Would you have surgery?



  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Im not sure,

    My dad has offered to pay for a boob reduction for me. but Im scared and dont think I could go through with it. As much as I think it would be ace!

    I cant help but think im putting my life in danger for somthing that is essentially not neccessary?
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Yes I absolutely would have a tummy tuck. I have been for a consult already. Hubby and I just have to decide if we are done having kids.
    Also mine wouldn't be for a non-essential reason. I actually have some medical factors that have gone into why I need one to the point where my insurance would cover it. I guess it depends on how bad your stomach is, tummy tucks aren't always just a vain person wanting to look pretty.

    I have medical reasons for needing one too. The weight of the skin pulls on my c-section scar. I just had 5 hernias repaired because of it. My doc said if I don't get it done it will happen again.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Bump for review.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    Right now I'd have to say definitely NO. I don't exactly have the extra $$$ right now, and even if I did, I would prefer to spend it on something a little more important to me. That's just my own personal opinion. I'd have to say though if I had a medical need, or if my nose or teeth or something were really screwed up, I'd probably go for it.

    Besides the little bit of extra fat I'm actually pretty happy with the way I look right now. :)
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    I would deffo go for a tummy tuck and breast uplift if i could afford it. Ive had to children, worked hard bringing them up, exercised and dieted for most of my adult life and now im left with a stretch-marked tummy and empty boobs. So no matter how good i eat or how hard i train, this is something that only surgery could mend. Oh how i wish i had a spare 10 grand :ohwell:
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    I've actually had a few things "done" to enhance my appearance. Tummy tuck, breast reduction and lift, lipo to my neck, back, sides and stomach, and I would do it all over again! Sure, it was expensive, and yes there was pain involved but I researched the s**t out of it and had a pretty good idea what I was in for. I now enjoy checking myself out (even with all this excess weight!) and a mirror is something I used to avoid at all costs. I completely support anyone's decision to have cosmetic surgery if they believe having it will help them feel better about their appearance, and who wouldn't want to feel more comfortable in their own skin (or lack there of)?
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    Would i have surgery? well I already did. And yes there are risks,but its my body and I decide what to do with it. I can say Im happy with the results. But then there are people who say the scars would be unacceptable or maybe its 'unnatural' but for me scars arent much when added to all the stretchmarks!
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    If I had the money, I would practically move in to the surgeon's office. I love myself as a person just great. The outside doesn't match how I feel on the inside, however, and if I had the pennies to pay, I'd pay a pretty one to make them match!! Are there risks with surgery? Yep. There are also risks every time I get into an automobile. The odds are on my side, and I would do my research on my surgeon first. Calculated risk. I'd take it!!
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    I was due to have a breast reduction because of the pain that they were causing.... HOWEVER after meeting the vile sexist pig of a surgeon, it didn't happen. I think when I hit my goal weight I'll probably need a lift as they are horrible and feel like crepe paper :sad: and they're STILL bloody heavy!!!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    I started out at 401 lbs so when i lose this weight i would imagine i am going to have a lot of sagging skin especially in my abdominal area plus i have 2 kids 23 months apart and 2 c-sections so yes i would definitely consider it.

    I did have surgery 3 weeks ago but that was for gallbladder removal.
  • flutterqueen04
    I totally would get a tummy tuck and a breast lift!! Its not that I am not confident or any thing like that or that I am frivolous with my appearance, I just want my body to be the rocking body I know it can be! I had abdominal surgery due to a large tumor on my ovary and was left with a not so pretty scar from my belly button down to my pelvic bone and it has also left me with a very unattractive skin apron. As for my boobs...well I got pregnant they ballooned and then when I lost the baby due to the tumor they deflated. Then when I got pregnant again they stretched out even more with the milk. Now they are dangly and deflated. Oh I would also get lassic (sp?) cuz it would be nice to not have to deal with contacts or glasses.

    I think its awesome that you are so accepting of your body and confident. But please don't be so judgemental on those of us who may not be as confident and forgiving as you. Every one has different reasons and situations for wanting what they want. Its not all about vanity :)