anyone starting the shred 2morrow? 5/27



  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    0 Breaks

    Woke up this morning and noticed that my sides are definitely more trimmed and my upper arms are getting definition back! Wish I had taken a recent before picture...
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    Day 9 Level 1
    Breaks 1
    V tired today - I did this after a 45 minute badminton session ....
    I can definitely see a difference in my stomach but not really anywhere else. I only measured for the first time yesterday and won't measure again til day 30 is done!
  • tillNEWYEARS
    Day 9 Level 2!!!!
    Breaks: 0
    Felt like i needed to change it up today and I actually found circuit 1 and 2 on level two to actually be quite enjoyable! Circuit 3 is a different story....but I got through it!
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    Don't know if I'm just being thick but what is the 30 day shred and what are the levels all about. Starting diet tommorrow and need some inspiration.
  • newgrace
    newgrace Posts: 64
    Breaks- 1

    Just when the workout was starting to get easier, Level two starts. I was really sweating today, ew. Level two is tough, but do-able.
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    Day 10 Level 1 ... stil one break :(
    I'm amazed I've stuck with it! A third of the way there people!!
    Bring on Level 2 tomorrow!
  • kevandkeira
    kevandkeira Posts: 49 Member
    D10 L1 finally complete (0 breaks), level 2 tomorrow!!!
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    D10-L1 Woot!
    0 Breaks, even jump ropes are getting easier.
    Looking forward to switching it up tomorrow with L2.
  • tillNEWYEARS
    U guys are doing great! due to sunburn cannot workout today. Tomorrow hopefully. i hope it doesn't make the workout even harder when i finally am able to
  • newgrace
    newgrace Posts: 64

    It really makes me break a sweat and that last plank twist kills me, haha. I already feel like my arm muscles are getting stronger.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    I started this past Saturday, so I would end on July 4 - Fat Independence Day! Ha.

    Three days in and I have to say the cardio is harder than the weights for me. Last night I had more energy when I finished than when I started, so that's definitely good!

    eta: yesterday's stats:

    D3, L1
    No idea how many breaks - 5? My calf muscles BURN!
    Energy level was better at the end than the beginning.
    Also did 50 minutes of interval training at lunch
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    Think I'm going to take a break from this today ... my legs are feeling really tired.
    Level 2 tomorrow!
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    Really, really didn't want to do this today. I was very hungry early so ate early lunch, then my brain kicked in and pointed out that I'd now have to Shred on a full stomach, uck. But I perservered because I totally wanted to get started on L2. (second attempt at 30DS, but first time on L2) I DID IT! :bigsmile:

    3 Breaks-had to stop to watch what she was explaining, technically breaks.
    My arms/shoulders were burning...that's going to be some nice results!
  • kevandkeira
    kevandkeira Posts: 49 Member
    D11 L2 B2
    Hopefully less breaks tomorrow.
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    D11 L2 - no breaks! huh?!
    Well, it was bloody hard, and I did the beginner moves all the way, but still ... strangely enjoyed this more than level 1! Shoulders were BURNING and I'm not great at all the plank things but I managed.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Well, I think I'm out of this round. After my lunchtime workout yesterday, my knees were bothering me, my kneecaps felt like they were being pulled to the outside. It was very unsettling. Internet research and a search of the boards resulted in an armchair diagnosis of jumper's knee, or IT band problems. Did some IT band stretches last night instead of the Shred video, took an Ibuprofen and my knees feel somewhat better today.

    I think doing the Shred videos on top of what I'm already doing (Jackie Warner's program 5x week) is too much; I'm not giving my body time to recover in between workouts. Since I'm loving Jackie's program, I'm sticking with it.

    So, I hate it, but I'd hate it worse if I really hurt my knees and couldn't work out at all! Good luck you guys!
  • newgrace
    newgrace Posts: 64

    Wasn't feeling good this morning and didn't want to push myself to the point where I would get physically ill. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Those plank twists are still killing me at the end, haha.
  • tillNEWYEARS
    hope my muscles have memory...still have so much pain from my sunburn. :( hoping i can do the shred at least by friday morning.
  • kevandkeira
    kevandkeira Posts: 49 Member
    Im going to give today a miss, been laying flooring & skirting boards from 8.30am till 7.30pm (wonder how many calories that would have burnt??).
    I think if I attempt to do it tonight I wont be putting in 100% so i'll leave it till the morning.
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    My boy had a dr's appt today and it threw off everything, love getting extra time with him though.
    Right back at it tomorrow!

    Great job everyone!