Risky Diet in the News



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I don't feel the need to defend how I did what I did, because I'm confident in my method. If you are so confident in your plan, why the need to defend your eating lifestyle so ferociously?

    ketosis causes irritability.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    If the main goal is to not feel hungy and to have more energy than I guess we should resurrect the methamphetimines diet.

    It also saw popularity in the 1950's and there is plenty of empirical evidence that it promotes weightloss.


    There is nothing wrong with taking meth! My doctor just wants to go to Jamaica, the hemp-wearing hippie selling snake oil just wants to make money, but MY drug dealer is an ethical and wonderful person, who is just trying to help me achieve my weight loss goals.

    Everyone has their own method and I'll thank you not to bash MINE!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    A red-winged blackbird pecked me on the head while I was running today.
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    Our local TV station just did a 2 part series on this diet last week. It seemed pretty scary to me. And a little like cheating.

    While it may work....I just don't see it being a long term solution, nor does it fix the problems that caused the weight problem (habits, poor diet, self esteem issues etc).

    Plus, there is no pill or shot that can give you the satisfaction that you get from seeing lbs and inches melt away through your own hard work and dedication. The sense of accomplishment that you can feel from the inside after a good workout where you realize you went further and harder than you did 2 weeks ago. Seeing yourself in the mirror and knowing all those hours of sweat were worth it.

    When I get to my goal weight I want to look back and say LOOK WHAT I DID! I EARNED IT!

    If I could lose weight the normal way I would, that's almost impossible for me. I have a genetic muscle disorder that doesn't allow me to do most forms of exercise and I was overweight and needed to change so the HCG let me jump start everything so now I am at a healthier weight and not at risk for stuff like I was.
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    The real problem is doctors rarely make referrals to nutritionists or dieticians. They don't offer advice for a person to become healthier. Most people don't know what to do.............We see the questions all the time for people reaching out not knowing what to do.

    It is easier and more profitable for a doctor to say You have high blood pressure, take this pill for the rest of your life...........than to sit down and say.......Hmmm, let's go over your eating plan to see where you can make those improvements.

    Medicine of today is a joke.
    NO. The real problem of today is people ASK for the pills and the easy way out. Im sure doctors are damn sick and tired of trying to convince people to just be healthier instead of cheating their way through life with injections and pills.

    I don't like plenty of doctors I've seen, but for every in-a-hurry doc theres at least one that has your best interest in mind.

    Im a complete pessimist and I still think your thoughts are way overboard.

    This thread just makes me so sad. It really, really does. Why can't people just try to BE healthy? And why must people believe that everyone is out to get them, their money, and their health? Personal choices are just that.

    Maybe when you're trying to lose weight you should be selfish about it. Eat right and exercise for you and don't look for an easy out.

    I have NEVER asked for pills or an easy way out, that is always what the dr's just try to give me. I have found 1 good dr out of all that I have seen. My diet is very healthy and I don't believe that everyone is out to get me, not even close to that. but i am still smart enough to figure out that the majority of the pharaceutical industry is full of crap and that my doctors want my money but won't even listen to me. It's not my fault that they won't listen to me. I eat right and exercise as much as I can and only feel better when I take a natural approach to my life, and my doctors don't support that. I need to find new ones, but i've switched and switched and still only have the one doctor that cares. My specialists don't even know what they should about my disease. And i didn't take any injections, i took the oral hcg which was extremely inexpensive and not from my doctor, the injections have a lot of other crap in them that is bad for the body. Not everyone's "answer" works for everyone, what works for you didn't work for me. I'm not encouraging anyone to take hcg, or not to take it. do the research and decide, but so many of these posts are one sided saying if you workout you will lose weight and the dr's wanna help you just want the pills....that doesn't even apply to me at all. I can't do any form of weight lifting, have weak muscles and bones and a very slow metabolism.
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member

    I don't feel the need to defend how I did what I did, because I'm confident in my method. If you are so confident in your plan, why the need to defend your eating lifestyle so ferociously?

    ketosis causes irritability.

    Actually I pee on a stick every day to prevent going into ketosis, but thanks for the concern. :D
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I kinda have to laugh that people doing such crazy calorie restriction is attributing their weight loss to HCG rather then the fact they aren't eating. God, what a rip off.

    very true

  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    The more we eat the more taxes they can collect AND we have to go to the doctor a LOT more for all these problems all linked to obesity, and then the doctors don't really do anything to help you just give you prescriptions that most of the time we don't need if we just changed our diets. The healthcare industry makes a lot of money on people not being informed. If we are all healthy, they can't make any money. Give us medicine that tears up our bodies and they can guarantee their salaries.

    The federal government's sources of revenue are 45% personal income tax, 36% payroll taxes, 12% corporate income tax, 3% excise tax, and 4% miscellaneous others such as interest returned from the federal reserve. In no way does the federal government make money from us eating more. In fact, lost productivity due to disease is one of the greatest drags on the real GDP growth. The government has all the motivation in the world for a healthy populace.

    Also, to say that doctors don't want to help is a huge insult to all the doctors who have dedicated their lives to helping people.

    Have you ever heard of lobbyist? Have you ever noticed how the people that make all these crucial decisions about our health and lives in general are former employees of the very corporations they are supposed to be watching? Does it bother you that as soon as they get out of office they go right back to those corporations?

    Wake up people!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    this isnt the place for that conversation

    besides, who cares. we cant stop it with anything short of complete revolution
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    A red-winged blackbird pecked me on the head while I was running today.

    LOL. Wtf?
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    I did it and dropped 23 pounds in 4 weeks, still have about 20 to go but I'm doing that with help from this site. The FDA doesn't approve a lot of things and thats because it really doesnt have your best interest at heart, the FDA wants you to be fat, the government makes a lot more money if we are unhealthy. I wasn't hungry when using the HCG cuz it was burning calories that were already left over in my body so it was as if I was consuming 2000 calories a day. Don't trust the government, or most doctors for that matter, they don't really care about you they care about money.
    Curses, you're on to me!
    I was so afraid that people would find out I was refusing to release the secret to a svelte body, in order to protect my income, that I deliberately gained 60 pounds so that I woudn't have to share the secret!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I don't feel the need to defend how I did what I did, because I'm confident in my method. If you are so confident in your plan, why the need to defend your eating lifestyle so ferociously?

    ketosis causes irritability.

    Actually I pee on a stick every day to prevent going into ketosis, but thanks for the concern. :D

    peeing on a stick prevents ketosis?:huh: