Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 4]



  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    QOTD Thursday!

    Sorry this is late in the day (in the UK!)

    My father died exactly a month ago and when you loose a loved one like that, it makes you think about your priorities and what you would like to achieve in life.
    Do you have a 'bucket list' and what are the top three items?

    My answer is:
    1: To climb to Base Camp at Mount Everest
    2. To fly in a helicopter over the Rockies
    3. To cuddle a monkey (I did that one on our honeymoon in Sri Lanka!)

    Never really gave a bucket list much thought. Sorry to say, I am drawing a blank,. I can't think of 3 things that I would put on the list.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    QOTD Friday 5/27: Do you have a favorite quote that motivates you in your weight loss journey or in your daily life?

    Yes, the one that I've been living by for the last 2 years is " If you want something different in life, you gotta do something different". The 2nd quote I stole from Courtney on the Biggest Loser "Trust in the Process, Believe in Yourself & Be Patient".

    My quote for life in general is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I reflect on it whenever i get frustated over things that are stubborn to change.
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    QOTD Friday 5/27: Do you have a favorite quote that motivates you in your weight loss journey or in your daily life?

    I don't have a quote for weight loss but in my daily life it is "everything happens for a reason"
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    QOTD Thursday:Do you have a 'bucket list' and what are the top three items?
    hmm i never thought abt it . but one thing i luv to do
    Go to Italy with family n have pizza thr ( i know its crazy but also to enjoy the view and the place)

    QOTD Friday 5/27: Do you have a favorite quote that motivates you in your weight loss journey or in your daily life?

    Breakfast : Break fats ( this is my quote) I think bcoz its most important meal of the day .
    Fun part apart

    "Be patient success will come to You"

  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Friday - favorite quote.

    Well, not sure that I am using any particular quote for inspiration right now, but there are some that I like for other reasons:

    "Don't sweat the small stuff - and everything is small stuff"
    "If you and I agree on everything, then one of us is not necessary"
    This one by Albert Einstein - " We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"
    And finally, by Thomas Edison - "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    QOTD Friday:
    I am a massive Nelson Mandela fan so...

    There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.

    After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. (Appropriate for my journey with miss jillian right now!! )

    And I love to say 'just because you are on a diet, don't mean you can't look at the menu!'
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD Thursday: I am sad to say that I don't have an inspiring bucket list. With two preschoolers I am day to day right now. :wink:

    QOTD Friday: From my fav fish, Dory: "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming."
  • chasekilgannon
    Thursday QOTD: My bucket list has two items:
    1. Kick -*kitten*
    2. Chew Bubblegum

    But unfortunately, all out of bubblegum.

    I think this counts for Friday's QOTD too. :P
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Has losing weight had any effect on your sex life? If so is it better or worse?
    Yes, my fiance sometimes comments on how good I look, and I started looking at sex as also an exercise to burn calories lol

    QOTD Wednesday: What workouts do you love/hate/love to hate?
    Hmmmm...probably Jillian Michaels 30D shred...which is why I need to get back into Walk Away The Pounds...not because it kicks my butt but all the talking during it gets annoying sometimes...they are so cheery and positive it makes me want to puke sometimes lol
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    QOTD Thursday: My bucket list consists of...
    1) Trips to: Greece, Italy, Alaska, Vegas, Grand Canyon
    2) Get back into horseback riding
    3) White water rafting

    QOTD Friday: The only inspirational quote that I really use in my weight loss adventure is "Just Do It!" (Nike) lol
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Friday: From my fav fish, Dory: "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming."
    Thank you for reminding me of this one - it makes me smile every time I think of it :)
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    I saw this on someones signature in a post once......"discipline is choosing between what you want right now and what you want the most" I love it. Don't even know who said it, but it is my mantra right now.