I probably could have last weekend.