Innocent things your spouse or SO do that ANNOY you to no en



  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Other than snoring so loud the windows rattle, my husband of 12 years is dang near perfect. :smile: :smile:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Jan wants sex ALL the time.

    C'Mon already. Sometimes I just want to be held.
  • lalalalyndsey
    My bf folds his dirty socks up and I can't tell whether they are dirty or clean and sometimes I have to smell them to check. YUCK.
  • lalalalyndsey
    Jan wants sex ALL the time.

    C'Mon already. Sometimes I just want to be held.

    LMAO :laugh:
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    He is a hoarder and I am a minimalist. We've nearly killed each other over this. ...but I win because I can just throw everything away. :tongue:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    when she is upset and mutters under her breath in another room just loud enough so I can hear it!!! Then whe asked what's wrong, says "nothingggggg".

  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    The fact I have to practically be mean to him to get him to do things sometimes. If he says he'll do the dishes and then doesn't do them it basically comes down to: GO DO THE DAMN DISHES! or I get pissed off enough and do them myself. (Dishes, trash and litter box are his job.)

    Toilet seat up in the middle of the night. I'm pregnant now and if I fall in, it will be his death.

    Other then that, he's awesome and I love him muchly.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    She is a grammar nazi, and likes to "correct" me while I'm talking. Sometimes, I actually said the correct word and she misunderstood me. I'll stick to my math.

    She has a habit of asking a question and then doesn't listen to my answer. She will then re-ask the same question 2 minutes later. When I point this out, she will reply with, "yeah, but I wasn't listening." I have just decided I am going to start making up weird answers, just to see if she is listening.

    She loves to buy things, especially expensive things. I am frugal. We are graduate students and are going to be moving in 2 months, but I'm fighting a losing battle.

    She loves to put her cold hands and feet on me. Over the winter I returned the favor multiple times, which of course she didn't care for at all. Did this make her change her ways? no.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    He is a hoarder and I am a minimalist. We've nearly killed each other over this. ...but I win because I can just throw everything away. :tongue:

    I am a minimalist except my books and clothes/shoes. My house looks empty all the time.
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    He throws his dirty clothes everywhere but the hamper. On the floor beside the hamper, on the floor in the living room, on the floor in the laundry room.

    Takes out the trash but never puts a new bag in. I guess I should be thankful he's taking out the trash at all, but omg this bugs me.
    Are we married to the same man? Lol
  • ltf304
    ltf304 Posts: 132 Member
    He throws his dirty clothes everywhere but the hamper. On the floor beside the hamper, on the floor in the living room, on the floor in the laundry room.

    Takes out the trash but never puts a new bag in. I guess I should be thankful he's taking out the trash at all, but omg this bugs me.
    Are we married to the same man? Lol
    This is funny.......I think we are all married to this man. haha

    I love my husband dearly but the ONE thing that gets my blood boiling is when I'm hungry and he is the one that is supposed to grill the meat and he waits til 7:15pm to do it. I would like to eat at 6:30 or 7 and most times we don't eat until 8. I think I'm just gonna start grilling. haha
  • armingone
    armingone Posts: 16 Member

    Breathe loud when I'm trying to sleep

    Super duper passive aggressive

    Also, constant humming, tapping, clicking... basically ALWAYS MAKING NOISE!!!! Then, when I beg him to SHUT UP because I am working he spends then next 20 minutes telling me how quiet he's going to be. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and hanging wet towels in the bedroom where they don't dry so after one use they smell like mildew.
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    He throws his dirty clothes everywhere but the hamper. On the floor beside the hamper, on the floor in the living room, on the floor in the laundry room.

    Takes out the trash but never puts a new bag in. I guess I should be thankful he's taking out the trash at all, but omg this bugs me.
    Are we married to the same man? Lol

    Sounds like we all three are bc these are my biggest complaints other than the fact that he is a sandblaster and comes in my clean house boots, dusty clothes, and all!!
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    No spouse, but 3 daughters of aged 15, 17 & 20...

    Trash bag taken out, but no liner put in.
    Takes out the bag of trash, but LEAVES the empty pizza box lying RIGHT NEXT to the trash can it won't fit in. Or the empty milk jug.
    Rather than empty the dishwasher if there are only a few items left in it, load dirty dishes right in with the clean ones and run a new load.
    I have a shower rod hanging above the washer and dryer with HUNDREDS of hangars waiting to be used. I like to take clothes fresh and warm from the dryer and hang them immediately. But, the clothes that happen to be in the dryer when someone else wants to transfer a load from the washer end up in a basket, on the floor next to the machines and eventually a cat decides it's a good bed or someone inadvertantly kicks it over and the clothes end up on the floor and trodden upon and all have to be washed again.
    Lights left on everywhere.
    Last one to go to bed leaves the front door open.
    This is the MASTERPIECE though... We have two bathrooms. If their bathroom runs out of toilet paper and there is a roll ON THE DISPENSER in my bathroom but none to be found elsewhere, they TAKE MY ROLL.. and don't tell me we are out of paper until 5am when I go to use the roll I expected to be there.
  • FaerieMoon
    FaerieMoon Posts: 50 Member
    not sure how innocent it is but he feels the need to point out the fact that I do Everything wrong all the time.
    bugs the *kitten* outta me.
    must be hard to be so bloddy perfect all the dam time

    I feel better now ;)
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293

    She loves to put her cold hands and feet on me. Over the winter I returned the favor multiple times, which of course she didn't care for at all. Did this make her change her ways? no.

    lmao I do this to my husband and he HATES it. But he runs like 100 degrees 24/7 he's the perfect hand and feet warmer lol.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    The only thing that really bugs me about my guy is the compliments he tosses out..."that was the best (insert whatever here) I have ever had"... "you always smell like roses and raspberries"... "you are so beautiful"... etc etc etc... I can appreciate a compliment now and then, but every day?? 3-4 times a day?? Every meal?? I KNOW that at times he has got to be sarcastic, but every time the compliment is delivered in the same tone of is he being sarcastic all the time, some of the time, or none of the time?? I can't tell anymore.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I am neat freak and he will not compromise. And by compromise I mean start being a neat freak like me so I don't go insane. Ok, so I don't expect that much but he NEVER wipes crumbs off the counters, leaves his beard hairs in the bathroom sink after shaving :sick: , leaves his mail and papers on the floor, on the microwave, and basically everywhere except the desk. Long story short, he is messy and it drives me batsh!t. He is lucky he has everything else going for him...mostly

    Oh my husband does this too!....I'll move the couch to vacuum and find almonds....that i know are from him...but he always denies it.

    He especially needs to think more before he walking into the kitchen and saying "Hun do we have bread?"

    My Response: "Did you check the BREAD BASKET?"

    Like look around first before asking me where stuff is...we've lived in our place for almost 3 years...NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    My boyfriend always uses the pretty dish towels to wipe up spills on the counter. The other day he used them to wipe up RED WINE. He didn't understand why I was upset. *sigh* really bad stain spills are for PAPER TOWELS. Drying clean dishes and hands are for dishtowels! haha small thing but it does bug me.
    Also he does this really creepy thing where he makes this sound in his throat, he says he's scratching his throat. So annoying.
    doesn't rinse out the bathroom sink after he's done using mouthwash, so i come home and there's little blue specks and dye all over the sink.
    But I'm pretty messy, and he never complains (yet!), so I try to not let it bother me haha