How to fail at weight loss



  • It doesn't matter how much fatty food you eat, as long as you eat healthy food after to balance it out. So for every chocolate bar, eat a yoghurt and an apple. It cancels it out.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    - Believe the hype of every magazine cover lose-weight-quick diet plan.

    - Listen to your overweight co-workers when they tell you that you're getting "too skinny" and you "eat funny"
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Drink as much soda as you can tolerate. It's the same as water, only gives you more energy.

    ....And tooth fur :laugh: :huh:
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member

    - Listen to your overweight co-workers when they tell you that you're getting "too skinny" and you "eat funny"

    YES! The overweight people in your life have the proper perspective and can totally tell when you're starting to get "too skinny" and you "just don't look like "you" anymore". And when they tell you that your lunch smells funny (fish, asparagus, broccoli, etc) you must stop bringing those things and start eating junk again.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Eat a serving of Extra Creamy Whipped Cream (15 cal), it's fills calorie counts (cause i consume too much calories a day - 600ish), and it's the one of the very few low carb food I can find.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    - If you're not dizzy or light headed you are eating too much

    - eat as little as possible and do hourse of cardio per day cause when your body starts to use your muscles and tissues for fuel it still counts as weightloss

    - inject yourself with everything and anything that promises instant weight loss cause it's sure to last

    - do not eat anything with carbs (especially whole grains) cause they are bad for you

    - remember if you haven't dropped 20lbs a month it is time to give up cause you OBVIOUSLY don't get how to lose weight.

    - 600 calories a day IS enough to survive off of

    - the faster the weight comes off the longer it will stay off
  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member
    Don't trust any government - health non-profit health information. They are in conspiracy with Monsanto / agriculture / drug industry to keep us sick, so they can make money of us.

    Only trust websites, that have discovered the real, and only truth facts, about diet and health. Ignore the fact that the quacks make money selling this info, books, supplements, etc.
  • Absolutly No SEX! It kills your drive to workout! LMAO
    Or, use sex as a workout! Your *only* workout~! :love:
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Only record the food you want your MFP friends to see on your diary... everything else is your little secret.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Only record the food you want your MFP friends to see on your diary... everything else is your little secret.
    This is my favorite on this post!!
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Eat a box full of laxatives after each meal.
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Once you get to your goal weight, start eating exactly as you did when you gained weight in the first place, no moderation. You know you miss it and besides, it's a "journey" lets just keep it going!
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Eat only low and non-fat pre-packaged versions of all the foods you used to eat. Mac and cheese, pizza, ice cream, cookies,'s all good as long as the package says it is!

    BTW- I nearly killed myself at the gym because a television "health guru" said the whole eight servings of water a day thing was bunk and that coffee, tea, soup, fruits and vegetables provide plenty of water for the body per day. Almost coming to a dead stop on the treadmill while running out of shock is not recommended...She had some other really crappy advice, too. Basically it seemed like letting people hear what they want to hear instead of what might be more difficult but healthier: eat crappy filler foods, slack on water and have those crappy foods as long as they are no to low fat.
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    Set your daily activity level to very active when you stay at home or sit in a desk, that way you have a larger deficit....
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    Eat a box full of laxatives after each meal.

    Best ever as usual Js thanks for delivering :drinker:
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    Only record the food you want your MFP friends to see on your diary... everything else is your little secret.

    This is hillarious because it's true. There's been more than a few days I was tempted to leave things off. But I remind myself - my body will expose anything I try to cover up by lying. This has really helped me stay on track.

    Here's mine:

    Counting calories is not sustainable long term and will make you mental or anorexic. The only way to lose weight is to eat intuitively i,e, "eat whatever I feel like and tell myself my body is craving this food for a reason." I get this all the time from my sister.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    Take HCG at eat only 500 calories/day and you'll lose weight in NO TIME! Only to rebound and gain more with a shot metabolism! Double bonus!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    ...Drink back all your exercise calories in alcohol.

    This sounds like EXACTLY what I need to do.
    Eat a box full of laxatives after each meal.

    Alli to the rescue? And make sure to carry around a pack of adult diapers.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    Keep going wayyy over your calorie goal everyday with no exercise and have your friends keep telling you "it's ok, tomorrow is a new day"..

    That is of course how you became so successful in the first place right?
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    Don't lift weights or so strength training because the muscle will build ON TOP of the fat and the fat will solidify and you'll never be able to lose it

    Drink all your meals. My blending stuff in a blender it magically becomes a healthy meal! If you can't put it in a blender and blend it up then you shouldn't eat it

    Punish all of your mistakes with constant self-criticism and constantly compare yourself to those around you. Motivation!
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