Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    So excited about the fund raising you did. Sheesh girl, when you put your mind to something BAM! it's done! Very nice.

    And I loved your update on the wall this morning. So true. YOU know it's something stupid like hidden sodium or the scale was tipped a little on the bathroom tile. Something ridiculous because you have been doing phenomenal. Of course, yes we know it won't be easy given you are so lean already! But still...I have high hopes for this 'cut'. I do wish your sarcasm about 'the weight should be falling off' was true. I'd be so pleased if that were the case!!

    I was surprised by the TINY drop. Again as I say every month, I'm at a guessing game with TOM. So I assume it'll show up soon and mess with the scale. Probably next week I'll log a gain as a result (even with a calorie drop!) so I'll take it for now. I did workout this morning simply because I wasn't thinking about it. I stayed up to monitor Talan's breathing and coughing situation so I could make an informed decision about whether to send him to school today. So once that was set into the schedule, the alarm went on for a workout and until I started up for the shower it never crossed my mind it was supposed to be a rest day. Opps. I needed it anyways. I do plan on a run tomorrow. We have Christmas at my Grandmother's (finally able to get everyone in the same place) so, although I am bringing diet friendly food and I hope to maintain self control, I don't think a run will kill me tomorrow! :laugh: I mentioned to Dan about the race in May and he's supportive of it. So I think it'll be good to stick to a couple runs even with the low week this week and get recovery the rest of the time. We'll see. If I feel like crap, I won't. But let's be honest, I'm not impeccable so a workout here and there won't hinder me. :bigsmile:

    True about the weather. I saw Laurn mention about it being 70 by her and I sarcastically told her to zip it since it was - when I ran to get cough drops this morning. But like I said to her, I can buy myself a little time to worry about that spring/summer wardrobe where you Texans can't. :wink: (though while driving in this morning...chattering...I would have opted for ill fitting shorts over thirteen layers of clothes :tongue: )
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    PS. I'm starving. And I think it's mental because I ate the same breakfast yesterday and wasn't starving. Of course yesterday, I wasn't sitting at work staring at my computer with time to think about food!!:grumble:
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Just found this topic... could someone tell me more about it without making me have to read two threads with over 25 pages between them?

    How does this program compare to 30 Day Shred in terms of results, program, etc,.)
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sorry to run in and out crazy day! Congrats on your loss! Climb tomorrow wish me luck!!

    But to answer your question Dixie, I like the plan. I felt it was a good mix of cardio and resistance training. I would say I got better results with it than the 30ds since it was not the same thing day in and day out but it isn't as short as the 30ds workouts. I would recommend it though. My favorite video was the bootcamp video thought. You might just want to try that one out first. Lindsay also just came out with newer programs that I have heard good things about so you might want to look into those.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    So the climb went well? Why do you ever doubt yourself girlie? :tongue: I knew you'd rock that *kitten*!! Are you feeling the after effects of the steady state?

    How was it this morning to vary your schedule with more sleep? I have to say your Sunday diary was spot on. Nice job prepping for this week. My carbs will be a little high until I get rid of the prep food I made Thursday. I am anti-food wasting so I'd rather be a little over carbs and spot on calorie then waste delicious soup and Jamie Eason protein bars. If it were left over chinese, I could force it upon someone else. Sadly, no one wants my home made protein bars...shocking right?!:huh:

    This weekend wasn't bad. I'm sure my macros at the belated Christmas get together were off. But I had a great leg/run day Saturday, so all is well. I stayed good on veggies & protein only veering a little to taste test my Aunt's dessert. Hide from it after that. :grumble: And yesterday was fine. We all seem to have caught Talan's cold/cough. More so my youngest with the cough. Dan & I just have the annoying sore throat sniffles. So the hubs and little man stayed home from school today. SHouldn't be hard to stay on track when you can't taste anything, right? :tongue:
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Thank you!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well :( Yeah the climb was WAY better than I thought. I was pacing it with my friend so I could have gone faster/harder but a slow steady walk up 52 flights felt like nothing. I guess I am in way better shape than I assume :laugh:

    I was off on Friday with the food since Mike's mother wanted to take us out to dinner. I was still well under maintenance but over the LP plan and the macros were bad. But other than the 2 pieces of bread, I made the best choices I could make at an Italian restaurant! I really am not a fan of Italian in general so having to find a lean high protein meal there is even harder! I was hoping I would need those extra calories for the climb but not at all. It was over in 23 minutes. So it was like a bodyrock workout! haha I didn't need 400 extra calories for that!

    Started on week 4 yesterday and I am still dealing with the fat. I either am way over on fat or under. I can't seem to find a happy medium :laugh: BUT the lower calories and lower carbs are not nearly as hard as I expected. I could probably work out on this without issue but I will give it a rest, haha. I think it is the extra fat and protein that is helping keep me full. I think my world is going to flip upside when we go to 50% carbs!!! Are you switching to week 5 on Friday or Sat?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I suck at this week. Way over carbs yesterday. I finally decided to chuck the Jamie Eason protein bars in the freezer and hope that I can thaw them later. As good as they are, and as healthy...they aren't jiving with this week. Gave away my soup too:grumble: Kept today's since I didn't have a back up plan for lunch. But I had 2 more days with of yummy tortellini turkey soup. Delicious, filling and clean but unfortunately too high on the carbs for this week. Sad. I'm sad about it. :ohwell: As long as the food doesn't go to waste, I'll live! :wink: Going to have to go with salads probably for the rest of the week since I'm not due to grocery shop until the weekend. I can live with that. So onward and upward.

    My scale was up 1lb today. TOM has got to be coming this week. If it doesn't, well...who am I kidding?! She shows up when she wants. But I'm chugging water like a champ today. Even though my carbs were higher they were still normal so that shouldn't have caused a pound increase. And I've made the calorie cut. It was just the carbs. So moving forward with all of this nonsense!!

    I am switching on Friday. It just makes thing easier mentally for me to switch on a weigh in day. And I can get through the weekend on whatever plan without a big scramble since I have the time to cook up and prep whatever then. When we get to 50% carbs, I'm just going to hug on my quinoa and some wheat rotini noodles. :laugh:

    I had to try out a new DVD I got last night. Figured since I od'd the carbs, it couldn't hurt. And it was only Jillian Michaels so nothing hard core. But I saw an ad in a Self magazine that was $4.95 to try her website and get the Shred and Shred DVD. I don't want her website but I figured for $5, I wouldn't mind checking out the DVD. It was a big change up from Chalene. But it was decent. There were some ju jitsu moves in there that I kept thinking 'my neighbors must think I'm crazy'...but overall I'll give it a B-. :tongue: Today I'm resting. Stretching since my booty is soo sore from this weekend (gotta love that right?!) and resting. I'm looking forward to it.

    I'd ask if you were all planned out for today but I'm sure if I peek at your diary- you are all squared away! :tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I COMPLETELY understand how you feel about wasting food. I am sort of neurotic about it. I freeze everything and anything if I think I will not be able to eat it and I make things work come hell or high water. Like for example, I wanted to get the Fage full fat greek yogurt but when my husband went to the store he could only find the Greek Gods brand in full fat. Ok no biggie until I realize that although the GG brand is less calories (for a much smaller serving) it was much lower in protein and much higher in fat than the Fage. Well I am not about to throw it out so I have been bending over backwards to fit that stupid yogurt in my diet this week! That is why my fat has been over a bit and my protein has been slightly under. I have no clue why that brand would have so much more fat and less protein. Oh well. It is just one week.

    I am surprised that I don't feel any different with the lower carbs. I thought I would feel sluggish or foggy like a lot of people report when they cut the carbs way down but I don't feel any different, now granted I am not working out so I am sure that makes a difference but I just assumed I would feel crappier this week. The big pain of this week is clearly the planning!! It is really hard for me to figure out things to eat in the macros. And don't even get me started on Thursday! I always try to keep my sodium below 2500 on Thursday so I don't retain a lot of water for weigh days. Well good luck trying to get in all that protein without the sodium. So many of my high protein and higher fat items are sodium traps (cheese, meats, jerky, etc). I usually compensate with lots of fruits and veggies on Thursdays but that is a no go this week with the carbs. Oh well I will probably just be hungry that day. haha

    See we are so different with our carbs. I am waiting to eat a chocolate chip cookie on 50% carbs week :laugh: I am sure I will be eating lots of fruit too but you bet your hiney I will be having some sweets.

    Yeah it still seems weird to me to not be working out but it isn't as hard as I thought. I thought I would be chomping at the bit to get at it but so far I am ok. I do mentally feel like I am softer and don't have my usual morning pep from the workout but I am ok with it.

    I am sure the scale was from TOM since you have been seeing some nice losses throughout. I got on the scale today and my weight was back down to what it was 2 weeks ago (before I had the little half pound increase with no reason whatsoever!). Of course it is nice to see it going down but I want to see more since I would hate to think I have been the same for 2 weeks on this cut (including this low cal, low carb week).

    Funny that you bring up JM. A friend on mine that is doing CLX did JM's BR and liked it. The videos are also under 40 minutes a day and follow the usual JM style of circuit training/ compound movements. I must admit, if I don't see results after this round of CLX and LP diet, I might have to check it out. I go back and forth with things (as you know). I have always been a fan of weights but I feel I am in the "bulky stage" now. Where I have the muscle but still lots of fat around it. I am just not leaning out the way I would like. I have been trying to lean out with diet and keep the muscle mass I have with CLX but I wonder if I do need more of a burn like I was getting with the compound movements. LB's new Lean Out program also made me think about getting more cardio in and worrying less about slow lifting. I would be more willing to try JM's BR over LB's new programs since it seems like less "endurance" work than LB. I think some of LB's lean out was inspired by Insanity (just my opinion from what I have seen). I do like JM since I think you get a lot of bang for your time buck. haha. You get cardio and light resistance in a small amount of time. I did a lot of JM when I first started and got great results but lets be honest, it is easy to get great results when you have 40lbs to lose!!

    Fingers crossed the lean phase of CLX works its magic in combination with the LP plan and I will be down to goal weight in March :love:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh or I forgot. I was also eyeing the Jennifer Nicole Lee set JNL Fusion which is intervals of strength and cardio. Only 60 days but I heard good thing about it on video fitness (that site is evil). I like that in the 30 sec strength intervals you can go as heavy as you like or go lighter to get more reps. Makes me think it is more like S90 in the fast paced nature and adding a cardio effect to everything but I don't have to do 1000 reps with 2lb weights like a lot of JM videos. Always thinking of the next step right?

    Ok yeah so I see why low carb diets suck you in. I realized that yesterday's weigh in was actually a pound less than the week before (so lower than it was 2 weeks about by about half a pound) and this morning it was down another pound. It might be a fluke but I am sure I will see something nice on the scale this week, but it is all fake! haha I know it is all from the diuretic effect of low carbs (combined with lower calories and not working out). I just hope if I do see a nice drop that I can maintain it through the next week.

    I am happy though I just realized that even though I started CLX 2 weeks before LP, I will be finishing them at the same time since there are those 2 recovery weeks in LP that I am not following the CLX schedule. So that worked out wonderfully. However my birthday is 2 weeks before the end of both so hopefully I don't ruin all my hard work at the end like I usually do. :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey sorry I was MIA. Yesterday was a lot of appointments and very little down time. So I wasn't around at all. Didn't even have a chance to log anything (well, aside from what I had preplanned). Back to MFP today, if work doesn't continue to implode. No guarantees though right? :tongue:

    I'm going to work backwards in my responses though so bare with me. I looked at the JNL thing. It looks good. Obviously she knows what she's talking about. She's been at this from a bikini competitor angel for a long time. And it's from a very different approach than JM. I read a great article about JNL awhile back about her being a Mama and having to learn to work around the chaos that us mother's deal with. Makes me appreciate whatever she's got going on. On the other hand, I've heard good things about JM's BR on a blog I read ("Love, Eat, Run"). I could see you leaning more towards the JNL one just based on your appreciation for S90. I like having the JM DVDs to fall back on when I don't feel like following the outlined plan or as a shake it up type thing-I'm not sure I personally could do the BR since after a couple days JM rubs me wrong :explode: (like a lot of ppl feel about Tony Horton!:huh: ). I know you like a good program and to be honest, they both have their ups. Next step is always a good place to look.

    Yes, low carb pulls your right in. So much so that I started thinking maybe this LP thing isn't the way to go, maybe it's just that focus on carbs that will get me where I want to go. I looked back when I was limiting carbs and the scale was nice. I got sucked in for a good 2 hours the other night researching low carb from a weight lifting (think: Muscle & Fitness: Hers) point of view. And then I had to stop myself and realize...if I was so proficient in doing LC wouldn't I still be doing it? I definitely think I want to hold on to some aspects of it after LP. Like, eating the majority of my carbs pre-dinner time. And only go with fibrous carbs towards dinner. But to completely keep carbs under 100, let alone the 80 we are working with now- EVEN if the planning became less cumbersome I know I suck at long term low carb. I have gotten over my love for white flour. But quinoa has my heart now and oats in my turkey meatballs and protein bars. I can't bare to leave them! :laugh:

    That all worked out well with your 2 week workout hiatus. Nice catch too. I'm trying to decide whether to stick with CLX heading into my 2 weeks out from the 'event' (which I'm not even sure we are attending since it involves DH playing basketball and his wrist is all jacked up prior to going out) or pull a 'cardio fest' for the sole purpose of simply being focused on this night out. You know that whole 'fake it until you make it' approach for a couple weeks :laugh: I don't know..all these plans run together in my head. lol.

    I'm all f'd up from TOM. I'm cranky, bloated, and tired. :laugh: :mad: The scale is not being nice which I don't doubt given how I'm feeling. Add in my fiber pills not working and I'm feeling like a stuffed piggy. I have a lot of veggie overload today and some tea. I'm hoping the feeling goes away!! :huh: :huh: There's not much I can do to help the scale besides continuing to stick with the plan and drinking water. I'm sure given my mood status I'll go postal on it tomorrow screaming profanities along with 'I ate low carb you lying b*tch!' :laugh: But for today, I'm just tired and in need of tea! :ohwell: :wink:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I hear you on the stuffed piggy. The low carb action definitely don't keep things flowing very well. Oh and though I think the low carb has a nice quick weight loss effect I know it is not something I could keep up with. I mean I am not working out at all right now and I am feeling a bit run down today so I am sure if I was working out I would be dying!! The extra pound down yesterday seems to just be a fluke since it was back up today for no reason, other than I was walking a lot yesterday so that might have been just too much exercise to keep the scale down. :laugh: It isn't something I could or would want to do long term however if I am able to keep the weight off (or at least some of it) when I switch back to higher carbs and calories on Sat then I will definitely keep it in my arsenal of fat loss weapons. If it is just a temporary diuretic effect and it will come right back on then I wouldn't both with it outside of the LP plan. It is crazy to think we get to add back in like 200 more calories and so many more carbs! I don't know what I will do with myself. Oh yeah I will work out :laugh:

    Speaking of working out. I will be back on track with CLX on Saturday but then on Sunday (which would be a rest day) I am going to try to do the free LB Lean Out workout she sent. It is upper body endurance (oh dear) and abs so I will be giving that a shot just to mix things up and see how I like it. Why am I never content with what I have and where I am at? I always seems to want more and be looking for the next thing!:laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Nice weigh in! Hopefully there's not much of a rebound (read your comment on the loss on face page) with this switch, and even if there is hopefully it's just a little added water weight that drops right back off!

    I actually just got back from the Dr. ended up getting a 'script to see if that helps with my TMI problem I've mentioned. Apparently I'm not the only lazy one, my bowels are too.:laugh: Hopefully this will help because I'm over trying the fiber supps, the regular ease teas, and all that jazz! We'll see!!

    I've got to look up my macro change for today. I should have last night but it's been a long week. And since I'm not munching until lunch, I've got a little time. I just want to eat pizza and breadsticks and cake and an Aunt Ann's pretzel. :wink: Just kidding...kind of.

    My weigh in was the same, which in all honestly I'll take as a good thing given the 2 issues I've already discussed and don't need to rehash. I'm always up 2ish pounds from TOM so no up= good news to me this week. Now if I can just flush everything else out, I'll be a happy camper.

    Last night, I just HAD to work out. Work has been so stressful and not my job, just the petty BS we all deal with when working with an office full of females, Dan's been SO busy with basketball and the kids are stir crazy from the winter months, I HAD to have some mommy time. I'm hoping to do a "Mommy time out" workout again tonight- fingers crossed!! :bigsmile:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well that is awesome that you stayed the same since I am sure you will see a major drop once your TOM passes and once you get unclogged. I saw a good loss and was pleased with that but as I stated before I worry that I will see some rebound which will annoy me for sure! But I am hoping for the best. I will be hitting the cardio as much as I can though because apparently they increased the carbs. LP's plan claims they are increasing the calories and carbs in this session to accommodate the change it workout (weights are now supersets and cardio is now intervals). So weights are going to be the same but I am going to work as hard as I can in the CLX cardio videos to make sure I get a good cardio burn. Those carbs must be for something right?

    Speaking of. I am planning my meals for the switch to the different calories and macros and it is hilarious to make the switch to 200 extra calories and 15% more carbs. I am adding in bread and fruit and a little bit of grain like there is no tomorrow! It is hard to get it right so I need to plan it out for like 3 days ahead. haha Hope you are feeling better and the BS gets better to and have a great weekend! I am ready to get back to working out :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Well...I sucked this weekend. I'll just admit it now so it's out on the table! :grumble: Both Saturday and Sunday my eating was terrible, more so yesterday given the Super Bowl but both days sucked. My high weigh in was deserved, though of course some of it is water, some of it will probably hang around through the week. I am not even sure what happen...I avoided take out Friday night when my sister came over but Saturday was eye appointments so we grabbed lunch to go, a birthday party where I ate the pizza, and then it all just carried through the entire weekend. Not good, not good at all. Definitely not LP approved!! :blushing: Onwards and upwards.

    I see you are back into CLX and pushing hard. Nice job,nice job. :drinker: And those extra calories and carbs are treating you well? :wink: I took some time last night planning, prepping, and packing everything. Down to the 2 tablespoons of veggie dip. I just have to get right back on it. As bad as this weekend was, I can't wallow in it or I'll be off the course in self pity for another couple days. Crap happens...moving forward. :embarassed:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I hear you on the weekend being a bust. I was on track this weekend but I know I will not be as lucky this coming weekend since I am taking Josie to a party that is being fully catered and certainly there will be cake! So I know I will not be 100% but I am more motivated than ever on this plan because I don't want to eff it up. Haha I want to get down to my goal BF come hell or high water!

    I must say though. I don't know if it is the extra carbs or the working out but damn I have been hungry! I thought I would struggle to eat the extra food but no. I was actually hungry on Sat! So I am not sure if it is from being back at the workouts (probably since I am sore a hell right now) or that I have lower hunger when I eat more protein less carbs but I am sticking to the LP plan if it kills me.

    Got on the scale for the first time since Friday (you know I am like a moth to a flame) and I was up 2 pounds. Certainly from the extra carbs and the DOMS and not food. So I am hoping that goes down over the week. If I see a small loss this week I would be over the moon. Hell if I don't see a rebound I would be happy. But not thrilled. I would only be thrilled if I see a loss :laugh:

    I tried the Lean Out video on Sunday and I have to say it wasn't my thing. Have you tried it yet? It was so rushed! I get it. That is the point, that you have to move fast but it is like a weird version Bodyrock. It is like bodyrock in the layout of do these 3-4 exercises as fast as possible 3 times through and then move on to the next set. But unlike most bodyrocks, there is a set number of reps you have to hit (12) instead of doing as many as you can in 30 seconds. So I was pausing CONSTANTLY even though I was going as fast as possible and honestly my form sucked on a lot of it because I was racing so hard. Obviously you would get faster and better but I don't think it was my thing at all. But it was definitely challenging!! I will try the weight loss free trial one next Sunday just for kicks :laugh:

    Oh and on a sad note, I decided to finally weigh my hummus and salad dressing instead of using tablespoons and the discrepancy was bad! Especially for the hummus. So I have been eating like double (sometimes triple when I was eyeballing) my hummus. So I can safely say that with these little snafus I have been eating at least 100 calories over what I have been logging. More like 200. GRRRRRR. Oh well lesson learned. Now I am weighing it at home and packing it up for lunch. I am sure that is why I wasn't seeing the best of results when I was eating 1800 calories since it was more like 2000 and I was eating most of my deficit.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I think I need to lay off coffee. Holy sheesh. I never drank it but in giving up other vices, I thought I'd pick up coffee drinking as a bad habit. I'm pretty sure I'm on speed right now. :laugh:

    Good luck with the upcoming weekend. After last weekend, I am going to hibernate through the weekends. Because this will be our only down weekend. Then alumni weekend and Dan's birthday followed by Tarren's birthday then my sister's birthday then my Mom's birthday. Holy I think my head just imploded!! :noway:

    I think the hunger comes from the weights, at least that's my opinion! I was fine yesterday. Cardio day. Today, not so much. I am taking in as many liquids as possible to maintain my fast until lunch. But I was starving 5 minutes after completing my upper body workout. Definitely going with the weights and yep, DOMS has already set in!

    Luckily, my weight has declined a little. I still deserve to log a gain after my crappy choices this weekend. But the water weight is coming off slowly so we'll see.

    I have yet to try the LB stuff. I want to but I haven't bothered tinkering around with trying to play it on the TV. I see where you'd be a little apprehensive with the actual program if that's what the sample workout was like. I'm glad I didn't get sucked into the sale she was having!!

    Ugh the dreaded measuring cups. Totally sucks I know. A tablespoon of veggie dip is like 2 bites worth. Plus I didn't even think about the fat content in it. I went to the store though, fresh veggies is a healthy snack I'll get some dip to make them tolerable. But, lower fat this week means I'm over my intake allowance. Darn you LP, I can never match your macros!! :laugh:

    Anyone who reads this thread with all our acronyms must think we are crazy! LP, LB, JM, CLX, S90...we have so many I can't even remember them all!

    My eating is back on track, I killed 2 workouts in a row. I will get my cardio in tomorrow and finish out this week 100x better than the weekend!! :drinker:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh I know what you mean with the coffee. I actually started drinking coffee about 6 months ago for the ummmm bowel movement assistance it offers :laugh: and yeah I feel like I am high too when I have it. If I make it too strong I feel like I am getting the shakes. haha But I know I tend to be sensitive to caffeine naturally since I can't drink 2 caffeinated sodas at night or it will keep me up and I can't take 2 Excedrins because there the extra caffeine makes me jittery. But it is cool when I have to get stuff done! haha

    Looks like you have a lot going on. I have like one event a week for the next 3 weeks so it will not be easy but at least it will all be spaced out. And thankfully I have nothing going on for week 9 since the calories drop again BUT the day I start week 10 is my 31st birthday party so you know that is going to be a BLOW OUT. So as usual I will probably blow all my results right at the end. haha. And then the cut finishes right in time for Easter. Not sure what I am going to do after that since I know I will need to refocus diet again to get bikini ready for the summer. Maybe if I see good results I will restart LP's program or maybe try the OPT remix but that seems like a lot more work! Maybe carb cycling. You liked that didn't you?

    As for my weight, it is down a little from over the weekend (which it always is because even when my eating is good on the weekend, I can never drink enough water so I think I am always retaining a bit on Monday morning) but still up over a pound since Friday. grrrrr. Still so so sore. Mostly from LB but now some in my butt from CLX. I started Extreme Abs this morning and that sucked. Especially since I am still so sore from the LB ab workout. But I feel great. I am enjoying the freedom that comes with extra carbs and calories and I am glad to be back to workouts.

    So tell me, is your medicine helping clear you out? :laugh: I basically have to pile the fiber into my food to keep things moving. If not it isn't a pretty sight or feeling I should say. :laugh: As for the LB it is worth a try. Clearly it worked me out but I don't think it is something I will enjoy. Time went by so slowly when doing it (like Insanity did for me) so that is not a good sign for me. But hey I will try anything if it will get me down to the holy grail of 18% BF!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Weird that at 30 we both decide to pick up the coffee habit. :laugh: I thought it would help with that too. So far, no such luck. The medicine may be helping a little but she said to give it a couple weeks to see how it all plays out. :laugh: That's the best explanation for her actual comment 'you feel FULL' as she pushes on my stomach and ends with 'you better give it a couple weeks before deciding if this works.' I'm Sooo full of *kitten* it's going to take more than 1 week to determine effectiveness? Ohhh..alright then! :tongue:

    Events, events, events. Gotta love em. OHHH and I forgot how close to your birthday you are getting! Let the count down begin! I love that you are thinking ahead on the nutrition portion too, and not just programming!

    I did experiment with carb cycling. When I'm on my game, I enjoy it. Well, enjoy it in that I know it's effective for me. I just have to be willing to stay on top of what day I'm at and all that jazz. 3 days low, 2 days high seemed to be the most liveable approach. It helps if you know in advance what your weeks looks like. Say you know Thursday is a work even that carbs are less avoidable. You can play around with your low/high days easier that way. Have you noticed if keeping carbs to a minimum after a particular time has a positive/negative effect for you? I've read alot in the muscle mags *not SHAPE!* that if your an AM workout person, a carb cut off (aside from the leafy good ones) of around 2pm to 4pm is generally a good rule. I wondered if with having the spaghetti squash and such at night, as opposed to actual carbs you say an impact.

    2 more days to behave and hopefully level out the scale. And I'll keep my fingers crossed for no rebound and a drop for you!

    I somehow managed to turn off my alarm on my phone last night while I was talking to Dan on his way home from an away basketball game. I'm pretty sure it's time for a new phone because that's happened 2 weeks in a row at my parents and if I try to do something like use the calculator, it starts opening random items. I think my dumb phone is getting dumber! :huh:

    So looks like I'm facing a late night workout. And Dan's looking at showering and bed time routine since I'll be busy sweating it up in the living room! :bigsmile:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am sure by the end of the day you will be dying for that workout! I generally can never get motivated to workout at night. I agree with that sign that says " workout first thing in the morning before your brain figures out what you are doing" haha that is me. I am just on autopilot getting up and going, whereas at night I think about it all day long and generally come up with a reason why not to do it! :laugh: You are better than me though so I know you will get it done.

    Yeah I am sure it takes a while for everything to ummm flush out? haha. As for the weigh in, I do not have high hopes. Still hanging pretty high. Not within the 1 pound range that generally can be attributed to sodium but I will give it time. Really that is my problem half the time. I am what they call a "schizophrenic dieter". If I don't see results right away I freak out and want to try something else instead of just chilling out and letting things take their course. Even now when I am spot on the LB plan, I am still thinking "am I over estimating my TDEE?" "should I be cutting more?" or "am I cutting too much and I can killing my metabolism?" haha. I need to get myself in check. It was so much easier when I was consistently seeing results. Like when I was good with diet I would see losses and when I was bad I would see nothing or a rebound. It was back in the simpler times :wink:

    It is really hard now (as I am sure you know) to see really nothing to know I am doing things right. Scale isn't really moving, measurements aren't moving. Some days I feel like I see more definition but other days no so much (I am sure that is bloat). The one thing I did see this morning was that when I used the CLX calipers on my stomach the reading was at a 10 (instead of an 11, like it was when I started) So I was happy as a claim until I looked that the chart it comes with and saw that for my age a 10 and 11 register at the same BF level. Grrrrr still it was nice to see some positive change but ANNOYING!! Then I got my feathers all in a bunch when I saw on the chart that turning 31 will put me in a different age category and if I stay at 10 that relates to a higher BF % in that age group. Sigh..... I feel good and I know I am working hard so I just have to stick with it. I am anxious to start the lean phase. Still hoping for all that magic!:laugh: