

  • rhondaredhead
    rhondaredhead Posts: 135 Member
    MARS miles update for June 22-23:

    myanko: 8.7 (Personal total 79.75)
    smitchell37: 2.6 (Personal total 46.43)
    aranchmom: 2 (Personal total 20.8)
    rhondalorraine: 1.8 (Personal total 64.2)

    15.1 MARS miles + 202.5 MARS miles = 217.6 Current MARS miles!

    Keep it up, everybody! Counting today, there are only seven days left!
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    New Mileage totals for The Runaways. Team 4 that is...

    RCKT82 miles: 6/22 2.86miles run
    Pa2b32 miles: 06/23--5.43miles walk/run
    HungryMarathonGirl: 06/23---6.3mile run

    That is a total of 14.59 miles since yesterday morning for The Runaways. Add to previous total and.....

    __14.59__(current miles) + __308.66_ (Previous TEAM Miles) = __323.25__ (New TEAM Miles TOTAL)

    Good job team. Go hard this weekend and lets bring in some big numbers next week. Go Team.

  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member

    8.5 (my week's miles) + 134.49 (PGT) = 142.99 (New TEAM GO THE DISTANCE Miles)
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    Witness the Fitness once again checking in.

    1Horsetown logged 9.5 miles
    BeetleChe logged 3 miles
    PeachyKeene logged 6 miles

    New team miles
    18.5+ previous team miles
    264.87=new team total
  • MissConfidence

    (updated through Fri 25/6 - but w/some missing info)

    justjenn419's miles - 10
    starrr126's miles - 5.5 (not including fri)
    MissLoser's miles - 5.5
    bugnbeansmom - (not including thu, fri)

    21 (TEAM total) + 229.55 (previous TEAM total) = 250.55 (New TEAM total)
  • MissKash
    MissKash Posts: 132
    Team 10- Sassy Four Check In

    My Personal Miles (3.4) + Previous Team Miles (126.8)= New Team Miles (130.2).
  • rhondaredhead
    rhondaredhead Posts: 135 Member
    MARS Monday check-in for 6/24-6/26:

    myanko: 8.3 (Personal total 88.05)
    rhondalorraine: 7.6 (Personal total 71.8)
    smitchell37: 4.41 (Personal total 50.84)
    aranchmom: 1 (Personal total 21.8)

    21.31 MARS miles + 217.6 Previous MARS miles = 238.91 Current MARS miles!

    We're down to the wire now—can MARS push for a total of 300 miles in the next few days? We'll see...
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Sole Sisters (Team 7) checking in
    Miles from 6/22-6/27

    fitsherry: 0.00 (36.95)
    zaidasky: 0 (10.8)
    bstamps12: 12.5 (74.26)
    loveme445: 0 (28.72)

    12.5 Team Miles + 138.23 Previous Team miles = 150.73 New Sole Sisters Total Miles

    My team hasn't checked in for their miles over the weekend yet & zaidasky hasn't even logged into MFP in forever.

    Can't believe it's the final days!!!
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    New Mileage totals for The Runaways. Team 4 that is...

    RCKT82 miles: 6/25 8.75 miles, 6/26 4.8 miles run/walk=13.55 miles
    Pa2b32 miles: 06/24--10.0miles LS walk at home 6/25 11.74 miles Walk/elliptical/LS walk at home 6/26 13.84 miles walk/elliptical=35.58 miles
    HungryMarathonGirl: 06/25---10.1mile run
    Okieworkout: 6/25 2.26 elliptical, 6/26 2 mile LS walk at home=4.26 miles

    That is a total of 63.78 miles since Fridayday morning for The Runaways. Add to previous total and.....

    __63.78__(current miles) + __323.25_ (Previous TEAM Miles) = __387.03__ (New TEAM Miles TOTAL)

    Absolutely Freaking Amazing. Thanks to our team for answering the challenge to bring it this weekend. You guys rock and I would be happy to go to battle with you anyday. Great job Okie on the elliptical, I am trying to conquer that myself. HMG, the streets of Canada will have to be repaved after you get through burning a hole in them. And Rocket, you bought it this weekend my brother. I only hope that one day I will be able to rock the topless look like you do. Win, Lose, or Draw this challenge, I am estatic to have been a part of this team. Once again, thanks for stepping up to the plate. ..Go Team.

  • MissConfidence
    Team 4 Non Blondes update through Sun 26/6

    justjenn419's miles - 5.5
    starrr126's miles - 16.1 (not including sun)
    MissConfidence's miles - 1.5 (sorry guys, I'm sick!!)
    bugnbeansmom - 13.5

    36.6 (TEAM total) + 250.55 (previous TEAM total) = 287.15 (New TEAM total)

    NICE JOB! Only a few more days left of June!
  • MissKash
    MissKash Posts: 132
    Team 10 Sassy 4 Checkin

    My personal miles (4.1) + Previous Team Miles (130.2) = New Team Miles (134.3).
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member

    Miles as of 06/21:
    amelia_atlantic- 66
    Dian1227- 33
    SueGeer- 92.3!!!
    just_peachy- 64.2

    Total ONE-DERFUL miles total- 255.5 :bigsmile:

    WAY TO GO, One-derfuls!!! Let's hit 300 by the end of the challenge! Think we can do it???

    SueGeer: DAYUM, girl! You'll be at 100 in no time!
    I have no doubt we will hit 300!!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member

    Miles as of 06/27:
    amelia_atlantic- 83.5
    Dian1227- 33
    SueGeer- 92.3!!!
    just_peachy- 80.05

    Total ONE-DERFUL miles total- 288.85

    Three days left ladies, let's make 'em BIG!!!
  • dawnstl
    dawnstl Posts: 91
    Team Six - Sisters with Blisters New Mileage Totals as of Monday, June 27th:

    Legallyfab = 14.9 miles
    Dawnstl = 10.5 miles
    Idnam = 8.0 miles
    Danielleca = 7.0 miles

    40.4 (TEAM Total) + 153.85 (previous TEAM Total) = 194.25 (New TEAM Total)

    Way to go!!!
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    New Mileage totals for The Runaways. Team 4 that is...

    RCKT82 miles: 6/25 8.75 miles, 6/26 4.8 miles run/walk=13.55 miles
    Pa2b32 miles: 06/24--10.0miles LS walk at home 6/25 11.74 miles Walk/elliptical/LS walk at home 6/26 13.84 miles walk/elliptical=35.58 miles
    HungryMarathonGirl: 06/25---10.1mile run
    Okieworkout: 6/25 2.26 elliptical, 6/26 2 mile LS walk at home=4.26 miles

    That is a total of 63.78 miles since Fridayday morning for The Runaways. Add to previous total and.....

    __63.78__(current miles) + __323.25_ (Previous TEAM Miles) = __387.03__ (New TEAM Miles TOTAL)

    Absolutely Freaking Amazing. Thanks to our team for answering the challenge to bring it this weekend. You guys rock and I would be happy to go to battle with you anyday. Great job Okie on the elliptical, I am trying to conquer that myself. HMG, the streets of Canada will have to be repaved after you get through burning a hole in them. And Rocket, you bought it this weekend my brother. I only hope that one day I will be able to rock the topless look like you do. Win, Lose, or Draw this challenge, I am estatic to have been a part of this team. Once again, thanks for stepping up to the plate. ..Go Team.


    Glad to be part of this kick *kitten* team with an inspiring team captain! Let's make this thing happen and get past the 400 mark!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member

    Miles as of 06/27:
    amelia_atlantic- 83.5
    Dian1227- 33
    SueGeer- 92.3!!!
    just_peachy- 80.05

    Total ONE-DERFUL miles total- 288.85

    Three days left ladies, let's make 'em BIG!!!

    **UPDATE** As of 06/27

    SueGeer- 119 !

    Making Team One-derfuls' total 315.55 :drinker:
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    Witness the Fitness posting for 6-27-2011

    1horse town logged 20.4 miles
    PeachyKeene logged 19.2

    New Team miles
    39.6 miles+ Previous team miles
    283.37= New Team Total

    Didn't hear from one team member before this posting and our 4th member hasn't logged into MFP for 2 weeks. We've been holding our own anyway.
  • niceday
    niceday Posts: 15
    If you all will be doing a July Miles Challenge I'd love to join in
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    I'm not sure what happened to the rest of my team! :(

    But, I have still been plugging away, and I have made it for 89 miles! 11 more to go in 2/3 days....I can do it! :)
  • fitsherry
    fitsherry Posts: 86
    Sole Sisters (Team 7) checking in
    Miles from 6/22-6/27

    fitsherry: 9.7 (46.65)
    zaidasky: 0 (10.8)
    bstamps12: 0 (74.26)
    loveme445: 0 (28.72)

    9.7 Team Miles + 150.73 Previous Team miles = 160.43 New Sole Sisters Total Miles

    I didn't have my miles in yesterday in time for our group update.