Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- Yep, squeaky wheel gets the grease. :wink:

    Sheri -- I can't see your pictures at work but I just know you look fabulous! You're doing such an amazing job!

    Hooray for being drama-free! I've also spent my life as "one of the guys" because I don't deal well with typical girl drama. I have one awesome sister-like girl friend who now lives hundreds of miles away and then just a few other girl friends in the same city. My friendship with all of the girls locally happened because I was initially friends with their SOs (or in one case, brother). :laugh: I really never hang out with just the girls exclusively, though I could see us getting long pretty well if we did. I guess my guys friends have pretty good taste in women. :smile:

    I love that we can express our different opinions respectfully here and that no one takes it personally just because someone does something a different way than someone else. :flowerforyou: What a boring place the world would be if we all thought and did everything the same way.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Thanks ladies for all of the kind words, I am super excited about taking the June picture when that time comes. I am a work in progress but at least I can see that I am getting somewhere.

    I absolutely agree about the drama and girl friends, I have 2 childhood friends which I speak to every so often, my coworkers who I see everyday and 1 real friend that I hang out with. Our hubbies and kiddos get along so it is easier that way. I think that when you become a parent the people you are around change. Then again I became a mom at 21 when many of my friends from school just started having kids now in our late 20s. I do not do girls night out, and no way could I see myself in a club bootie shaking :laugh: we do pretty much everything as a family and before Brooklynn came along we would go on a date atleast once a month, we'll get back to that eventually.

    I did want to add that breastfeeding is NOT easy and that the more information you have the better. With my first I just got what the hospital gave me, it was too painful and I quit in the second week. With my second I took a breastfeeding class and did great up until he was 7 weeks, I went back to work at 6 weeks but did not pump so he would nurse for over an hour and still cry for food, clearly he was not getting enough. This time around I took 2 breastfeeding classes, read lots of material and did research on kellymom, I saw the lactation specialist in the hospital and had 2 follow up appointments with one. The hardest parts are 1) when your milk comes in and you are engorged 2) if baby is not taking enough nipple in her mouth and you get cracked/bleeding nipples 3) making time to pump when you return to work..... other than that middle of the night feedings are super fun when you have to get up at 4am and only have an 8 hour window to sleep but spend 1 1/2 of them nursing
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Sheri you look wonderful!! Keep up the good work!

    Bethe- I wanted to ask you about your epidurals- I know you had one for 2 of your children but not for the other 2. Was it your first two you had them for... or a different way? i am just curious how it all worked and what made you decide to get/not get epidurals. Also did you find the babies any different afterwards? (at our class yesterday she spoke a lot about epidurals and told us that a lactation consultant can always tell if the mom had an epidural or not based on breast feeding).
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Hey everyone. Happy Monday!! I hope you are all doing well. I am great. I had a good weekend. Got some yard work done and the house cleaned. I also went to a friend of mine's baby shower. That was fun. I am excited for mine. I do feel a bit spoiled though, I am having a work one on Thursday. My family is throwing me one on Saturday and then the following Friday my in-laws are throwing me one! I feel truely blessed.

    Steph! Oh my goodness!! Congrats! Sorry for the late reply, but that is so exciting. I am so happy for you.

    Maureen: I love your new picture.

    Sheri: You are looking great.

    Thanks everyone for the response on breast milk storage. I have had similar questions.
  • babydaisy83
    babydaisy83 Posts: 29 Member
    How can I join this group. I'm a mommy of a three yr old and 20 month boys and a 4 week old baby girl. I've gained 30+ lbs over three pregnancies. London grace is my last baby and I'm ready to get back to my pre baby body. Have a greatvweek ladies
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Alright, my turn to pick the mommas brains!! :wink:

    I'll be returning to work after 3-4 weeks, and I'll be pumping at work. I have a few questions about storage.

    I have a medela, and the little plastic bottles that screw onto the thing (yea, I don't know what its called :laugh: ) and collect the milk, with white screw on lids. They aren't bottles to feed with, just storage.

    I only have 5 of these little bottles. How many (if any) more should I get?

    Let's say I'm pumping at work on Monday and I yield (just a number) 9 oz altogether, from 3 separate pumps. Can I combine those together assuming that's what he'll eat while I'm at work on Tuesday? Or do I have to keep the yield from each pump separate?

    I also have the playtex drop in system for the playtex pump. When I'm pumping at home, should I keep the milk in the little bottles that attach to the pump, or is it better to pour the milk into the playtex insert/bottle and put that in the fridge?

    What is the best container to use for freezing?

    Pretty much any information you could share about pumping/storage would be GREATLY appreciated!! :bigsmile:
    Here's all my pumping info whether you want it or not, haha. I have the avent electric pump / manual pump and I *LOVE* it. The avent pumps directly into the avent bottles or avent storage things. I actually hate the avent storage things, and the medela bags are the WORST so I pump into the bottles and pour that into lansinoh storage bags (best bags IMO). Sometimes I even use tape to hold them on my pump or I just hold them so I can pump right into them. I freeze the lansinoh bags in the first years storage thing, they fit perfect and flatten them to save space. You really don't need the first years storage thing since you can just lay the bags flat until they are frozen and then stack them but I use it since I have it lol.

    I pump every single morning when I wake up (usually get 6-8 ozs) and keep it right in the bottles & put it in the fridge if I'm working that day (& FOB uses it to feed her while I'm gone that day), or store it right away in the freezer to add to my stock if I'm working from home that day. That's the only time I pump if I'm home for the day because I just nurse her the rest of the day. Pumping just that one time a day is making a pretty big collection of extra milk in case I need it, though. On the days I work, I pump at the times that she eats to stay on her schedule. I have to pump 2 times (sometimes 3) and I pump right into the same 2 avent bottles both times, you definitely don't need to keep them separate. In between times I pump, I put the sealing discs on and put them in a lunch box with ice packs in it. I love the avent system because I feel like its just so easy to screw in the same bottles and it's less for me to clean.

    Obviously, different things work for different people and you have to find what's best for you, but hopefully we can all take ideas from each other :)

    Sheri - Looking good! Also, I never thought to use regular sandwich bags! and LOL on the breast slow flow comment, sometimes I can't even believe how fast it pumps out!

    And hey, I also cling to my male friends over my female friends.. isn't it weird that most of us seem to be that way? Maybe that's why we get along so great, we all try to steer clear from the normal girl drama!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Sheri you look wonderful!! Keep up the good work!

    Bethe- I wanted to ask you about your epidurals- I know you had one for 2 of your children but not for the other 2. Was it your first two you had them for... or a different way? i am just curious how it all worked and what made you decide to get/not get epidurals. Also did you find the babies any different afterwards? (at our class yesterday she spoke a lot about epidurals and told us that a lactation consultant can always tell if the mom had an epidural or not based on breast feeding).

    Rachel, I went natural with my first two babies basically because at the time my doctor didn't want his patients to get one. He said it was because the hospital wanted the doctors to stay around until the patient was up and able to walk around. Basically he didn't want to have to wait at the hospital for the epidural to wear off. Now the hospital has changed that policy and the doctors are able to leave before the epidurals wear off, so now he allows them. :laugh:

    My best birth was my first one which was epidural free. With my third baby my water broke and I had non stop contractions and my labor was fast and very intense. At 8 cm I had an epidural and he came 20 minutes later. With my last birth I sat at 8cm for over an hour and requested the epidural and Wade was born soon after. I never had a urinary catheter that some ladies mention and I am assuming it was because I was so far along when I received the epidural and I was given a lower dose (just my guess). I had no trouble regaining my feeling shortly after and was up walking soon after as well.

    I saw no difference in any of my babies and their behavior after birth. My daughters each had an APGAR score of 9 (natural births) and my boys each had an APGAR score of a perfect 10 (epidural births). So all of them were in the "normal" range.

    I had never heard the breastfeeding thing. I nursed all of my babies immediately following their births and never had any trouble with any of them latching on or anything.

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Just a little something to share for anyone who is looking to do something small for weightloss... I absolutely *LOVE* my sketcher shape ups. I have the mary jane pair and I wear them to work almost every day. I think they are really cute. Also, after walking around a lot at work I can really start to feel a burn in my legs. I don't know if they have actually helped with weightloss at all or if it's just mental, but I've worn them all through pregnancy & pp & I really love them!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Steph- WOO on the BFP! Praying for you and the baby :happy: :heart:

    Bethe- Don’t be so hard on yourself! You’ve done this before and can do it again! I’ve thought the same about meeting people on the board. A lot of us have gotten really close so it’s hard not to want to. I met my best friend online actually so ya never know!

    Sheri- You look GREAT!!! :bigsmile:

    Looking for input on pumping/breast bump. I am going to pretty much be a SAHM for the most part (at least that’s the plan right now) but, I still want to pump so that DH gets the bonding experience of feeding and if we happen to go somewhere Avery is still being fed my milk. I am absolutely clueless when it comes to the pumps and what a good price is for a used one. I have looked on craigslist and there are a BUNCH. Any input on the matter would be much appreciated, ladies!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Thank you for all of the information/tips on pumping and storage!

    Bethe - I had no idea the little bottles I pump into can be used to feed too, since they didn't come with nipples.

    Sheri - Thanks for the tip on using freezer bags for freezing. Much cheaper than the "breastmilk" storage bags.

    Jamie - Thankfully I only have a few of the medela storage bags, seems like the general consensus is that they suck :laugh:

    Sheri - Your pictures are so inspiring, you look great!! Keep up the good work!

    Ronya - Hope you had fun at the movies! What did you guys see?

    Britt - Way to keep parenting mag on their toes! Glad they are taking care of it.

    Jamie - I always wondered if people felt a genuine difference with those shoes or if it was just a placebo kind of thing. I'm too cheap to buy a pair brand new, but I always figured if I seen a pair at Salvation Army or consignment for a good price that I'd buy em for the heck of it.

    Same here! I only have a couple of girl friends in real life, and I use the term friend pretty lightly with them. It seems like a lot of girls get mad if you don't call them everyday or if you do something without them. And most of them are in crappy relationships and spend 95% of the time b*tching about their boyfriend/husband - which sucks! :laugh: My husband and I get along really well and very rarely fight so I just can't relate to someone who hates their SO. My husband's aunt is/was my best friend, and she moved to Mississippi a few months ago :frown: I've always gotten along better with guys and old people, for some reason old people flock to me :laugh: I also think it would be neat for all of us to meet someday. We certainly are a unique group of ladies. :tongue:
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Looking for input on pumping/breast bump. I am going to pretty much be a SAHM for the most part (at least that’s the plan right now) but, I still want to pump so that DH gets the bonding experience of feeding and if we happen to go somewhere Avery is still being fed my milk. I am absolutely clueless when it comes to the pumps and what a good price is for a used one. I have looked on craigslist and there are a BUNCH. Any input on the matter would be much appreciated, ladies!
    Are you looking for a manual or electric? I'm a huge avent fan and since it's a closed system it would be super easy to sanitize the few parts that touch the milk. I actually have both the electric and the manual. I got the manual at the hosiptal for taking a breastfeeding survey and never opened it since I already had the electric. The entire box is still wrapped completely in plastic so I took it back to babies r us and tried to return it for some store credit but they won't take back breast pumps! If you or anyone else is interested I'd love to mail it to someone that could get some use out of it so that it isn't sitting in my closet anymore!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Today is my first official day being on bed rest :ohwell:

    Dropped my 24hr urine off this morning, got my blood drawn again, and they checked my BP. First 2 readings were high so they had me lay down for a few minutes. The 3rd reading was back into normal range. She said since it is in normal range when I'm resting she wants me off of work to make sure it stays down, and wrote me a letter.

    Thankfully my boss let me take some work home so I'm not dipping into my paid time off just yet, since I only have so much saved up.

    The results from the urine and blood will be in tomorrow morning and she'll be calling me with those. If the protein comes back over 300 she said she's gonna induce me.

    Now.....we wait.....
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    How can I join this group. I'm a mommy of a three yr old and 20 month boys and a 4 week old baby girl. I've gained 30+ lbs over three pregnancies. London grace is my last baby and I'm ready to get back to my pre baby body. Have a greatvweek ladies

    I like the name London. That was Todd's first choice for a name for Aubrey. (I won that discussion, but we did end up using it as her middle name. :wink: )
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Today is my first official day being on bed rest :ohwell:

    Dropped my 24hr urine off this morning, got my blood drawn again, and they checked my BP. First 2 readings were high so they had me lay down for a few minutes. The 3rd reading was back into normal range. She said since it is in normal range when I'm resting she wants me off of work to make sure it stays down, and wrote me a letter.

    Thankfully my boss let me take some work home so I'm not dipping into my paid time off just yet, since I only have so much saved up.

    The results from the urine and blood will be in tomorrow morning and she'll be calling me with those. If the protein comes back over 300 she said she's gonna induce me.

    Now.....we wait.....

    I ended up with pre-eclampsia and was on bedrest for just over a month before my induction. Thankfully I responded really well to the blood pressure medication they gave me. I hope you get good results.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Today is my first official day being on bed rest :ohwell:

    Dropped my 24hr urine off this morning, got my blood drawn again, and they checked my BP. First 2 readings were high so they had me lay down for a few minutes. The 3rd reading was back into normal range. She said since it is in normal range when I'm resting she wants me off of work to make sure it stays down, and wrote me a letter.

    Thankfully my boss let me take some work home so I'm not dipping into my paid time off just yet, since I only have so much saved up.

    The results from the urine and blood will be in tomorrow morning and she'll be calling me with those. If the protein comes back over 300 she said she's gonna induce me.

    Now.....we wait.....

    Hopefully you have good results tomorrow. Keep us posted and try to get some rest!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Well, bed rest didn't last long :laugh:

    Dr. called at 5:02 and said they already got the results back from my urine and it was 380 something. She said even though it is the beginning stages of preeclampsia, she doesn't want to let it progress any further. If I wasn't as far along she would keep me on bed rest, but since I'm 38 weeks she's ready to induce.

    Long story short, we're leaving for the hospital in about an hour! :noway: :bigsmile: Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I'll update as soon as I possibly can!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Well, bed rest didn't last long :laugh:

    Dr. called at 5:02 and said they already got the results back from my urine and it was 380 something. She said even though it is the beginning stages of preeclampsia, she doesn't want to let it progress any further. If I wasn't as far along she would keep me on bed rest, but since I'm 38 weeks she's ready to induce.

    Long story short, we're leaving for the hospital in about an hour! :noway: :bigsmile: Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I'll update as soon as I possibly can!

    Good luck Lynn so excited for you! Not the preeclampsya or induction but that you will be meeting Josh very soon. T&P with you <3
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Well, bed rest didn't last long :laugh:

    Dr. called at 5:02 and said they already got the results back from my urine and it was 380 something. She said even though it is the beginning stages of preeclampsia, she doesn't want to let it progress any further. If I wasn't as far along she would keep me on bed rest, but since I'm 38 weeks she's ready to induce.

    Long story short, we're leaving for the hospital in about an hour! :noway: :bigsmile: Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I'll update as soon as I possibly can!

    How exciting that its almost over! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Jamie – WOW 6-8 OZ, I wish! Shape ups, hmm… I bought some Fila ones because they were cheap and I notice a slight difference when I walk but I one time I did aerobics with them on and oops! Hurt my knee, come to think of it maybe I re-injured when running. Still barely getting around but manage to work out, ,lol.

    Danielle- you probably just need a manual one for occasional usage. Hubby can still be involved, join me in the I feed , you change the diaper group lol

    Lynn- I think everyone has ups and downs but some people make it their focus, I had that friend too! I think most of our arguments are when I’m pregnant and hormonal but heck I was pregnant 5 times in the last 8 years!!!

    Thanks ladies for all of the compliments, I finally feel like this is my new lifestyle and I have a great support system in you all
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Well, bed rest didn't last long :laugh:

    Dr. called at 5:02 and said they already got the results back from my urine and it was 380 something. She said even though it is the beginning stages of preeclampsia, she doesn't want to let it progress any further. If I wasn't as far along she would keep me on bed rest, but since I'm 38 weeks she's ready to induce.

    Long story short, we're leaving for the hospital in about an hour! :noway: :bigsmile: Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I'll update as soon as I possibly can!

    Oh wow Lynn! Praying you have a smooth and wonderful labor and birth. I will be thinking of you and cannot wait to see your little man.