Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Jamie, wish I could get that much milk! In the mornings I usually get 4 ozs at most :sad:
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    Lynn - Good luck with the birth and I'm keeping you in my thoughts...FXd everything goes well and Josh will be in your arms before you know it!

    Jamie - thanks for the heads up on the shape ups, I have seen the tv ads but was a bit sceptical about whether they work or not but I think my legs could do with a bit of shaping up lol! x
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Just remember that shape-ups are made for walking. I think some of the newer versions might be made for cross training, but otherwise you could seriously tear up your feet trying to do other things. Many women at our gym have damaged their arches and worse trying to do aerobics or go running in those shoes.

    So I am starting to think about my weight loss efforts after baby comes. I plan on adding the breastfeeding calories to my diary every day. Can I go ahead and set my goals to losing 2lbs, which I'm sure will put me close to 1200 calories again? If I add in the breastfeeding calories do I need to worry about my milk production? Just wondering what has been working for you ladies so far.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I plan to start slower than that Brittony to ease myself back into things (and to make sure I am still getting all the nutrition I need to support baby). I dont want to shock my system with a dramatic change and ruin my breastfeeding chances.

    I have been thinking about the same thing. I think I am going to start more around a 1/2 lb loss a week, but as soon as the dr says its ok, I plan to start my running program back up. I am so ready to go out and run again. I just will be making sure I eat all my exercise calories.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I have only set mine to 1 lb a week which gives me 1700 calories, I often am way under. Especially on days that I exercise but it was my understanding that you need 1800 calories to have good breast milk so I try to keep it at a net of 1300 minimum since the nursing brings your net to a -500 at the start of the day. I am not sure on it all but I say better be safe than sorry. I think I will change my calorie goal to 2 lbs a week when Brooklynn is 6 months and eating some solids, at that point you only burn 300 calories breast feeding and it goes down from there. Just remember, it took 9 months to put the pounds on, expect it to take that long to take them off. Easier said than done, I have lost my pregnancy weight already just by going with 1lb a week because you will average more. Some people even leave the hospital with a big loss, I had that with my other kiddos but not this time. I am super curious how much I will actually be down when baby is 9 months. With my first I was down 130lbs by the time he was 9 months but that was basically a starvation diet, I want to do it in a healthy manner this time around.

    Any updates on Lynn? Has Mel posted and pictures of the little guy?
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Sheri: no update from Lynn! Mel has posted a couple pictures on the pregnancy!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Ladies. Been MIA and down in the dumps lately. Still doing Zumba 2 x week, every other week, but not logging cal's. I'm up 5 lbs and can't shake them.

    Day care is going good, just got a new client. I start on Mon, so now I have a 2 y/o and 17 month old. I'm hoping that getting back into the swing of things gets me back on track. My app't with OB is tomorrow. I hope he has another option for me, other than Metformin and waiting.

    I went to my cousin's wedding this weekend. My mom helped me find a really flattering dress and I felt pretty good. My sis from NY came 1 week before the wedding and just left. it was awesome having her visit. she even said she was really proud of me and said that this is the longest she's seen me keep up interest in loosing weight. Now I just have to find the motivation to do something every day, and turn on the Wii for zumba on the weeks DH is working. :/

    Can't take too much time from DC child, so I'll be copying / pasting to all the threads. please forgive me.

    @ Mel and Lynn - hope things are well, can't wait to see pic's.
    @ Steph - Congrats :D

    Thinking of everyone else. *hugs*
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Brittony – glad you got everything work out with Parenting Magazine. And I was going to set my loss at 1lb a week which is what I had it at before, although there were plenty of weeks I lost more than that.

    Sheri – It’s funny that you mentioned girls’ night out. I go out one night a month with my cousin but our “night out” is normally dinner and we spend most of time talking about our husbands/kids. :laugh:

    Rachael - glad you had a good weekend!

    Danielle – I can’t help too much with pump info. The one I have was given to me, from what I’ve heard it’s a good brand but I haven’t even looked at it yet.

    Jamie – I was thinking about the Shape Ups but I wasn’t sure if they actually worked or not. Thanks!

    Lynn – we went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 in 3D, we’re such dorks. We were the only ones there without kids. I hope everything is going well with your induction, can’t wait to see pictures!!!!

    Carina – hope you feel better soon!

    I only have one really good girlfriend, but she’s more like a sister to me than a friend. She lives over an hour away but we make to effort to get together once a month and her youngest is my Godson, (although I pretend they’re both mine). And the few girlfriends I do have are married and all have kids. Like everyone else said I just can’t deal with drama anymore.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Double post warning to those of you from the pregancy board.....:flowerforyou:

    Hey everyone! I'm still here. I've just been feeling really overwhelmed with everything that needs done right now. So much garden stuff to work on and the four - five hours of push mowing a week are starting to get me down. It was SO hot this past week when I was mowing I really thought that I wasn't going to make it. And then I felt like I was doing the whole pregnant waddle thing and felt like I looked terrible. (Like really, whose going to sit in their house and watch me mow anyway ) I'm crazy I know! At least we live on a dead end street with only three houses past us so there's virtually no traffic. I've been garage saling and only have about five items left that I'd like to have for LO and DS for the next year. The down side to that is that all the stuff I've gotten so far is sitting in the basement needing to be put away. I can hardly walk through the one room!!! And I really need to sew or I'm going to run out of clothes to wear. And I've been helping my parents some. And DS is into EVERYTHING!!! I'm trying to hold out 'till the end of June to put our little window AC in the living room. DH doesn't think I'll make it, which is pretty much the only reason I've made it this far. Wonder if he's got that figured out yet. I just know as soon as it goes in that I will never want to do anything but sit in front of it. I'm about that bad with fans now though so maybe it won't be that much different. I'm just sick of my house heating up to between 80 and 90 degrees every afternoon!!! That doesn't make a person feel like doing anything either. I should go work in the basement since it's some cooler down there. Sorry that I'm not being a very good friend to you all right now. I'm still keeping up with everyone's posts, but that feels like about all I have the energy to do. Hopefully I'll feel like being more interactive soon. I sure do enjoy reading what everyone else writes so I'm glad that you all aren't in the same funk I am. I just made some delicious shortcake to eat with fresh strawberries. I've managed to eat two pieces (without berries) already. I knew it was a bad idea to make the stuff!!! Sure is yummy though. Thanks for being great friends you all! Have a good rest of the day!!!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Setting my goals to only losing 1 lb and adding the 500 breastfeeding calories does sound much safer regarding my milk production. Good points ladies!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks Ronya. *hugs*
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I just copied and pasted this from the pregnancy board because I’m too darn lazy to use different wording.:laugh: Sorry to those who are on both threads.

    We visited a daycare today. I really liked it; it’s only her and her husband. She’s been in business for over 25 years (and raised her own 9 kids) and since she only takes one infant at a time she keeps the baby with her all day. She’s very pro-breast feeding and said I could keep frozen milk labeled in her freezer so I don’t have to bring more in every day and she’ll just defrost it as needed. When I start potty training at home she’ll do it too. The only food she doesn’t provide is breast milk (obviously) and formula. All solid meals/snacks along with baby cereal and food are provided by her. She even provides wipes! All I need to bring is diapers and is there’s any special product I want Kathryn to have due to allergies or medical issues. She’ll also give her any medicine that’s prescribed by a doctor (most day cares here will not do this). She only closes for federal holidays but as state workers hubby and I are always off those days anyway and takes a vacation for one week each summer but posts the dates she’ll be closed no less than 3 weeks in advance. And she made it very clear that the only form of discipline they use is time out, which I’m totally ok with. The only thing I’m not thrilled about is that it’s in center city, but we knew that beforehand. And since I work in center city I’m less than 5 minutes away from her which makes me feel better in some weird way. All in all we’re happy and 99.9% sure we’re going to go with her. She just asked that I call her back by the end of next week so that if we decide yes then she won’t accept anymore infants. And since it’s a home daycare she NEVER closes for bad weather. If I can make it into work she’ll be open.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Ladies I am making myself really worried because I feel like Elise hasn't been kicking nearly as much the last couple days. I still feel her every once in awhile but I feel like it is less. Normally I would just call the dr. And go in but I am on vacation and don't want to spend a ton of money if I am just crazy. I have an apt. Monday when I get back. What do you do to get you little one to kick?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ladies I am making myself really worried because I feel like Elise hasn't been kicking nearly as much the last couple days. I still feel her every once in awhile but I feel like it is less. Normally I would just call the dr. And go in but I am on vacation and don't want to spend a ton of money if I am just crazy. I have an apt. Monday when I get back. What do you do to get you little one to kick?

    Have a sugary drink or coffee and lay on your side, I often did not feel Brooklynn move all day and would freak out but a cup of juice usually helped. As long as you are feeling Elise at some point during the day or night I am sure all is fine
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Thanks Sheri. I think she just wanted me worrying about her bc as soon as I posted this she moved a bunch of times :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Thanks Sheri. I think she just wanted me worrying about her bc as soon as I posted this she moved a bunch of times :)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ladies I am making myself really worried because I feel like Elise hasn't been kicking nearly as much the last couple days. I still feel her every once in awhile but I feel like it is less. Normally I would just call the dr. And go in but I am on vacation and don't want to spend a ton of money if I am just crazy. I have an apt. Monday when I get back. What do you do to get you little one to kick?

    I agree with Sheri. Orange juice always got my little one moving. Hope you are enjoying your vacation.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member


    Hello everyone! Don't have a lot of time to post, but wanted to get a couple pictures up and let everyone know that all is well.

    Joshua Xavier was born 6-7-11 at 8:10 p.m. via c-section, 9lbs 4oz 20 inches long.

    We'll be in the hospital til Fri morning so I probably wont be back on til then. Take care, and I hope everyone is doing great
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Edit: Double Post :wink:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member


    Hello everyone! Don't have a lot of time to post, but wanted to get a couple pictures up and let everyone know that all is well.

    Joshua Xavier was born 6-7-11 at 8:10 p.m. via c-section, 9lbs 4oz 20 inches long.

    We'll be in the hospital til Fri morning so I probably wont be back on til then. Take care, and I hope everyone is doing great

    Absolutely precious looking forward to hearing all about it and hoping you can get some rest