


  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    best spur of the moment gift is to be pulled in close and given a big smooch lol:blushing:
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    I used to live it when my ex would clean my car. Not sure why it was such a big deal in retrospect, not like he cleaned any things else. Or cooked, or did laundry, or any of the shopping. Yeah, he for of easy cleaning my car a few times a year. Hmph!

    Still made me happy at the time.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Haha...I must be weird I would rather get a plant like an orchid roses...etc...I like those better because flower bouquets don't last very long....I also like balloon
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    i put gas in my wife's car!!

    what now?!?!:smokin:

    lol, mine does this toooo! I guess he thinks I cant lol!

    Haha! Mine too but prolly because I have ran it outta gas a couple of times lol.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    If my hubby bought flowers home for no apparent reason I would ask him what he had done wrong lol:laugh:
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    What if my lady doesn't like getting flowers?

    Diamonds work, too.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    One year for Mother's Day, my dad brought home a bunny for my mom - said flowers would only last a week, and she could keep the bunny for years. He was so cute. A week later, a cat ate him. Dad said, "Shoulda just got the flowers."

    One of the sweetest things my husband ever brought me was an old window - 1930s? - from a building he remodelled on one of the Pribilof Islands. Everyone thought he was crazy because two panes are broken out and it's permanently dirty. And I love it!

    Also, an antique scale - which he said went against his better judgement, but I like it, too; an old glass insulator from a jobsite; and he built me a plant bench from some old wood in the back yard.

    Basically, he figured out if it looks worn out and useless to him, I'll love it. He has learned what I like and caters to that.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    You guys scare me, lol. Men are the reason there are lesbians, I swear. (Very smart of you, I must say. Who knew you had it in you?)
    i couldnt agree with this more! the only reason i havent gone there, is the fear that i will end up with a woman as crazy and emotional as me! i dont think i couldnt handle dating someone like me. lol.

    LOL!! Guys make you want to be a lesbian...but you wouldn't date someone as crazy and emotional as yourself =p.

    And you guys WONDER why we haven't a freaking clue how to behave?!

    Sorry lol, not poking fun...I've seen a lot of your posts and enjoy them, but that struck me as borderline hilarious =D.

  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 355 Member
    One year for Mother's Day, my dad brought home a bunny for my mom - said flowers would only last a week, and she could keep the bunny for years. He was so cute. A week later, a cat ate him. Dad said, "Shoulda just got the flowers."

    One of the sweetest things my husband ever brought me was an old window - 1930s? - from a building he remodelled on one of the Pribilof Islands. Everyone thought he was crazy because two panes are broken out and it's permanently dirty. And I love it!

    Also, an antique scale - which he said went against his better judgement, but I like it, too; an old glass insulator from a jobsite; and he built me a plant bench from some old wood in the back yard.

    Basically, he figured out if it looks worn out and useless to him, I'll love it. He has learned what I like and caters to that.

    lol, ALL of those are AWESOME, you have both a great dad AND husband! -But a very poor bunny... *sniff* :(
  • Bavaria100
    Bavaria100 Posts: 42
    i put gas in my wife's car!!

    what now?!?!:smokin:

    Love it! :laugh: mmhhhhh maybe wash your wife's car? :wink:
  • It depends... does cyber SEX count? :laugh:
  • All of these are interesting and they have made me laugh. But hopefully you won't mind if I turn serious for a moment...

    For the first 9 years of our marriage I wasn't "present". I stood behind my wife and let her handle everything for one reason or another. Our 10 year anniversary is coming up in little over a month and she is now in a state where nothing I do seems to affect her. Flowers are put in a vase and then thrown out in a couple of days. Gifts are set aside and never used/enjoyed but later commented on "why am I spending the money". Gestures of love are met with rejection (she turns her head away, or pulls away from me). Any attempt to give a foot massage or such is also met with a sigh and a look of "What do you want?". I even suggested a week long vacation (which we have *never* taken with the kids) over our anniversary to get away and just be a family. She shows little to no interest. I'd love to take her away just the 2 of us, but we have no one to rely on to leave the kids. Both our families are unreliable or non-existent.

    I truly do fear I'm too late in "being here", but then I see *she* is still here, still sleeping in the same bed, still making dinner for *us*, still bringing the kids to meet me for lunch at work every now and then.

    Ladies, I'm open to ideas. I truly love this woman and want to make the next 10 years surpass every expectation. I'm just not sure how to convince her.

    Again, sorry for going serious, but I admire the bluntness of this thread. Good luck to you all.

  • All of these are interesting and they have made me laugh. But hopefully you won't mind if I turn serious for a moment...

    For the first 9 years of our marriage I wasn't "present". I stood behind my wife and let her handle everything for one reason or another. Our 10 year anniversary is coming up in little over a month and she is now in a state where nothing I do seems to affect her. Flowers are put in a vase and then thrown out in a couple of days. Gifts are set aside and never used/enjoyed but later commented on "why am I spending the money". Gestures of love are met with rejection (she turns her head away, or pulls away from me). Any attempt to give a foot massage or such is also met with a sigh and a look of "What do you want?". I even suggested a week long vacation (which we have *never* taken with the kids) over our anniversary to get away and just be a family. She shows little to no interest. I'd love to take her away just the 2 of us, but we have no one to rely on to leave the kids. Both our families are unreliable or non-existent.

    I truly do fear I'm too late in "being here", but then I see *she* is still here, still sleeping in the same bed, still making dinner for *us*, still bringing the kids to meet me for lunch at work every now and then.

    Ladies, I'm open to ideas. I truly love this woman and want to make the next 10 years surpass every expectation. I'm just not sure how to convince her.

    Again, sorry for going serious, but I admire the bluntness of this thread. Good luck to you all.


    Have you tried telling her just that?
    Every once in a while I check in with my hubby to see if there's anything he feels is lacking in our relationship (luckily he thinks we're doing great too). We also are encroaching upon 10 years and are saving up for a week long vacation in Hawaii where we got married. Granted we don't have the added stress of children.
    I would hope she cares enough about you to listen to your well constructed thoughts and hurt, and would maybe be open to some counseling if at least some reconnection....
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I don't have time to wait for my guy to figure stuff out. Whatever I want from my man I just tell him.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Wait men are supposed to do these things for a woman??? Seriously???:ohwell:
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    All of these are interesting and they have made me laugh. But hopefully you won't mind if I turn serious for a moment...

    For the first 9 years of our marriage I wasn't "present". I stood behind my wife and let her handle everything for one reason or another. Our 10 year anniversary is coming up in little over a month and she is now in a state where nothing I do seems to affect her. Flowers are put in a vase and then thrown out in a couple of days. Gifts are set aside and never used/enjoyed but later commented on "why am I spending the money". Gestures of love are met with rejection (she turns her head away, or pulls away from me). Any attempt to give a foot massage or such is also met with a sigh and a look of "What do you want?". I even suggested a week long vacation (which we have *never* taken with the kids) over our anniversary to get away and just be a family. She shows little to no interest. I'd love to take her away just the 2 of us, but we have no one to rely on to leave the kids. Both our families are unreliable or non-existent.

    I truly do fear I'm too late in "being here", but then I see *she* is still here, still sleeping in the same bed, still making dinner for *us*, still bringing the kids to meet me for lunch at work every now and then.

    Ladies, I'm open to ideas. I truly love this woman and want to make the next 10 years surpass every expectation. I'm just not sure how to convince her.

    Again, sorry for going serious, but I admire the bluntness of this thread. Good luck to you all.


    Aww - I'm so sorry you and your wife are struggling. I remember hearing a story once - I think it's in a book by a former baseball player, can't remember his name, sorry - about the guy realizing he hadn't cared for his wife the way he should have. He knew that she loved fresh-ssqueezed orange juice and started making it for her and leaving it on her bedside stand every morning. Every morning, for two years he did that and she didn't respond ( I assume she drank the juice). It took two years for him to win her back.

    It could be a long road, but as long as she is still there, you aren't too late.
  • I don't have time to wait for my guy to figure stuff out. Whatever I want from my man I just tell him.

    Or I buy it for myself and thank my hubby later. Btw I have gotten flowers maybe twice and we don't celebrate valentine's day and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything but smoke and mirrors. My hubby shows me he loves me 365 days a year in ways that count for ME (like giving me a beer while I'm in an ice bath! Beer beats flowers on their best day!)
  • FitFrenchGirl
    FitFrenchGirl Posts: 177
    flowers always does the trick :) melt my heart away!! awwwwww i miss getting flowers!:flowerforyou:
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    My ex husband often brought me flowers, in fact it is one of the things he made a big point of telling me as I was packing my bags. A bunch of flowers once a month did not make up for the rest of the cr@p. My new husband has rarely got me flowers but he has got me random presents just because he thought I would like them and he tells me he loves me every day and every morning the first thing he says is "Morning Gorgeous". To me these things are way more important.
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 297 Member
    women get way too susoicious, its a slippery slope
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