SAHM 6/1-6/30



  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Hi girls! Thanks for the welcomes. I did Day 7 of the 30 day shred today -- my one year old started doing squats with me... it was adorable beyond belief. I'm feeling really proud of myself. :)

    So far I'm good without soda, but I know that if we go to the pizza place with my friends and their kids, that Cherry Coke is going to be calling to me......... I'm probably going to have to avoid the pizza place anyway, since they don't even have salads. Just the best pizza in the world. LOL I haven't figured out how to navigate those situations yet.

    Nicole, I hope you and your husband had a great time celebrating! Were you able to find anything at the buffet to eat? We've got one here that my husband loves, but he's had to stop going because it doesn't offer anything he is eating right now.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Have not read all the posts maybe I will have time later. Today was the last day of school for the kids. They are all happy about it except dd1 she is sad. I say bring on the summer let's see if we can keep them busy and happy this time around. :laugh: Well got to go the hubby is getting grumpy at me. :laugh:
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Great job with the sodas Barb! It was true for me that the more hydrated I was the easier it was to drink water.

    Thanks Katie and Barb! I do carry DD around on my back sometimes, but she's 55 pounds so it's only for 10 minute spurts. :)

    Nicole-I hope the birthday dinner went well!

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Today is beautiful out so we're going yardsaling. About to head out in a minute. I hope everyone has a great day/weekend!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Lost another pound this week! :bigsmile: As far as my water challenge, I'm doin great! Have gone out to eat twice this past week and both times I ordered water instead of soda when everyone else ordered soda....of course I had a strange thing happen today when we went out for lunch. I ordered water with my value meal from McDonald's, and the cashier goes, "Oh, you don't want soda, you want water?" And I was like "Yeah" and at the same time I was thinking, "Is there a problem with that?" Ugh! :noway:
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    I'm a SAHM-wanna be.....can I please join? I work full-time but my heart is at home and I am hoping and praying sometime soon we are able to send me home! My daughter will be 1 on the 22nd :-) I have 50 lbs to lose and need to be in better health before we TTC #2.
    I am on Day 2 of the 30 day slimdown and MAN JILLIAN hates me..I know she does lmao. :D
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Rainbow-Brite~I think Jillian hates everyone! Good for you giving it all you've her who's the boss!

    It looks like it's been really quiet here lately. I have found I run around more now than during the school year. My son has music M-Th from 11-11:45 2 days of guitar, 2 day of Jazz and he is volunteering at the library from 12-2 on Thursdays also. My oldest daughter has flag practice on Tuesdays and flag camp for the next 3 days 9-3. She performs in numerous parades throughout the summer. I am still working out almost everyday and using what I learned from EVO. I weighed in this morning at 125.4 so if that holds for tomorrow that means I have hit my goal! I don't plan on switching to maintenance mode yet I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing and let my body decide where it wants to stop. I don't care about the number on the scale any longer I would like to drop some more body fat percentages and continue toning some stubborn areas but overall I'm pretty happy with how things have gone.

    I did order and receive my new bathing suit, only to find the top is a little too low cut for me to feel comfortable in. It looks okay if I'm standing up but if I bend over to do something there's a 50/50 chance that I'll be showing much more than planned! So I had to order a few other sizes and styles to see what will work. Now I'm waiting and stalking the FED/Ex guy again! If I find one that works I'll be posting my before/after pics soon!

    Hope you are all doing well!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Shannon, I've been there! I had to go back to work full time when my baby was 9 weeks old. I pray too that you'll be able to be home and be a full-time mom. It really is a blessing.

    I haven't read everyone else's updates. I've been too busy walking and drinking water. Can you even believe it? It's a miracle! :bigsmile: I'm still trying to break through the 150 lb barrier and get to my goal of 148. It seems illusive, but I have to believe I will get there soon.

    Yesterday was the last day of school. Today my daughter spent the day with her best school buddy. I've already got activities lined up for her all month. I think our only "bonding" day will be tomorrow. My baby's growing up!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Wanted to share this, for those who are not on my friends list.....On the BMI calculator on fitnesspal, when I first started MFP, I weighed 222 and 5'3", my BMI was 39.3 and I was obese, now, I'm weighing in at 170.8, and my BMI is 30.3 (lost 9 points in 2 years), and I am in the only .3 away from the "over" category, then I'll only be 5 points away from healthy!!! I'm setting a goal! :smile:
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    BlueRose/Barb, congratulations! That's a great milestone.

    Today, I'm headed to the pool with my kid. I'm dreading it, but it's a beautiful day and I'm out of excuses. What's wrong with me? I love to swim, but I hate going to the pool here. Too many people around, I think.

    OK, have a great day and a great weekend!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hey girls,
    I'm back! I showed a 4 lb gain this morning which isn't too bad as although I started quite restrained I definitely slid rather a long way downhill eating wise!! On the upside, the food tasted gooooooooooooood and we all had a lovely time so straight back on it and hoping to shift a few more pounds before my daughter's christening which is 2 weeks tomorrow.

    Lots going on my end still, DS1's 5th birthday party tomorrow, and then he actually turns 5 on Monday - unbelievable!! Then its all systems go to sort things for the christening.

    Barb - that is a great milestone! When I left I was only 6 lbs over 'healthy' and I know I am absolutely desperate to get back down to healthy again!!

    Victorious one - well done with the drinking and exercise!

    Holly - hooray hooray you are at target CONGRATULATIONS! Are you going to do a thread with pics? Would love to see before and after.

    I am thinking of buying a Jillian DVD next, is there one you'd recommend? I'm pretty fit but not very co-ordinated and have poor balance, tbh I see it as a means to shift excess fat/ weight and little else, though I know I should probably make comments about wanting to improve my fitness I don't really feel unhappy with my fitness levels where I do the other things!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Ok, been a total slacker here. Summer just has me running with the kids all day long. I'm not really getting time to log or exercise consistently, but I do what I can when I can. We've been walking everyday that we can and biking in the driveway. I hope everyone else is doing well!!
    I miss you!

    We had a crazy week. Last Wednesday was my brother's graduation and party and we pigged out! Then Friday we flew to Nashville for the weekend and OMG had the most fun ever. We ate and drank (I sometimes miss my alcohol!) a TON, met a lot of people, just tons of fun.

    Of course poor R missed us and didn't sleep practically at all the first 2 nights we were back. I had planned on going to Stroller Strides Wednesday, but Tuesday she was up from 11 PM to 5 AM!!!! And only went back to sleep until 8:30 so it wasn't our best. But the last 2 nights she has slept through again so hopefully we'll get to class tomorrow.

    I missed weigh in today and think I'll skip it altogether this week due to vacation. Hopefully next Friday I'll at least be down to where I was before we left!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    <~~~Maintained her current weight this week. So, no loss and no gain! :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a great summer so far. It's been so quiet here, I miss everyone!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Made it out to the Y this morning, yay! And I impressed myself, usually on the tread I'll walk on 3.5mph, today I boosted it to 4mph, and jogged for 5 mins! Next time I'll try 7 mins :smile: Go me!! LoL Feeling pretty good.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    BlueRose, you are rockin' it out, girl! Way to go!

    I've lost 100 lbs since June 7, 2010. Unbelievable! I have about 8 more lbs to get to my ultimate goal, which will put me smack in the middle of normal range BMI. I'm so happy! I think that walking and drinking water had something to do with it. :-)

    I've committed to reading all the stuff I have on business development over the summer. I really want to have a very profitable, home-based business. My daughter is older now, so she definitely doesn't need me 24/7. In fact she can cook my dinner and wash my clothes now! :bigsmile:

    Everyone have a great day and great week!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Nicole-That is awesome that you are so close to your goal and 100 pounds lost! Can't wait to see your pics!

    Barb-Good for you upping your walking speed and doing some jogging great progress!

    Shoppie-A lot people like Jillian's 30 Day Shred. I bought it and used if for a few days but it really wasn't enough for me. Maybe I should have jumped ahead to the next level but I was doing EVO which was much more difficult so I didn't really need it.

    Still haven't posted pics, need to have my husband take some. I need to run and pick some kids from music. I have the little ones in p.j.s still as they have fevers today so no gym this morning. Hoping to make it in for Zumba tonight.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I added a new pic to my signature (also my profile pic), looks like this week will be another loss as long as things stay good :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    So wanted to post a success for me. To do this I have to be honest. I have been a slacker on the exercise and have been eating like crap! Anyways I got on my bike tonight and went for a bike ride. We went 4.55 miles in about 30 min. Not the best I can do but certainly not the worst either. Not as out of shape as I thought that I was.

    Barb~Way to go on the loss! You are rockin' it girl.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Katie M - Awesome job on your ride!! Way to got mama!!

    Barb - Wow, you look fabulous!! Keep doing what you're doing, it's soooo working. :)

    Holly - You are so dedicated, love it!! I need to work on that, I tend to be a roller coaster.

    Victorious one - WOW 100 pound loss is amazing, what an acomplishment. Great job!!

    Katie - Saw your new swimsuit ya posted, too cute. Ur hubby did good.

    Ok so, I've been slacking on MFP and doing a half @ssed job on my own. Still haven't lost the 4 pounds I gained while on vacation but also didn't gain more. So, meh, I basically had a month of nada. Going to get to it for sure, my BFF is coming to visit this weekend so I know I'll be drinking more than normal but she and i will walk for hours talking, LOL. Hoping her healthy lifestyle will be a good motivation for me, she's always in great shape and works hard to stay that way. Oh, I also had a neighbor notice that I've lost weight so that was a good motivation to get back to work. :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member

    So I have the Jillian banish fat boost metabolism, did it for the first time today and she definitely killed me so will be trying to do it again. The only thing is it was so hard I kind of dread doing it again! I also struggle with when to do it as I did it about 30 mins after dinner and did feel a bit sick with some of the jumpy bits, but if I do it before dinner that will push dinner to around 830 which is later to be intaking a huge number of cals than I'd like :-\

    Barb - your new pic looks really good, you can def see a clear difference - go you!

    Holly - you really are so dedicated and supportive of everyone else, I really appreciate it!

    Amy - I'm struggling to get properly back on track too and have been quite up and down since returning from hols (which will be a week ago tomorrow), its so easy to just let time slip past. I need to move my ticker actually as on Tuesday I was still carrying 1 lb of holiday weight and I certainly haven't been good enough to shift it.

    Victorious one - AMAZING total weight loss - your user name is very apt!!

    Off to bed now, think one advantage of Jillian is that I will sleep well!
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