Like Minded Lushes June 2011



  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    IF I can drink and still stay within my allowed calories, I'm fine and can lose weight. But MY problems is I drink, then get the munchies and eat, then forget what I ate - or just don't care! :laugh:

    Oh, I hear ya, I've done that too!!! Usually the next day if I really overindulge. (can you say cheeeeseburger?)
    But I'm talking about having a glass of wine or 2 at night. Usually while i cook or with dinner. I always log that in and stay within my calories..and I'm not seeing the pounds come off lately.
    I'm going to lay off the alcohol for a while, see if it makes a difference.

    Never makes any difference to me whether I drink alcohol or not. Giving up alcohol for May has meant that I've been well under (maintenance) calories for most of May but my weight hasn't changed at all. I don't magically feel great or have more energy or anything, except obviously I avoid any hangovers. Guess it saved me some money again and I expect my liver is smiling quietly to itself, however it might not be after the weekend :-)
  • I too am a beer drinker, I have tried drinking wine but it gave me crazy heart burn if I drank too much! I have done pretty well with gin and diet tonics though.
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    Hello you beautiful Like Minded Lushes! I am so happy to find you all today. Thursdays are known as Craft Beer Thursday at our house since I'm usually off work that day. And already have the Bell's Oberon plugged into my diary today. I won't say I'm proud of any of it, is good. My husband and I often joke that the only reason we work out is to "afford" beer and that neither of us will ever run a marathon because that means 4 hours out of our Sunday drinking time...

    I wouldn't mind cutting back, but prefer to exercise more. The last time I went on a 30 day "no beer" diet not much changed. Of course back when I only drank Amstel Light it was easy to lose weight. Not so much now. I "accidentally" had a North Coast Old Rasputin the other day and about fell over when I saw it listed here as 369 calories for 12 ounces. But gosh it was goooood.

    If there any craft beer lovers on this thread, please friend me. We can share our pleasures and pains!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Wednesday=3 glasses of wine. I think they were small glasses!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Never makes any difference to me whether I drink alcohol or not. Giving up alcohol for May has meant that I've been well under (maintenance) calories for most of May but my weight hasn't changed at all. I don't magically feel great or have more energy or anything, except obviously I avoid any hangovers. Guess it saved me some money again and I expect my liver is smiling quietly to itself, however it might not be after the weekend :-)
    If I find that to be the case with me, you can be sure the wine and vodka will be showing up again in my food diary pronto! :drinker:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I "accidentally" had a North Coast Old Rasputin the other day and about fell over when I saw it listed here as 369 calories for 12 ounces. But gosh it was goooood.

    If there any craft beer lovers on this thread, please friend me. We can share our pleasures and pains!

    Holy Cow! Are there other craft beers out there with those kind of calories? DH loves to try different beers but rarely buys them for home,. I need to steer him away from that one when out.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    sun- 0
    mon- 2 glasses of wine
    tues - 2 glasses of wine
    wed - 0
    thurs - 0
    fri - 0

    I haven't had a good drinking sesh since that blackout :laugh: Might test the waters on the weekend. :laugh:
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Monday = 1 Bottle of wine
    Tuesday = 0
    Wednesday = 0
    Thursday = 1/2 pint of strongbow (at work) and a large glass of wine (when I got home - wasnt going to but my husband had already poured it and after a 12 hour shift my will power was massively waning :laugh: )
  • geeberann
    geeberann Posts: 11
    Thursday = 4 shots tequila
    Counting calories shot to h*ll. After 9.5 hr shift at work I just didn't care. Sigh.
    This wkend is going to be gorgeous. It will be very hard to just drink water. I just might try the homemade skinny girl margarita though. That sounds really good. ;)
  • Monday-Thursday-0, I just hope I don't go crazy this weekend and end up at Dennys for breakfast at 4am! Good luck to everyone over the weekend.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - 4 beers
    Thursday - 1 Michelob Ultra and hubs said I keep drinking all his beer when he goes to bed... so I stopped! lol
    Friday - this is my weak night!! but premier of Whale Wars is my cause for celebration :):)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Tuesday -0

    I am still on a roll. I am making veal piccatta tonight so I am going to buy a little teeny tiny bottle of pinot grigio to cook with and I will drink the rest but that isn't very much wine so I think I am still doing well. I am going to try to keep this going. I am not setting a date or anything just trying to go as long as I can.
  • harliesmom
    harliesmom Posts: 25 Member
    YAY! I'm so glad I found this group!

    Tuesday- 0

    Tonight is Game Group night, so my plan is crystal light raspberry lemonade and vodka... I am going to premake a drink, and take it to GG, and not tempt myself into drinking anything else. I was thinking about taking some wine- then I realized the only wine I like is SUPER SWEET!! So probably not the best option :(

    P.S. - My fiance just bought a kegerator, so we currently have a keg of yuengling in the kitchen!! SOOOO hard not to pull the handle every once in a while!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    So I have had some wine this week but was within my calories for the days....sometimes I HAVE to have wine so I meet my calorie goal for the day :laugh: its a shame isn't it!!! So....

    Tuesday- 10oz of wine
    Wednesday-10oz of wine
    Thursday-15oz of wine......and I think that extra 5oz made me feel alittle crappy this morning, I was moving real slow at the gym!!!!
    Friday-BEER...can't really say how much yet, I have 1000 calories set aside for it :drinker:
    Saturday-God knows, we have a wedding. I'm going to try and stick within much as possible. Also doing a crazy 2hr workout in the morning so I can earn alittle wiggle room!!!
    Sunday-Well, depending on my saturday depends if I have anything, I might feel alittle crappy :sick: Otherwise, It might just so happen to be beer day again!!!
    Hey today is the start of Philly beer week sooooo I have to participate some what right??? :huh:
    Happy friday everyone!!!!!!!!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Looks like we're doing pretty well!

    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - 0
    Thursday - 0

    Tonight is my one year anniversary of dating my bf so there will likely be wine consumed and tomorrow there will be plentiful booze as well, I'm sure! I am going to try to take it easy tonight so that I am not hungover and can work out on Saturday (unheard of, I know).
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member my work party and kickball last night I managed to keep it down to one beer (Fireman's 4) and one "light" margarita (it is a zero calorie margarita mix by Cuervo. Not too bad.).

    SO, for June:
    Tuesday = 0
    Wednesday = 0
    Thursday = 1 beer, 1 light marg

    Hopefully I can reign it in this weekend and keep it to the same levels as last night...although it is the weak-end. Yikes! Another small victory, I managed NOT to bum a cigarette at kickball as well. Which has become another bad habit when drinking. So quitting, for real, not sneaking any when drinking is my other goal!

    Good luck this weekend everyone!!!!!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    happy weekend everyone! enjoy!!!
    I'm going to do my best to abstain.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I blew it! I had a tall vodka/soda with lime last night and I think I had 3 double shots of whiskey!:drinker: I didn't eat dinner though so I still stayed within calories. My husband decided we are having a bbq tomorrow so I'm sure i'll end up a little lushy then too:ohwell: . I think i'm gonna make bbq'd beer can chicken. I've never tried it before but it sounds like it'd be fun to do not to mention way healthier than some of the other bbq options. Now I got to come up with some good sides:wink:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I blew it! I had a tall vodka/soda with lime last night and I think I had 3 double shots of whiskey!:drinker: I didn't eat dinner though so I still stayed within calories. My husband decided we are having a bbq tomorrow so I'm sure i'll end up a little lushy then too:ohwell: . I think i'm gonna make bbq'd beer can chicken. I've never tried it before but it sounds like it'd be fun to do not to mention way healthier than some of the other bbq options. Now I got to come up with some good sides:wink:

    potato salad, pasta salad, ohh, and potato chips dipped in french onion dip...all make great sides
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I blew it! I had a tall vodka/soda with lime last night and I think I had 3 double shots of whiskey!:drinker: I didn't eat dinner though so I still stayed within calories. My husband decided we are having a bbq tomorrow so I'm sure i'll end up a little lushy then too:ohwell: . I think i'm gonna make bbq'd beer can chicken. I've never tried it before but it sounds like it'd be fun to do not to mention way healthier than some of the other bbq options. Now I got to come up with some good sides:wink:
    I have never tried this either but it does look good and healthy! I am not sure our grill is big enough for a chicken to sit upright on a beer can, though!
    Last night I had happy hour-dog walking with a vodka soda.
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