Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Esca was 8lbs 7.5oz. One of my littler ones. He was 21 3/4" long.

    Here is my birth story.

    The morning of June 2nd, I awoke around 8ish. I had a couple of stronger, but painless contraxs. Dh woke and we lay together in bed. Dh touched me in the way for intimacy and I thought afternoon would be more fun, more time. Then I thought why not, LOL, maybe it start the contraxs stronger, maybe this is baby day. So we made love, I finished, got up to go to the restroom and my water spilled out. I looked at the bed and saw a huge wet spot so my water broke as I climaxed. Dh had yet to finish so I offered, but he said he couldn't now. I felt alot of adreneline and excited, but scared. I went to take a shower, it was around 9am. I announced the the kids that my water had broken. The contractions in the shower were relatively mild and I wondered w/ a few if they were a contractions or what.

    I came back up to my room and dh had set up the pool, started filling up. He had put the old sheets on and chux on as well. I then took calcium and vit C, for contraxs pain and broken waters. I was leaking all over and lined my bedroom w/ chux pads. I noticed that the waters were stained w/ meconium. It was light and w/o pieces thankfully. I looked up in Heart and Hands about mecomium to refresh my memory since I had never dealt w/ the issue before. I knew from reading that the new reccomendation was no suctioning for light mecomium. I prayed off and on and walked around my room. I had a commode upstairs and used that. I had loose stools often. I told dh as he sat on the bed and I on the toilet this was the ultimate in surrender and letting go, to have no control at all as to some basic functions of your body.

    The contractions were relatively mild so far, but were increasing lightly in intensity. At some point I checked my cervix and could feel some thickness lift along w/ the baby's head and some soft down of hair. After a bit I laid on the bed as the contractions got more intense. Dh asked what I wanted, if I wanted him to touch me and I said just hold my hand.

    After a time I called to the kids to pray the rosary and I got into the pool. It felt too hot at first and I asked dh to put more cold water in, but then said no, it feels fine. So he turned off the water. The contractions were getting very intense and I could hear the kids praying which brought much comfort. At this point I start to lose track of anyting and all I fear is intense pain as I ride the contractions. Soon I started to feel pushy and pushed a wee bit. I felt so overwhelmed and at timesmy breathing was ragged. I felt close to total panic. I reminded myself as dh did to breathe deeply. For the first time dh doesn't question if I should be pushing yet, LOL. It was planned that Arden would take birth pics, as she had last time, and dh kept asking if I wanted her to come now, but I kept saying no. I didn't want her to see the raw intensity of this birth. I regret it now though, I wish I had thse pics. I have usually felt the need to push when baby meets the perinium, but this time I felt the urge earlier. I swayed, got on my knees and begged God to help me. I felt almost crazy, I could hear dh tell me it will be ok and could feel him holding my hand. I know I must have looked wild, I could myself on a totally different plane of life, like I knew there was people here, but it was only me. And in a way it is b/c no one could fix this pain or intensity, only me, by pushing out the baby. It is such and odd feeling in that spot. As I had another contraction on my knees I felt a pop as he passed my bones and his head filled my vagina. I pushed w/ every bit and had my hand there as his head crowned. On my knees I pushed his head out and then sat back to push the rest of him out. I puhed w/ more might and out he came thank the Lord. As I lifted him out he had the cord wrapped once over his neck, in the back. I lifted my torso out of the water to unlooped as I told dh he had a short cord. After I unlooped it he gave a lusty cry and continued to cry. I then looked and of cpurse he was a boy! There was no consoling him, as he must have had just as much of an intense birth as I had laboring w/ him. Dh called all the kids and they came right after. I felt slightly stunned, as I often do right after birth. W/in minutes some blood came. Finnian, my toddler looked very confused about the baby. Then they all went downstairs and put Finnian to bed.

    I got out of the pool as dh helped me, by carrying Esca w/ the cord still attached and pulsating. I laid back on our bed w/ Esca. I felt his cord was now cool, limp and no longer pulsating so dh clamped it and cut. I wanted the placemnta out and sked dh to bring the bowl. I pulled a bit on the cord and could feel the placenta right there so I asked dh to cup the bowl around so I could push it ino the bowl. It slipped out easliy. It was the first time I had not squatted to birth the placenta.

    I then sat down w/ him on bed and looked him over. He was so squishy and adorable. I then dressed him, nursed and we rested.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Anne - you got married on my birthday!

    Lets see if I can get my pic to work...
    Its the smallest I have been in my adult life and I still have 40 lbs to drop from this picture point.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Sheri – I’m sorry you’ve been feeling down lately. ::hugs:: Hopefully going off the pill will help. It’s great that you were able to recognize what was happening.

    Annabelle – thank you for sharing your birth story. You are amazing!!!

    My in-laws will be here tonight! Possibly tomorrow morning if they decide to stay the night with my MIL’s friend who lives by the airport, because their plan lands so late tonight. It’s been 8 months since their last visit so I’m super excited to see them! :happy:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Sheri ~ sorry to hear you have been struggling lately. I truly hope stopping the pill helps you out. Please know you sure have been missed.

    Ronya ~ have a wonderful time with your in-laws!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Here is a picture of me from last January. This is what I would like to look like again. I have been so bummed out and feel like it will never happen.

    Hmm it isn't working. Says photo has been deleted or removed.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Sheri- Sorry to hear how you are feeling. I hope you are able to find some help/comfort for how you are feeling though, which is COMPLETELY of the norm. We’re all here if you need to talk/vent/type in CAP LOCKS etc :wink: :heart:

    Annabelle- Beautiful baby boy you have there. So so so precious!

    Ronya- Happy Anniversary, yesterday! Looks like we have quite a few of us married this week! Your the 13, I’m the 17, and Julie is the 18. Anyone else get married this week?!

    Love all the motivational pictures. You ladies all know you can get there again if you have been there before. And we’ll all do it together!!! I can’t complain....YET! I’ve only gained 7lbs thus far in the pregnancy and was at my smallest right when Avery was conceived. I feel like I’ve gained a good 20 though, especially lately. I blame where he sits so low.

    Here’s my motivational pictures though::embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:
    Beginning of my journey on the left, smallest on my right (little did I know I was pregnant there!) I still had 40lbs to my goal weight around the time I was pregnant so as of right now I have 47lbs to lose and I'm CERTAIN that number will be increasing in the next 13ish weeks!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    motivational photos


    I was 160ish with hubby when we moved in together size 9/10 but naturally wanting to be more like 130

    The other is at the Colorado river probbly about 150 and wanting to be 125, hmm wondering if I've ever been happy. I've set my goal to 150 which is the high end at 5'7 but will see how I feel then, ideally I would say 135-140 is my perfect weight
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yowza! What a bunch of hot mamas!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Thank you Annabelle for your birthing story. You are amazing.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Yowza! What a bunch of hot mamas!

    I agree!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Happy Anniversary, yesterday! Looks like we have quite a few of us married this week! Your the 13, I’m the 17, and Julie is the 18. Anyone else get married this week?!

    Not this week, but I did in June. June 27 :)
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    sorry double post from pregnancy!

    I had a very weird apt. today so I am hoping some of you can help me sort through it. This may be long sorry. I went in, I gained 2 lbs in the last 2.5 weeks so at 32 weeks 3 days I am up 17 lbs. My dr. talked to me about my getting sick and told me that since I am gaining she isn’t going to make me do anything but gave me the option of getting a medicine pump and having a home health nurse come give me an IV daily…. I respectfully turned those down for now. Then she did the heartbeat, 156. Then she did the fundal height measurement and I measured only 29.5 weeks (which was the exact same as my 30 week apt). She was worried about that so she sent me over to get an ultrasound. She did say that the measurements can be off for SO many reasons and that the US measurement was way more accurate. So I got another US (kind of fun but I was worried the whole time), my fluid was good and at the end the gestational age was 33 weeks and 2 days…. A week BIGGER than she is supposed to be. So my FHM was 29.5 weeks, I am 32 weeks 3 days, and she measured in the US 33 weeks 2 days. WHAT? The technician said she looked great and that the dr. would look over it and unless something was wrong talk to me about it at my next apt. She was still a she :) and estimated to be at 4 lbs 7 oz which is the 48th percentile. She also had a big head measuring at 34 weeks… yikes. I guess it was just odd and I don’t know what to think, do you think they will move up my due date or leave it alone?

    They'll most likely leave it alone. The furtherer along in the pregnancy the harder it is to determine the exact dates due to different growth patterns with each baby. I would imagine that you are probably carrying more in the back than the front and that baby is bigger than your size would indicate. I wouldn't worry about it though, hun. It is normal.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I am going to try this once more and then I give up.

    [img] photos/1-27-101.jpg[/img]

    Okay this is nuts. I just created the account today and moved photos into the album. So how are they deleted or missing? Time to get the hubby to help.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Wow, some very inspiring birth stories there and some awesome inspirational pics.

    This is one of mine. I was about 17 at the time so taken about 10 years ago but it was at my healthiest weight.


    I have a few from much later on in life before I got pregnant with my first baby but there isn't any that don't have other people in them.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    They sent us home today! It's too bad that that doesn't just mean he's healthy and done with all that, but at least he'll be bigger for the really hard stuff. He's pretty much a normal baby for the next few months - other than some meds, a shot twice daily, some follow up apts and a bunch of stuff to watch for...

    I am sure I'll be a little paranoid. I didn't have any of that new parent anxiety with my first. I'll probably be checking on this one a lot more often! Glad to be out of the hospital. Spent the last 30 hours there. Plus since I am sure I'll need time off when he has surgery I went back to work Monday and am trying to pull full time. I was planning to take this week off but between that and hubby's current lack of a job I can't afford unpaid off. It's not bad, but I have a feeling I'm going to be exhausted! Here's hoping gabriel sleeps a ton!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Sorry Mel, I must have missed something. I had no idea your little guy has had problems. I haven't been on the pregnancy board in awhile so I didn't see any of your other posts.

    Glad you are home and I will keep your family in my prayers.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Yeah. He was born w no pulmonary artery and has a hole in his heart. Incredibly, they are going to build him an artery out of secondary veins that developed to oxegenate his lungs. Initially we thought he'd have to have open heart surgery this week but they're waiting until he's bigger. Also incredible they can operate on a 6 lb baby and a heart the size of a walnut!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Annabelle- Thanks for sharing your story. Wow! Esca is a cutie!

    I love seeing everyone’s motivation pictures… it makes me want to start now! But 8 more weeks!

    Sheri- I am sorry that you are having a hard time. We are here for you and miss you when you aren’t around a lot!

    Ronya- Glad you in-laws came for a visit! Hope you had a nice time. My DH’s grandparents stopped by last night on the way to FL. It is always nice to see them.

    Patricia- Thanks for the advice, that seems to make sense. I got no call from the dr. so I am guessing that the US looked fine. I am not going to worry and just assume she is as she was before the apt :)

    Mel- So glad you get to go home, your little man will still be in my T & P
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I loved seeing everyone motivation pictures – we’re a hot group of mamas! :bigsmile:

    Mel – yea for being home! The hospital wouldn’t have sent him home if he wasn’t well enough, but I would be a wreck too. You’re both in my thoughts and prayers.

    My in-laws made it to town at about 1am last night. They said they called us but our phones didn’t ring and there were no missed calls, so they ended up staying at a hotel about 10 minutes away from our house. I feel bad, but we talked to them right when their plane landed and they still weren’t sure if they were staying in NJ for night since it was so late. When they didn’t call we assumed they would come this morning. So I won’t see them until I get off work today. My mom invited the four of us down for dinner tonight, so I'm going to meet them there when I’m done working. I guess it’s not too big of a deal since they’re staying with us until they leave on Tuesday, then they’ll be back again in December. I love that they’re giving us two months to adjust to life with baby before they come back again, even though it’s killing my FIL because hubby is his only biological child so this is his first grandchild.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh I love the motivation photos! This one is actually from October. I had lost about 30lbs using MFP and felt pretty for the first time in a long time. I think I got pregnant a week later. haha. I've gained all of the weight I lost since becoming pregnant... plus some. So my goal is to get back to prepregnancy weight, which would be somewhere between 165 and 170.
