Personal Independance Day Challenge Starts Monday 5/30/11



  • SW (5/30): 204.8 (up from 201 ugh!)
    Wk1 (6/06): I forgot to load last week and I never wrote it down so I can't remember :(
    Wk2 (6/13): 202.6
    Wk3 (6/20):
    Wk4 (6/27):
    Wk5 (7/04):

    Making my goal and hopefully I reach it! 194... 10lb loss
  • SW- 166

    Week 1 - 164.2
    Week 2 - 159.4
    GW- 156
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    SW:152 (it was really 152.6 but I was hoping to go down)
    GW: 146
    Wk 1: 153
    Wk 2: 152.5
  • Sardine239
    Sardine239 Posts: 72 Member
    Week 2 6/13/11

    SW: 230.5
    CW: 227
    GW: 220
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Wk 2:
    SW: 223
    CW: 216
    GW: 213

    Lost 7 lbs!

    *feel free to friend me*
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    Not being at the gym this past week has sucked...thank goodness I'm back at it this week, starting today!

    SW: 176.6
    Week 1: 173.2
    CW Week 2: 173.6
    GW July 4: 166
  • K9Lover
    K9Lover Posts: 82 Member
    Week 2

    Challenge SW: 155.5 (Memorial Day)

    Week 1: 154.5

    Week 2: CW: --- 154.0

    Challenge GW: 150.5

    Not a great week. This week will be better; Zumba class starts again today. Good effort to all.
  • BlessedMomX2
    BlessedMomX2 Posts: 241 Member
    6/13 Wk2

    SW 227

    CW 223

    GW 215

    No loss this week, but also no gain so I guess thats good. lol
  • SavannaN
    SavannaN Posts: 148
    SW 155.4

    Week 1- 154.8
    Week 2- 155.2

    GW 150.0

    Total Loss so far : 0.2

    Im hoping this was due to me gaining muscle and yesterdays bad sodium trip......
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    SW: 197.3

    WK#1: (6/6) = 196.4
    WK#2: (6/13) = 195.3
    WK#3: (6/20) =
    WK#4: (6/27) =
    WK#5: (7/4) =

    GW: 190
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Wk 1: 5-30-11
    SW: 340
    CW: 229
    GW: 219

    Wk 2: 6-6-11 228
    Wk 3 6-13-11 223

    had an awesome week , started p90x on 6-6. been eating some cleaner this week.
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Look at us all lose! Go ladies (and guys) go!!! :)
  • Hi all,

    SW: 187

    Week 1 6/6/11 - 184
    Week 2 13/06/11 - 179

    CW: 179

    GW: 171

    Good luck with the next week.
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204 Member
    I know Im a couple of days late.. but still hoping to join???

    Im assuming we are always weighing in on mondays? I'll just make this weeks goal slightly less than normal.. Ummm. Is that ok..

    SW: 175 (hoping some is water)
    CW: 175
    Next Weeks Goal: 172
    July 4th Goal: 162

    If im too late thats ok too... Best wishes everyone!

    Week 1 Weigh in: 172.2
    Next Weeks Goal 170 :D
    Ending goal: 162

    Ok, super frustrated.. Todays weigh in 171.6 a whopping .4 pound loss... :( Was so hoping to be less than this dont know whats up.... Hoping to be in the 160's next week.... even if its 169, I just want to see the 160's.....
    SW: 175
    Week 1: 172.2
    Week 2: 171.6
    Next weeks goal: 169
    July 4th goal: 162 alrighty then...
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    SW : 125

    Week 1 :124

    Week 2 : 123

    GW :118
  • Fergieberg
    Fergieberg Posts: 92 Member
    SW 312.8

    1st week 310.4

    2nd week 308.4
  • lecia125
    lecia125 Posts: 126 Member
    SW 301
    Week 1 298
    week 2 297
  • pbaker8307
    pbaker8307 Posts: 60 Member
    SW (5/30): 184lbs

    Wk1 (6/06): 185.5lbs. not going in the right direction but I have been drinking 8 glasses of water each day...and I hate water so I'm trying :)

    Wk2 (6/13): 183.5lbs...okay started eating more and got off of the plateau...go figure
    Wk3 (6/20):
    Wk4 (6/27):
    Wk5 (7/04):

    mini GW(by 7/04/11): 174lbs
    Ultimate GW: 150lbs
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    SW (5/30): 177.7
    Wk1 (6/06): 176
    Wk2 (6/13): 173
    Wk3 (6/20):
    Wk4 (6/27):
    Wk5 (7/04):

    Challenge GW: 165
  • Natashaclr
    Natashaclr Posts: 10
    S/W(5/30) 205
    Wk 1 (6/6) 203
    wk 2 (6/13) 201
    Goal (7/04) 195
    Sorry day late. :)