Pin-up Girls! - WEEK 2



  • OctaviaZuniga
    may I get in on this? I am new just started today looking for support
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    TGIF! Yesterday was bad all around. AC guy came and said our compressor can't be fixed and it's going to be $2200 for a new one. Ugh. DH flipped. I didn't get in my workout and I was a little over on calories since he brought home chinese, but, it could have been much worse. Working from home again today and going for an EMG this afternoon to see how my nerves are in my arm. Once DD is at school I'm hitting 30DS and at least I can munch on veggies all day again today like I did yesterday. The weekend will be a challenge I'm sure. But, the important thing is that I plan on trying.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    Yeah, I feel ya, the weekend always seems to be a challenge for me. My goals for the weekend is to get one cardio workout in and cook dinner at least one night.

    Since I haven't been on the scale all week, I can only focus on my calories and exercise to get me where I want to be. I'm just trying to take a different approach, I needed to try something different to impact my mind set. It wasn't as hard to stay away as it was last week. We'll see what happens Monday morning. It's a little exciting not knowing.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    TGIF! Yesterday was bad all around. AC guy came and said our compressor can't be fixed and it's going to be $2200 for a new one. Ugh. DH flipped. I didn't get in my workout and I was a little over on calories since he brought home chinese, but, it could have been much worse. Working from home again today and going for an EMG this afternoon to see how my nerves are in my arm. Once DD is at school I'm hitting 30DS and at least I can munch on veggies all day again today like I did yesterday. The weekend will be a challenge I'm sure. But, the important thing is that I plan on trying.

    I also wanted to add a supportive groan on the surprise $2200 expense. What horrible timing, right before Summer. And wish you good luck this afternoon.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Been a bit stressed, falling asleep on the couch and missing my workouts. I'm going to try and do Shoulders & Arms, and Legs & Back tonight. We'll see though.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    It looks nicer without the flower, which I promptly removed when I got home. I think someone sewed it on, it didnt seem like a part of the actual dress.

    Love it! super cute.
    Been a bit stressed, falling asleep on the couch and missing my workouts. I'm going to try and do Shoulders & Arms, and Legs & Back tonight. We'll see though.

    I'm sorry you're feeling so stressed lately. Hang in there. And remember how good workouts are for relieving that stress! Be good to yourself.
  • kelleypf
    kelleypf Posts: 152 Member
    Oh boy, here comes the weekend and my downfall! Restaurants, BBQs and beer oh my! Skipped my workout yesterday to clean the house and have plans after work tonight. Things are not looking good for this Pin-up come Monday... Time to focus!!

    Goals for the weekend:
    1. Wake up and start my Saturday with a jog!
    2. Add some strength training after my turbo fire workouts
    3. No booze!!!
  • sparrow747
    sparrow747 Posts: 87
    Oops forgot to post on Memorial Day! I'm still at 215. Have had a great week so far good food and lots of good workouts! Hoping to see that number fall again on Monday!
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    OMG!!!!! Freaking holiday totally threw me off and I missed the weigh in.

    I'll jump back in if you'll have me!
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    Been a bit stressed, falling asleep on the couch and missing my workouts. I'm going to try and do Shoulders & Arms, and Legs & Back tonight. We'll see though.

    Sorry about the stress, I feel for ya! Getting back on the wagon for EVERYthing myself!
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Hey all, I really need to get back on track this week! My sugar intake has been up this week, and the number of workouts I'm doing has dropped. Think I'm getting a bit complacent because I'm only 13lbs away from my goal, but need to keep going or I won't get there!!! Anyone else have this problem?


  • MightyMom4
    MightyMom4 Posts: 180
    Hey all, I really need to get back on track this week! My sugar intake has been up this week, and the number of workouts I'm doing has dropped. Think I'm getting a bit complacent because I'm only 13lbs away from my goal, but need to keep going or I won't get there!!! Anyone else have this problem?

    You know...I've been feeling the same way as I am also only 13lbs away. AND...for some reason I am feeling a little more self conscious about my body now that I have lost weight. I still have this annoying belly fat/skin that sags over my pants and now with the smaller tops it's more noticeable. Let's not even mention how disturbing swimsuit shopping has been...ugg! However, after 4 kids there's really no hope of it going back on it's own, I'll need to get a tummy tuck when all is said and done.

    So...I am on board if you need some friendly motivation as I could us some too. I would ultimately like to be at my goal by the end of this Pin-up Challenge...which is gonna take some hard work I am thinking.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Hey all, I really need to get back on track this week! My sugar intake has been up this week, and the number of workouts I'm doing has dropped. Think I'm getting a bit complacent because I'm only 13lbs away from my goal, but need to keep going or I won't get there!!! Anyone else have this problem?



    This happens to me a lot. I lose 10 or 15 pounds and then I start to slack a bit. It's a bad cycle for me that I'm trying really hard to break this time around. Stay strong, Mary-Anne! You can do it!
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    OM MY GOODNESS.....I feel like I have fallen off the internet has been down because of a virus and so I haven't logged anything, food or exercise, in 3 days....I so don't want to see the scale Monday...starting my 6 weeks strenght training next week so hopefully that will jumpstart my losing weight again!! :-)
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    Hey all, I really need to get back on track this week! My sugar intake has been up this week, and the number of workouts I'm doing has dropped. Think I'm getting a bit complacent because I'm only 13lbs away from my goal, but need to keep going or I won't get there!!! Anyone else have this problem?


    me!me!me! 14lbs away from my goal. its like i sabatoge myself for some reason! I would have been at my goal weight a long time ago if i wasnt losing the same3-4lbs every other week!! i dont know what my deal is... i did great this week, but the weekends is were i mess is all up. i think it may be that i'm not on a schedule during the weekends. at work i pretty much eat at the same times everyday. apparently i'm a creature of habit. then on the weekend its all out the window. but i'm going to try my hardest to get through the weekend on a good note and hopefully the numbers on monday will be rewarding!!
  • gingerOHsnap
    Yeah. The past few days have been horrible. I've been really stressed out and emotional which doesn't make me want to eat a lot, but makes me not want to put the effort into making healthy meals. It's so much easier to go down the street and just eat at a restaurant.

    It's so hard to do this some days. It's easy to make food and stay on track, but if this is a life change. This is something that needs to be permanent, so does that mean making better choices and always eating salad at restaurants? Or letting yourself have a tasty burger every once in a while?

    I'd like to think that once I get to my goal weight letting myself indulge every once in a while won't feel so bad, and won't suddenly make me gain 3 pounds back.

    Does this get easier when the goal is in sight?
  • enieto2021
    enieto2021 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm new can I join??? Dont know how it works but this I's my 2nd week trying to loose weight.. Last week I was 174 this week I'm 172.4.. I'm 5"5 goal I's 140.. And I need inspiration so add me!! Lol
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Just checking in with all of you lovely ladies. This week has gone swimmingly for me so far despite my lack of motivation to do any planned exercise. I've hit the 160s so I'm over the moon right now and I'm positive I'll hit my goal of 165 for my trip to San Diego in 2 weeks.

    Keep up the great work girls and let's keep on loosing.
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    I am irritated and feeling stymied by my scale. I'm back to bouncing between 202.4 and 203.8, and for no really good reason. My weight did NOT come down after AF this time, which is startling, and I'm feeling... Not exactly discouraged, but not exactly motivated either. I'm not over eating, and not (really) under eating, but I'm not being careful about what I put into my body, and I know I should be. I'm having one of my 'spells' where I make it halfway through the day before I realize I'm slipping into old habits, and hitting 3:00 in the afternoon on a whopping 150-200 calories intake. Then, I spend the afternoon trying to figure out 1200 calories (plus 600 for 30DS!) to get into me in as dense a form as possible, leading to fast food, which blows my sodium straight to h3ll, and the cycle repeats. UGH! Every couple months this happens - I sit at the same one or two pounds for weeks on end, then BAM, drop four pounds in a week... and then do it again. x.x;;
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Just had to share this bathing suit. I think I'm in love.

    Now I just have to convince a loved one to give it to me as a gift. :tongue:
