Lose 5lbs+ in June!! YES WE CAN!!



  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Name/ real name: Allyson/sundance2032

    Goal weight on June 30: 140 (I would like to be in the 130's but lets be realistic...)

    06/01: 147ish
    06/06: 145.6 (set goal 144)
    06/13: 144.0 (set goal 142)
    06/20: 143.2 :grumble: (set goal 140)
    06/27: 139
    06/30: 138

    Hello everyone, hope you all have had a great week :happy:
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    Name: Mosaix/Mara

    06/01: 210.9lbs
    06/06: 209.8 lbs
    06/13: 209.8
    06/20: 207.9

    - 1.9lbs this week. Really pleased as I've struggled this past fortnight. Woop! hurrah for me :)
  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    Name/ real name: memoggridge/ Michelle

    Goal weight on June 30: 192

    06/01: 197.8
    06/06: 194.0
    06/13: 192.2
    06/20: 192.2:grumble: :mad: :angry:
    Been down 2.4 lbs this week then gained again after 1 curry!!!! And I didn't eat much at all in the day to try to compensate??!!
    Never mind it'll come off again!!!!
    Have a good week everyone!!!!
  • northernlite
    Name: Northernlite.

    Goal weight by June 30 is 135.

    06/02: 141.5
    06/06: 140.8 Did ok except for desserts over weekend. Sigh. Sweets are my downfall.
    06/13: 140 Another sigh. At least it's going the right direction, however slowly....
    06/20: 138.1
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    2.4 pounds in 10 days? I don't know... But I'll sure try!!

    Name/ real name: kcthatsme/Kristen

    Goal weight on June 30: 160

    06/01: 165
    06/06: 163.2
    06/13: 163.6
    06/20: 162.4
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    Name/ real name: maher2006/Tammy

    Goal weight on June 30: 134

    06/01: 137
    06/06: 136.4
    06/13: 136.6 ( i blame TOM, next week I will have a good weigh in, i can feel it!!!)
    06/20: 136
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Name/ real name: frostiegurl/Larissa

    Goal weight on June 30: 164.5

    06/01: 171.2
    06/06: 169.0
    06/13: 166.6
    06/20: 164.2
  • uhoh_billy
    uhoh_billy Posts: 94
    Name/ real name: uhoh_billy/Amy

    Goal weight on June 30: 177

    06/01: 182
    06/06: 179.8
    06/13: 178.2
    06/20: 182.0

    How DEPRESSING! I've been staying within my calories and even though I had my once-a-month cheat day this week, I didn't eat that awfully! But I've started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and from what I've read, most people pack on a couple pounds in the first week. Fingers crossed that's what happened here, or else I'll be really upset.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Amy, I agree with what they say about the Shred. I gained a little when I started too, but ended up losing in the end.

    Goal weight on June 30: 177

    06/01: 182.4
    06/06: 180.2
    06/13: 178 (getting close, but I was on a cleanse... and now I'm not.)
    06/20: 181.6 (ouch... I've been really bad lately)
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Name/ real name: Dyiaane/Diane

    Goal weight on June 30: 122

    06/01: 127
    06/06: 125.5
    06/13: 125
    06/20: 125
    06/30: Leaving for vacation on the 29th so thats my goal date- Will weigh in on the 28th.

    I don't think I'm gonna make my goal. These last few pounds are so hard to get off. I have been eating pretty decent and working out at least 5 days a week. Hopefully I can lose another pound by our last weigh in.

    I hope you are all doing well. BTW loved the chart. I hope there is another group like this in July/August.

    Happy Summer!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    dyiaane --- I will posting the July group at the beginning of next week.
  • Jackie218
    Jackie218 Posts: 116 Member
    Name/ real name: Jackie

    Goal weight on June 30: 208

    06/01: 214
    06/06: 212
    06/13: 211
    06/20: 211

    I've had a rough few days, im disappointed in myself for not being able to control it but im back on track now! i hope i can pull 2lbs by monday!!
  • jolie123
    jolie123 Posts: 30
    Name/ real name: jolie123/ Angie

    Goal weight on June 30: 136

    06/01: 143
    06/06: 143
    06/13: 142
    06/20: 142 -_-
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    dyiaane --- I will posting the July group at the beginning of next week.

    Great! Please save me a spot. I'll be back from vacation on July 7th. If I have internet access I'll log on to sign in.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    dyiaane --- I will posting the July group at the beginning of next week.

    Great! Please save me a spot. I'll be back from vacation on July 7th. If I have internet access I'll log on to sign in.

    Your actually the second person to ask me about this today because they will be gone the first part of July. Maybe I should post it earlier due to the Holiday and what not.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    dyiaane --- I will posting the July group at the beginning of next week.

    Great! Please save me a spot. I'll be back from vacation on July 7th. If I have internet access I'll log on to sign in.

    Your actually the second person to ask me about this today because they will be gone the first part of July. Maybe I should post it earlier due to the Holiday and what not.

    That sounds good. Thanks.
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Well mid week again. How is everyone doing? I am doing ok I guess I recorded a 1 lb loss on mfp Monday but then Tues and Wed didn't see that number again getting closer today but still .5 lb heavier then what I recorded Mon. I know it will come down I just have to eat more Mon and Tues especially I ate very few calories because of what was going on in my life yesterday I was able to eat more again this really helps me it is sort of like zig zagging but I don't really plan low days they just happen sometimes. I do need to get to the grocery store this week to stock up on fresh veggies and fruit again. Hopefully the number goes back down and keeps going down. I know I am close to ideal weight and am in the normal BMI now so I am happy to maintain but would like to get rid of another 10 if possible.
    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Here is the link to our July group. I know I posted it a little early but I had request from people that would be out of town. If you are 100% wanting in on July get your name on the list right away. It will make my life easier.

  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I also just noticed that I didn't post the link to the spreadsheet yesterday. So here you go ladies!!


    We lost another 26 pounds as a group this week for a total of 129.2 as a group in June!!!

    Our top three shout out for the week are......drum roll please.......

    1. Lemonbug with 3.3 pounds down this week! She has lost 4.84% of her body this month! I guess that ex-boyfriend diet is working for her!!

    2. Noodlespoon is down 2.6 pounds this week with 4.38% shaved away!!

    3. We had a tie for 3rd place with 2.5 pounds down by namoi7703 and fabmama

    Thanks for another great week everyone! Can't wait for the end of the month to see who all reached their goal!
  • staroddchic
    staroddchic Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Bmfrazie would you please add me to the spreadsheet for next week? Thanks! :)

    Kamk16 - Hang in there! You can do it! When you have a day you are not eating enough calories, try to snack every two hours on something healthy, veggies, fruit raw nuts, a yogurt, or a piece of whole grain bread even. :)

    Jolie123 – You can do this! Give yourself a little extra push this week! I have flat lined at the same weight for a couple weeks before even though I was doing everything right. Try doing something different, like if you are exercising, change what exercise you are doing, or if you’ve been eating a lot of the same things for a while, try eating something different, that might help get you off the plateau :smile:

    Jackie218 – You can control yourself! When you think you can’t, tell yourself “Yes, I can!” Mind over body! If you are having a craving attack and feel like you are about to cave, have one bite of that naughty food then drink a large water and eat something filling like an apple!

    Dyaane – Same advice I gave Jolie, I see you are working out 5 days a week. Try a different routine, or try adding an extra 5 minutes of interval training. You can do it!!!

    Steph_135 - It’s okay to be bad occassionally! Don’t beat yourself up! It’s never too late to get back on the horse!

    Uhoh_Billy – Hang in there!!! Stick to your Jullian Michaels thing! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Frostiegurl – Wow you are doing amazing! You are really motivating! I hope I can lose 92 pounds like you have!! You look great!!! Do you have any tips? Keep it up!

    Maher2006 – You’ll get to your goal! You’re making steady progress! Keep it up!!!!! :happy:

    Kcthatsme – KEEP IT UP! You are going in the right direction! Don’t give up!

    Everyone else I didn’t get to – Keep it up! Everyone is making progress! A little progress is better than none! I hope my tips help at least a little bit. I am just throwing things out there that have helped me. The weekend is just around the corner, I know for me it is easier to be good at work than on the weekend! Let’s just remember if we want a little treat on the weekend, that it is ok as long as it is in moderation! Good luck everyone and stay strong!