SAHM 6/1-6/30



  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Nicole ~ Congrats on hitting the 100lbs mark!!

    Katie ~ Hey girl!! Congrats on getting on the bike!!

    Amy ~ Love the new pic!! You look FAB!!!

    Shoppie ~ BFBM, took me three tries to get through the damn thing last year! It's hard!

    Sorry I have been such a slacker on the message boards! I am still tracking and posting regularly, but not really finding the time to get over here. Like today, I just spent all afternoon on my feet making and carving birthday cakes for the boys' party this weekend! Tomorrow I am covering and decorating with fondant...wish me luck! LOL

    Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say that I'm still alive and kicking :) Anybody have big plans for their hubby's on fathers day? We are going to a big water park hotel on Sunday, and going to a drive through safari park on Monday Should be loads of fun!
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Barb: I am so encouraged by your stats and photos - I am also 5'3". Your SW is a little higher than mine but our bodies look very simliar in your SW pic. I'm impressed that you have stuck with it for over 2 years! You look fantastic!

    I've let my husband know that I really want to be at home soon. We had originally said by 1 year (which is next week) but financially he is not ready yet so now he is saying January...we'll see. I'm trying to be patient and have a good attitude but I feel so overwhelmed trying to keep up with everything.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    my 6 hours of 'exercise' turned into this:


  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Shannon-Welcome to our group (Sorry I missed it before). :flowerforyou: Thanks, and its been rough this past 2 years, but this year hasn't been as bad and I have really gone far compared to where I started. Before, I was just walking and that was it. Last year, I slowly changed some of my eating habits, and this year, I have been doing more exercising besides walking and I have changed A LOT of my eatting habits and have almost cut soda out of my life, except for when TOM is here, then I have to have at least 1, maybe 2 if its a really bad day. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Nicole-Thanks, its not been easy, but I'm slowly getting there!

    Holly-I'm prouod of myself for trying something new in my exercise routine. It was hard work, but I pushed myself and did a good job. Now everytime I either go to the Y and walk on the tread or walk the riverwalk, I try to jog here and there.


    Amy-Thanks, I'm trying to keep doing what I'm doing, but also change it here and there so I don't get bored with it.

    Shoppie-Thanks, I couldn't see a difference in the mirror, but when I put those pics together, I said to my husband, "Whoa! Who is that skinny lady?" LoL He just laughed and said, "That's my sexy wife!" :blushing:

    Katie-Those cakes look AWESOME! Great job on them!!

    Today I had a really good day. Walked 5 miles, which is 2 times around the riverwalk, once around is 2.5 miles and then this evening rode bikes for 2.18 miles and my 7 year old daughter did all this too (without complaining!! She did AWESOME today!)
  • justtodayjen333
    justtodayjen333 Posts: 142 Member
    Hey you all! I would SO love to join your group and connect with other moms! Some times I feel so isolated at home, and I could really use the support of others who know what I'm going through. I just joined MFP and am tracking for the first time in a very long time--which is a great accomplishment for me. And I want to keep the momentum going! I am a mom of three--9 year old girl and two boys, 6 and 2. It's getting late, so I will have to read through all of the posts soon. Please friend me if you would like!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hey ladies!! you've all been doing well!

    Barb-Congrats on the BMI victory!!

    Nicole-Congrats on the 100 pounds!!

    Katie-Those cakes are awesome!!!!!!!

    Shoppie-BFBM is really difficult, but it's my favorite. I bought Ripped in 30 because I thought it was shorter, but it certainly doesn't make me feel the burn like BF. I actually wrote a list of all the exercises and how many, or how long they go for and plan to start back up doing them as I get a chance.

    We finally set up the weights gym in the basement. We had a huge yard sale and cleared it out, so we made room for the exercise equipment. Now we just need to use it! I've been majorly slacking, had a friend visiting (which meant a lot of drinking), not tracking calories, etc. Today, I'm back to it. I've gained 6 pounds since May and I'm determined to lose them, plus more. I just feel terrible and need to get back to feeling great again.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Nicole - I feel your pain, last time I stepped on the scales, my 1 lb of holiday weight had turned into 3 lbs I MUST STOP!! I think part of the problem my end is it is DD's christening next weekend so I know I cannot realistically get any lower/ slimmer than I am and that has been a big motivator for me since joining. I've been pretty bad again today, but all you can do really is say I'll try again tomorrow. I did do BFBM again this morning so hopefully if my exercise is high it should help offset it.

    Kat - FABULOUS cakes! Are your 2 boys birthday around the same time then? Fathers Day we are going to watch the London to Brighton bike race as it literally goes past our house. I have also made an awesome present - pics of the kids holding up individual letters to make up 'Happy Fathers Day!' put into a frame, can't wait to see his face he will be so shocked I have managed to do it all without one of the kids blabbing. At least, I don't think they have blabbed :grumble:

    Jentolose - welcome:flowerforyou:

    Barb - that is a great day, and also great that you are teaching your daughter healthy habits :drinker:

    Right, tomorrow is a new day, NO MORE EXCUSES!!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Have fun at the race! A couple of our friends did that race about three or four years ago and I loved looking at all their photos.

    Well, I didn't go over on calories yesterday, so hopefully I can keep to that today. We cleaned and then went for a walk around the block this morning. DH is working until 3:30pm so we have a few suprises lined up for him when he gets home. I hope everyone is having a nice day!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies....I'm back. Took a step back out of frustration with the stall I have had in weight loss......need support to move forward again!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    KC-You can do this! Get back to exercising and work on tweaking your nutrition you'll find the right amount of each to create the balance you need.

    I posted my before/after story yesterday if you want to take a look it's here-
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    KC, I'm feeling your pain at the moment, I gained 1 lb on holiday which I was fine with, but I'v been home about 10 days now and still haven't got back into it properly and am now on 3 lbs gained :grumble: So I'm certainly no model citizen, but one thing I do know is I *have* to keep trying to get back into it and hope my heart will eventually get there - otherwise I know the weight will only gradually sneak back on.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks ladies! I am glad to be back and so happy to know I have support as I restart. I jumped on the scale this morning and am down a pound, but I am not going to count it unless it is still gone tomorrow...and maybe not even until it is gone still next week. Another busy day here for us...we are going to storytime at the zoo with some friends so that will have me out and walking around. Probably won't make it to the gym today, but if the weather gets hot enough (and the water isn't too frigid from yesterdays rain) I might get in the pool with my little one and swim for a while.
    I am heading out of town this weekend for a wedding and then further up north to see family next week. I am going to be staying with family though, so I am not too worried about falling back off track since I won't have to be eating on the go.
    Thanks for your support ladies :) Have a good day!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome back KC!!

    Holly ~ love the before and afters!!! You look AWESOME!!!

    Shoppie ~ This is why I weigh every day, helps keep me focused on eating normally instead of pigging out on junk :)

    Thanks for the compliments on the cakes! The boys loved them and they were so fun to make. We had a great time with the inlaws at the Kalahari and Safari park. Too bad it was such a short visit. Looks like rain for the next few days! I'm off to Sports camp VBS. Have a great day!!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    The summer is just getting away from me! :laugh: I have not been doing very good at logging my food however I have been exercising. I go on a bike ride every night (too hot for me to do it during the day). So today a friend of mine came over. She is in to home renovations and helped me start tearing the wallpaper down off the wall. It is a big job it will take us about 2 days to get it all done but it will be nice looking when it is done. The wallpaper is so out of date, it is veggies. Educational though:laugh: !

    Katie~Love the cakes.


    Got to run.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Just a quick update real quick on me and my family.

    Had my yearly exam today and everything looks good. Dr said I've lost 13 lbs since last year when I had Jeremey. :bigsmile: But there is one think about getting on the scales I don't like, clothes add weight! When I weigh in at home, its usually underclothes, so the scale today was higher then my scale this morning, ugh!

    This week, I haven't been very productive, my water intake hasn't been good. Not a lot going on, my official weigh in is in 2 days.....wondering how this is going to pay out?

    For those that aren't sure, Tuesday night, my 7 year old daughter flew off her bike and met the pavement. She came in with a mouth full of blood, cleaned her up, and saw she had split her lip open in 2 spots. Took her to ER (which meant I was skipping dinner as I was getting ready to make something, but she's more important than food!) and found out the one split need stitches, so she got 3 of them in her upper lip. She did really good (better than mommy, thankfully my mom went with us!!) When they did her numbing medicine in her lip before the stitches, they told her where and how they were doing, they put the needle with the numbing medicine in her cut (ouch!) and she did really well! Then the next morning, I had to take her to the dentist to have her teeth looked at, since there was some bruising on her gums and one of her teeth was moved back. Thankfully, no damage, but when she goes in for her cleaning on the 13th, he will x-ray, she was too tender yesterday to do anything.

    Here's a few pics before the stitches
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Yikes, Barb! Hope she heals quickly!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks, sometime this weekend, we are taking her to get her stitches out, so we will see how she has healed in the past couple of days.

    Last night we went to the summer fest (a carnival that kicks off the official start of summer) and we hadd a good time, didn't eat the healthies, but I wasn't too over my calories yesterday.

    Not sure what's in store for the weekend, but we'll see. Have a good one!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    ouch that looks painful!!! Hope she's feeling better by now!

    Back into the swing of things today. My hubby is finally returning to school after two weeks off, you would think I would be able to workout more, but no, it seems I get lazy when he's home...or there is more housework and less time LOL! So annoying ;-P

    Excited to start lifting again! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Barb~Ouch! That looks painful. I hope that all went well with getting the stitches out.

    KC~We all struggle at some point with getting back on the horse. Just keep working at it and you will get there.

    So this last weekend was mine and my hubby's 11th anniversary. He surprised me by taking me to an Inn for overnight. We ended up being away from the kids for a little over 24 hours. It was nice to get away and just have some time to our selves without children but call me crazy I missed my little ones something fierce. Even though it was only 24 hours. :laugh: We even took our bikes with us and went on a bike ride. We would have went on another while we were there but it was so hot the next day that we didn't want to ride. The hubby gets super grumpy when he is hot so it was so not worth chancing that. :laugh: If you ladies have not gotten away for a bit I would so suggest it. It sure helped me to rejuvenate. Well got to get going.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Well, she got her stitches out. She did really well. And believe or not, after falling off the bike like she did, she is still riding her bike. She didn't let this little accident stop her.

    I didn't get to get out to the Y this morning and won't be able to tomorrow either. The car has only so much gas left, and I need to hold onto it incase of an emergency, so I'll be a sitting duck til Wednesday when hubby get paid. So, looks like I'll have to find some workout time here at home. Maybe the weather is nice, I'll get out and go for a walk around the neighborhood tomorrow.

    How's summer treating everyone?