are you an apple, pear, banana or hourglass?



  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    Hello from one Alaskan girl to another.

    I am 46
    I have an hourglass body tyoe.
    For me, exercise seems to be more critical than just diet. It seems as if even after my workout is finished, my metabolism revs up and stays up giving me a big bang for my effort. That said, I am very careful with my food choices and calorie intake.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    1. How old are you? 25
    2. What is your body shape?
    -Pear: You put on weight in your hips, thighs, and butt
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? Yes! Exercise has given me energy. Eating less and healthier has lost weight very easily for me (22 lbs in 22 weeks). What else has worked? I don't do anything else! I still eat junk food, just smaller portions.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I'm 30 and I'm an hourglass with the tendency to be a pear or apple because baby got back!!! Ha ha. I try to remain positive and love my body and one thing I really like about it is its overall shape -- curvy in all the right places with a comparatively small waist. :) When I'm in my best shape, I have an even smaller waist and a slim upperbody (of course that makes the boobies go bye-bye, which is sad, but I'll take it over fat!) I am trying to get back to this ideal shape and what helps me is exercising including cardio for weight loss and weight training/core exercises to help tone and slim down. Also the most important thing for me is watching what I eat-- healthy, natural foods, small portions, frequently. Here's to looking our best no matter what our shapes are. :)
  • texakin20
    texakin20 Posts: 98 Member
    1. 40
    2. Apple: You put on/carry weight mostly in your waist and belly area.
    3. I will say EXERCISE. Because I have tried to watch what I eat for years. Not as serious as now, but I have. Only when I have now added exercise, started counting calories, do I now stop and say it is not worth it to eat that! Excersise is the start of getting healthy for me,
  • junepg
    junepg Posts: 12 Member
    1. 40
    2. Apple (not cool)
    3. Am exercising and changing food habits but I think I need to see my physician coz after at least 12 hours a week in the gym doing cardio, classes and weights I've only lost 4 pounds in six weeks! Frustrating even tho I can feel the various muscle groups toning.
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    1. I am 48
    2. An Apple A HUGE, grotesque apple.
    3. I have lost a majority of my weight when I exercise.But I know I can take some time off from the gym (currently about 3 weeks) and continue to lose.
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    1. How old are you? 24
    2. What is your body shape? PEARS UNITE! :) lol umm yeah my hips and thighs and butt are huge!
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked? YES! I have lost incrediable inches in my waist and hips...not so much in the thighs...idk what to do about them really.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I'm 49 - turning 50 in 3 1/2 months:noway:
    Body shape - can you be an applenana? I carry my weight in my arms, back, and belly. Thick waisted, and not very hippy. I'm an inverted triangle - broad shoulders and chest, but not busty, straight waist, slim hips and muscular legs.

    I need a lower carb, high protein diet along with cadio and ab work to make a change. I'm not seeing changes as fast as I had hoped, but small changes are better than none. I lose pretty evenly, which is frustrating because I need to lose in my waist/tummy and chest/back, not my hips and legs.
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    in the twin thread i saw a couple of people post their body shape, as well as their weight and age, and it got me thinking about whether that might be a big factor in HOW we lose weight.

    So.... please weigh in. Call it amateur research.

    1. How old are you?
    2. What is your body shape?
    -Apple: You put on/carry weight mostly in your waist and belly area.
    -Pear: You put on weight in your hips, thighs, and butt
    -Banana: You have a straight-up-and-down body, no real curves to speak of
    -Hourglass: You are two triangles meeting at their points-- a slim waist and you carry weight in your chest and lower half.
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked?
    I decided to bring this up again after the Pear shaped thread.

    1. 33
    2. Hourglass (though right now I'm probably a 2 hour hourglass :)
    3. Weight loss shows on me quickly, but I do notice that it shows in weird places (my face, stomach, and by my butt first). I can't wait until I get back to a 26" waist (or that's what I'm hoping will happen). I've also noticed that having babies has changed how I gain and lose. I never had a flabby tummy before (never had a six pack either, just never had any "muffin top", after my boys, that changed).