Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Steph you are expecting again! Congratulations!

    Is my pic not visible in the OP? I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, considering I have done it a 1000 times. I am lacking proper sleep!

    As for weight, I was 208 last Friday, so 33 pounds over my prepregnancy. It sucks, I do feel better than I did after my last too, but still ick. I am charting my calories now, starting today. I do miss food though and eating as I was in pregnancy.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Is my pic not visible in the OP? I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, considering I have done it a 1000 times. I am lacking proper sleep!

    You're good, for some reason you just have to change the IMG to a lowercase img and then it works.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Annabelle- what a precious bundle of joy esca is!! how much did he weight?
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Annabelle - Esca is such a handsome little man! How do you guys like Wisconsin so far? I haven't weighed myself since having Joshua, but my total pregnancy gain was 47lbs. Looking forward to motivating each other!

    Megan - Thank you! I also enjoy reading each other's birth stories, so I was hoping everyone would be ok with mine - I had a feeling it would get lengthy. I was pretty upset about the epi and the csect, but I understand that they were out of my control. Had I been able to be out of bed walking and in different positions, I truly believe I could have changed his position off my bladder. I guess I kinda feel like a dog with my tail between my legs. All those people who told me I wouldn't be able to handle the pain and would cave for the epidural were right - but oh well.... :ohwell: I can't believe Annabelle will be 2 months old tomorrow :noway: Happy 2 months!

    Bethe - Thank you! Joshua weighed 9lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long. So he's quite a big boy :happy:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    So now that I've had him, my stomach has deflated, and I have a little "flap" at the bottom that hangs a little over my bikini line :blushing: This is the part of my stomach that I itched like crazy while I was pregnant, and at the time it didn't have a lot of feeling in it.

    Now it almost feels like dead skin? I don't know how else to explain it, but there isn't a whole lot of feeling/sensation in it. Anyone else experience anything like this? Does the feeling/sensation come back?

    I don't know if it's the hormones or what, but despite having a little baby belly flap, I am so loving my post-baby body right now. I just feel really really comfortable in my skin, and really happy. Wonder if/when that'll wear off? :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Lynn - your story is great! I felt like a "failure" with a C/S with my first and even 4 yrs later still feel it a little, but he was healthy so that's all that mattered. I felt a little like a failure going into this one too because I had wanted remotely natural and ended up being hooked up to everything and feeling like crap with a migraine and puking the whole time I was in labor. I empathize so much with you on your labor story! If the nitrus hadn't worked like it did, I was all about getting an epi. I had wanted to avoid one but that was before I knew I'd be hooked up by every bit of me and bound to bed. That changes things a lot. It sounds like you went with the flow and did what you needed to to get the results you need - AKA healthy baby and lady bits intact! Things never go as planned huh? Wishing you a quick recovery and lots of time to enjoy with Josh. What a cute little chunker!!!

    PS - the feeling will slowly come back, but right at the scar itself will still feel numb years later. I have a couple small places still from 4 yrs ago that never got the feeling back. They're only about the size of a fingerprint though and I have to feel to find them. It will feel weird for a long time.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    So I was looking at old photos from my photobucket account, and I came across these when I was about 20. (And of course I thought I was fat, lol)... But dang these definitely give me motivation after I have the baby!


  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Rachel, thats the kind of motivation I set up for myself! I look at Sept 2010 shots and know where I want to be and were I want to keep going.

    Esca is so cute!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I think we all ought to post some motivational photos for ourselves.

    These are my motivational photos. I was not super thin, but having struggled with my weight my entire life I had lost almost 90lbs when these photos were taken. This is where I will strive to return after baby arrives.


  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    I don't know if it's the hormones or what, but despite having a little baby belly flap, I am so loving my post-baby body right now. I just feel really really comfortable in my skin, and really happy. Wonder if/when that'll wear off? :laugh:

    How are you healing up lynn? How is the incision site? I am worried about a c/s and to be honest! Can you drive/pick up josh?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Annabelle -- Esca is so handsome! :heart:

    I suppose this is my motivational photo, from the middle of September 2010 at or near my lowest adult weight of 192. Very far from thin, but the smallest I've ever been by far.

    I was a size 12 then so ultimately, I'd like to weigh about 45 pounds less than that, I think. :drinker: I'm totally ready! The pants that fit my hips/thighs now (with absolutely no chance of zipping and buttoning, of course) are all size 16s. :indifferent:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Along with the photo in my profile, these two. The first is from just after I graduated college, from the summer I spent in Costa Rica. The other is the following year (2005) when I lived in AZ. Probably around 140/145 and of pre-baby proportions. I hit 145 once since then, but not for long. I'd like to get back there, or perhaps a little lower, since 145 now still doesn't quite look the same :ohwell:. I'd settle for a muscular 150 though.

  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Here is one motivation pictures for me. This is from my wedding 2.5 years ago when I was at my ideal weight. I was at this weight for some time but can't find the other pictures this early. This is me at about 137, I would like to be around 140. Right now I am at 175 33 weeks in... going to have some work to do!

  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Annabelle – Esca is adorable!!! :happy: :heart: I hope you’re both doing well.

    This is my motivation picture. It was taken October of last year after my friend wedding, it was the first time I was ever comfortable and happy in a bridesmaid dress. I was 157 in there, I got down to 151 (lowest in my adult life) when I found out I was pregnant but there was really no difference in how I looked. I was in a size 12 jeans at that time and would like to get into a 10. My goal after Kathryn is born is to get to 145 which would put be at the high end of healthy for my height, but I think if I want to wear a size 10 I many need to get a little bit lower than that.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    First try ever at this so I'm doubting it will work. If I get it figured out I'll try to post a wedding picture later. The picture of just me would have been the summer of 2007. The one of DH and me (would have just been boyfriend then) was summer 2008. I would have been close to my lowest weight of 143 pounds in the first one. Somewhere between then and our wedding I gained about 10 pounds, but I don't think that I really look that different.

    Anne - When was your wedding? We must have gotten married about the same time! Our wedding was December 6, 2008.



    WOW!!! I am SO amazed!!! It actually did work!!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Regina- November 28th, 2008. Very close :)
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Annabelle- Esca is absolutely gorgeous, glad all went well

    Anne- I wouldn’t worry about the ultrasound dating, it just means she is most likely on the bigger side. My babies usually measure bigger than what they expect, Brooklynn was measuring bigger but the doctors usually do not change your due date since it is just an estimate

    Lynn- Definitely no “failure” you did amazing and went through a whole lot. I am sure I would have asked for an epi much earlier than that and screw everyone who said you couldn’t do it naturally. Just remember that no matter how Josh got here he made it and is in your arms. I would definitely say that the doctor did what she could to avoid a c-section and would have made the same call you did.

    Megan- Happy 2 months to Annabelle!
    Annabelle- Esca is absolutely gorgeous, glad all went well

    Anne- I wouldn’t worry about the ultrasound dating, it just means she is most likely on the bigger side. My babies usually measure bigger than what they expect, Brooklynn was measuring bigger but the doctors usually do not change your due date since it is just an estimate

    Lynn- Definitely no “failure” you did amazing and went through a whole lot. I am sure I would have asked for an epi much earlier than that and screw everyone who said you couldn’t do it naturally. Just remember that no matter how Josh got here he made it and is in your arms. I would definitely say that the doctor did what she could to avoid a c-section and would have made the same call you did.

    Megan- Happy 2 months to Annabelle!

    Ronya- Hope your anniversary dinner went well

    I am at work so no motivational pictures here though I do have some at home. Sorry I am a little off lately, I thought it was just because I have been struggling keeping afloat at work but I have realized that I have gone into a depression. This happened last time I was on birth control but it also caused severe anxiety where I would ball up in a corner. Not so severe right now but I just feel pretty down, hopeless and like I have disconnected from everyone and everything. Glad to say once I came to the realization last night that I have been going in a downward spiral since starting the mini pill I discontinued its use. Hopefully those hormones can quickly leave my body so I can be me and enjoy life again. So tired of feeling gloom when I have 3 beautiful kids, a wonderful husband and a paycheck.

    Mel - I know you are going through way more right now and you are still in my T & P
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Annabelle - Esca is such a handsome little man! How do you guys like Wisconsin so far? I haven't weighed myself since having Joshua, but my total pregnancy gain was 47lbs. Looking forward to motivating each other!

    Megan - Thank you! I also enjoy reading each other's birth stories, so I was hoping everyone would be ok with mine - I had a feeling it would get lengthy. I was pretty upset about the epi and the csect, but I understand that they were out of my control. Had I been able to be out of bed walking and in different positions, I truly believe I could have changed his position off my bladder. I guess I kinda feel like a dog with my tail between my legs. All those people who told me I wouldn't be able to handle the pain and would cave for the epidural were right - but oh well.... :ohwell: I can't believe Annabelle will be 2 months old tomorrow :noway: Happy 2 months!

    Bethe - Thank you! Joshua weighed 9lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long. So he's quite a big boy :happy:

    Last night when I was nursing Wade I remembered you had posted the weight of Joshua in a previous post. Not sure how I forgot that and remembered in the middle of the night :blushing: My son Brooks was the same weight and 20.5 inches.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I looove seeing everyone's motivational photos!

    Sheri- I am sorry you are feeling down, I have noticed you have not been around as much.Hopefully going off the pill makes you feel better soon and you can get back to business as usual. Thinking of you!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    That was fun, thanks to all those who shared pics. All of you ladies are beautiful and I am glad we are hear to help each other reach our goals. :)