are you an apple, pear, banana or hourglass?



  • namrettik
    namrettik Posts: 127
    in the twin thread i saw a couple of people post their body shape, as well as their weight and age, and it got me thinking about whether that might be a big factor in HOW we lose weight.

    So.... please weigh in. Call it amateur research.

    1. How old are you?
    2. What is your body shape?
    -Apple: You put on/carry weight mostly in your waist and belly area.
    -Pear: You put on weight in your hips, thighs, and butt
    -Banana: You have a straight-up-and-down body, no real curves to speak of
    -Hourglass: You are two triangles meeting at their points-- a slim waist and you carry weight in your chest and lower half.
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked?

    1) 24
    2) Pear shifting into hourglass. My waist was the first to drop, my cinch and hips creeping behind (no boob loss).
    3) Both. They've both been a part of my weight loss since January; 29 lbs gone, as well as many inches. I've started strength training as of late, but my diet's been a bit more than it used to be, too. Weight is dropping *very* slowly now, as are inches, but I'm practically in those last 10 pounds to go. My body hasn't been at this weight for, what, a decade? It doesn't want to lose anymore. Too bad. :wink:
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    in the twin thread i saw a couple of people post their body shape, as well as their weight and age, and it got me thinking about whether that might be a big factor in HOW we lose weight.

    So.... please weigh in. Call it amateur research.

    1. How old are you?
    2. What is your body shape?
    -Apple: You put on/carry weight mostly in your waist and belly area.
    -Pear: You put on weight in your hips, thighs, and butt
    -Banana: You have a straight-up-and-down body, no real curves to speak of
    -Hourglass: You are two triangles meeting at their points-- a slim waist and you carry weight in your chest and lower half.
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked?

    1. 26
    2. Hourglass
    3. Combo of calorie counting and conservative amounts of cardio have been the best so far. Consistently losing about 1.5 lbs /week
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    1. How old are you?

    2. What is your body shape?
    If you look at me from the front, I'm a banana. If you look at me from the side, I'm an apple. (I go straight out lol)

    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked?
    Exercise has definitely helped, if nothing else it's helping me drop water weight. Having friends also dieting helps too, that way they know what it's like to count calories and work out on a regular basis.
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    1. 37
    2. Hourglass
    3. Diet has helped me the most with pounds/size, exercise with the shape/tightness of my body. Both are equally important in my eyes.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    1. How old are you? ..............33
    2. What is your body shape? ................. Apple :(
    -Apple: You put on/carry weight mostly in your waist and belly area.
    -Pear: You put on weight in your hips, thighs, and butt
    -Banana: You have a straight-up-and-down body, no real curves to speak of
    -Hourglass: You are two triangles meeting at their points-- a slim waist and you carry weight in your chest and lower half.
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked? .................They say diet is the biggest change one must make in order to lose weight. I have tried just dieting, didnt work, have tried just exercising, it didnt work. Tried both finally and am down 65 lbs :-)
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member

    I am 41
    My body shape is Pear
    I LOVE exercise, but to be perfectly honest, diet seems to make the most difference for me in regards to weight loss. Exercise is beneficial in many, many ways, but again in terms of weight (fat) loss, I would say diet. Both is the best combo.
  • parisianskies002
    1 - 18
    2 - Hourglass
    3 - Definitely exercise. l never even know l had an hourglass shape! I love it. :)
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    1. 24
    2.Looking at the definition of all the body shapes I don't really fit any of them. I'm not pear because I'm still bigger up top, and I'm not hourglass because my stomach isn't tiny. So what am I? I think I'm like 36, 34, 39 for chest waist hips. I would LIKE to say hourglass.... I think once i lose the 30 pounds more I want to I will be hourglass but who knows!
    3. I think diet helps the most but exercise helps a lot too.
  • Ellebeegirl
    Ellebeegirl Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 43

    I've always been an hourglass until 9 months ago, now I'm an apple

    I think my problem might be hormone related, but I gained weight quickly and diet alone didn't stop it. Now with a combination of diet and exercise I seem to have stopped the gaining. I'll have to let you know what it takes to lose the weight at a later date.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    1. How old are you?
    2. What is your body shape?
    -Apple: You put on/carry weight mostly in your waist and belly area.
    -Pear: You put on weight in your hips, thighs, and butt
    -Banana: You have a straight-up-and-down body, no real curves to speak of
    -Hourglass: You are two triangles meeting at their points-- a slim waist and you carry weight in your chest and lower half.
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked?

    1. 41
    2. Unfortunately, banana.
    3. Diet has made more of a difference in weight loss, but exercise has made a bigger differnce in the way my body looks. I changed my diet first and lost 7 pounds. Then I started the 30-day shred and have lost 3 more pounds, but now I really notice a difference in my arms, legs, waist, etc.
  • VanessaFaith
    VanessaFaith Posts: 171 Member
    1. I'm 33, but I prefer to say 29 for the 5th time ;-)

    2. Apple, I guess. I actually distribute weight evenly. I think I'm more of a barrel. lol

    3. Diet and exercise have definitely made more of a difference in my weight loss. Starving DOES NOT WORK and the hope of not having to work out DOES NOT WORK! It did in my 20s, but deffinitely not in my 30s.
    Something that has worked better for me was getting a gym pass and paying it IN FULL. It's kept me going even when I wasn't up to it. I also got a trainer to train me, but also to keep me accountable.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    1. 26
    2. apple i guess
    3. Diet. I hardly excercise (disabled). 35+ pounds in under 3 months by eating all of my calories (most days).
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    1 i am 23
    2. i look like a dB from the right side veiw lol i gotta a big tush big belly and big taas lol i want to look like a dP so bye bye belly.. from front veiw i look like a kong dog toy..
    3. counting calories is the only thing that i found that works for me. i have learned that i need to just suck it up with the exercise cuz without it i either stay the same or gain (mostly gain) so i need to kick it up but i am starting to get a hourglass shape so til the kong toy it is.
  • Scheherazadea
    1. 20
    2. Hourglass
    3. I've only started trying to lose weight, but I'm currently on Atkins. I'm going to supplement it with some Zumba and also the 30 Day Shred. Though considering how fit people get with p90x, I might try that instead!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I am 22.
    I guess I would be a mixture of pear and apple. I've always just considered myself a coconut. :/
    Zumba has given me a whole new view on working out, and I love love love it. I honestly hate running and going to the gym just to be glared at by teeny chicks who have no faith in me.
    It's my 2nd month using MFP and I haven't lost any significant weight; just only adjusted the way I eat and drink.
    It's weird, because I weigh myself and see that I don't lose anything, if anything, GAIN something, yet my clothes are getting noticably baggy and fitting weird and my boobs shrunk. /shrug
  • BobertC
    BobertC Posts: 123
    1. 34

    2. I carry my weight in my chest and stomach. Funny story, I was told my body type is closer to a cave man. minus the hairiness and jacked up face.

    3. with the body type of a primitive the high protein low carb diet does wonders for me when supplemented with a good daily workout.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm 32 I'm an hour glass and cutting calories AND exercize has helped me lose a lot of weight.
  • botography
    botography Posts: 95 Member
    Hour glass.
  • moPOETRYtion
    1. How old are you? 31
    2. What is your body shape? I am a pear but also have a spare tire going on :frown:
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked? Exercise has been the most effective for me, but watching what I eat helps some.
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    1. How old are you? - 30
    2. What is your body shape? - I was always hourglass. My bust and hips have always been the same measurement and my waist 10" smaller....but....
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked?- Weight loss and exercise has shrunk my upper body more than I expected and now I am more of a pear-ish shape but still kinda hourglass. Diet made more of a difference in the beginning and then exercising helped some, but honestly I lost more on diet alone than with exercise. I just exercise now for mental health b/c I have been stuck at my current weight no matter how hard I work physically.