Innocent things your spouse or SO do that ANNOY you to no en



  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Awww. LMAO.

    It's gotta be the snoring. Although, since we've been eating better it's not as bad as it once was -- we're talking full force tornado ripping through a balsa wood barn filled with rabid cows sorta loud snoring. I can survive the night in the same room with earplugs now.

    He still, however, does his sleep zombie impressions; "naaaaaaaaaaar, NAAAAAAAAR" which scares the everliving *kitten* out of me. Coupled with the sleep-wrestling moves like clothesline-to-the-t*ts sorta crap. *sigh* I'm really not so sure how "innocent" those things are... I'm thinking that's more a type of legal torture.

    *gives the knowing look about the towels*
    I think I've managed to train him on the correct way to fold the towels now. It used to be folded once vertically. HELLO, my dear numbnuts?! Thanks for making me re-fold when I want to hang it on the towel rail.

    the nighttime zombie impressions....oh god i about DIED laughing! That's great!!!!!!!!!!!
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Oh boy...I got LUCKY!!!!!!

    *and he is too tonight, lol*

    Thanks guys for reminding me how lucky I am!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    My hubby works alot I wish he was here more to annoy me lol

    I'm with you on this.
    My current annoyance is going 24 hours with out an email since he's on the ther side of the world.
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member

    Alright, this wasn't supposed to be a b*tch session, I should have qualified it by saying "what PETTY thing does your spouse do"... (Because some of the listed items are downright CRIMINAL!) I will say that I TRULY have NO RIGHT to complain about the way my BF hangs his freaking towel. ;)

    So let's switch this up a little bit...

    What "little" thing does your spouse/SO do for you that makes UP for said annoyance?

    Mine tracks down and plugs in BOTH of my phones before he goes to bed because he knows that if he doesn't, I will be out of touch with the rest of the world (and him) until the end of time. -And I love him for that. :)
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    haha my husband is great...his good things definately outweigh his little flaws..

    -he makes sure my phone is charging if I forget it before passing out
    -he knows I always have to have my purse up by my nightstand and always checks and gets it for me
    -lol he puts up with my cats because he knows how much I love them..and he's allergic to cats...
    -he texts me atleast once a day just to say I love you...and will say it often when we're just sitting around the house
    -he takes my purse from me when we get in the car now instead of me saying "here can you hold this...?" ;)

    Everyone has little things that drive you crazy but at the end of the day, all the great things make it all worth it! :heart:
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    My hubby works alot I wish he was here more to annoy me lol

    I'm with you on this.
    My current annoyance is going 24 hours with out an email since he's on the ther side of the world.

    So to make up for his sometimes going so long with out an email. He does get up early during the week so he can chat with me before he goes to work, and he emails me on his lunch break and if he isn't busy that day he emails during work. He also stays up on his Friday night, my friday morning (16 hour time diff) to chat with me before I go to work. And spends lots of time chatting on messengers during the weekend.
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member

    Alright, this wasn't supposed to be a b*tch session, I should have qualified it by saying "what PETTY thing does your spouse do"... (Because some of the listed items are downright CRIMINAL!) I will say that I TRULY have NO RIGHT to complain about the way my BF hangs his freaking towel. ;)

    So let's switch this up a little bit...

    What "little" thing does your spouse/SO do for you that makes UP for said annoyance?

    Mine tracks down and plugs in BOTH of my phones before he goes to bed because he knows that if he doesn't, I will be out of touch with the rest of the world (and him) until the end of time. -And I love him for that. :)

    ohmygoodness, what does he do to make up for annoyances? So much! He busts his *kitten* trying to cheer me up when I'm sad, even though he's had a long, difficult day at work (he's a substance abuse counselor so he talks to drug addicts and alcoholics all day.)...he just keeps clowning around and acting as goofy as he can and he eventually gets me laughing. he cooks for me all the time. He gets up in the middle of the night to kill bugs for me (I have a huge phobia.). He cleans my kitchen while I nap. He's just amazing. So loving. :heart:
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    My husband tells me I'm beautiful every day. He draws me pictures and writes me love poems. He cleans the litter box even though he didn't even want cats. He will massage my back without me asking. He does silly things to make me laugh all the time. He reads me bed time stories. He buys me Princess bubble bath when I'm sick. If I'm about to eat breakfast and all the dishes are dirty, he'll hand wash a spoon and a bowl for me. He greets me every time I come home with a hug and a kiss and sometimes a tiara (yes, seriously). He'll let me have the computer whenever I ask for it, even if he's still in the middle of doing something. If my feet are cold at night, he'll microwave our heating pad and put it on my feet (this is mostly selfish, though, because he knows I'll put my cold feet all over his body if he doesn't). He'll go shopping with me even though he hates it. If something bothers me, anything, he works really hard to change it. He's always patient with me even if I am throwing a huge temper tantrum. He reminds me of all the good there is in the world. He never lies...but he'll find a nice way to tell the truth. Whenever I have a panic attack he always finds a way to calm me down. He's just plain the greatest man in the world.
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    My husband thinks he's an awesome driver when, really, he's NOT!! He waits til the last minute to brake at a stop sign/light and I damn-near go thru the windsheild. He won't see that there is a deer on the road until we almost hit it the poor thing and when I scream "DEER!!", he says, in this faux-calm voice "I saw it" and I know he didn't but he just doesn't want me to ***** about him not paying attention. Then, he's constantly telling me I'm a back-seat driver!!! He's the only person who scares the hell out of me I ride with him!!

    Also the beard stubble but, when I complain about that he complains about all the long hair in the shower drain and, since I'm the only female in the house, I can't deny its mine.

    He complains about me being on the computer (facebook/MFP) too much. PUHLEASE!!! I don't complain about him being on his damn fantasy baseball account all frickin' night!!

    ****BUT, for all the annoying things he does, there are tons of very thoughtful things he does for me.... more than I could even list. He works a full day at work, then comes home and helps me with the kids everyday!!! And, he's HANDSDOWN the best father to our boys!!!****
  • lalalalyndsey
    Also he does this really creepy thing where he makes this sound in his throat, he says he's scratching his throat. So annoying.

    OMG I think I know what you are talking about!!! Is it kinda of like a burp thing in his throat?? Like "murp murp" LOL I HATE IT!!!! And he tells me I'm jealous that I don't know how to do it... yeah, really jealous dude. LOL
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Leaving things to 'soak' in the sink...aarrrggg! Just wash them!
    Saying he'll be home in a few minutes when he hasn't even left work (or any place else) yet!

    I love him anyways :love:
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    My husband thinks he's an awesome driver when, really, he's NOT!! He waits til the last minute to brake at a stop sign/light and I damn-near go thru the windsheild. He won't see that there is a deer on the road until we almost hit it the poor thing and when I scream "DEER!!", he says, in this faux-calm voice "I saw it" and I know he didn't but he just doesn't want me to ***** about him not paying attention. Then, he's constantly telling me I'm a back-seat driver!!! He's the only person who scares the hell out of me I ride with him!!

    Also the beard stubble but, when I complain about that he complains about all the long hair in the shower drain and, since I'm the only female in the house, I can't deny its mine.

    He complains about me being on the computer (facebook/MFP) too much. PUHLEASE!!! I don't complain about him being on his damn fantasy baseball account all frickin' night!!

    ****BUT, for all the annoying things he does, there are tons of very thoughtful things he does for me.... more than I could even list. He works a full day at work, then comes home and helps me with the kids everyday!!! And, he's HANDSDOWN the best father to our boys!!!****

    You let him drive? I'm the driver in our family only cause he goes gramma speed.. might be why i'm the ones with the tickets and he's got the awesome record but still. lol
  • lalalalyndsey

    Alright, this wasn't supposed to be a b*tch session, I should have qualified it by saying "what PETTY thing does your spouse do"... (Because some of the listed items are downright CRIMINAL!) I will say that I TRULY have NO RIGHT to complain about the way my BF hangs his freaking towel. ;)

    So let's switch this up a little bit...

    What "little" thing does your spouse/SO do for you that makes UP for said annoyance?

    Mine tracks down and plugs in BOTH of my phones before he goes to bed because he knows that if he doesn't, I will be out of touch with the rest of the world (and him) until the end of time. -And I love him for that. :)

    WELL despite the flaws, he's flawless! lol I love that my bf tucks my hair behind my ear for me... I know it's kind of insignificant, but it makes me smile! :D
  • lalalalyndsey

    Alright, this wasn't supposed to be a b*tch session, I should have qualified it by saying "what PETTY thing does your spouse do"... (Because some of the listed items are downright CRIMINAL!) I will say that I TRULY have NO RIGHT to complain about the way my BF hangs his freaking towel. ;)

    So let's switch this up a little bit...

    What "little" thing does your spouse/SO do for you that makes UP for said annoyance?

    Mine tracks down and plugs in BOTH of my phones before he goes to bed because he knows that if he doesn't, I will be out of touch with the rest of the world (and him) until the end of time. -And I love him for that. :)

    WELL despite the flaws, he's flawless! lol I love that my bf tucks my loose hairs behind my ear for me when I wear it up... I know it's kind of insignificant, but it makes me smile! :D
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    So let's switch this up a little bit...

    What "little" thing does your spouse/SO do for you that makes UP for said annoyance?

    He says how much he loves it when I wear my baggy ugly old pink shorts and a t-shirt to bed - and he means it!
  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    My bf folds his dirty socks up and I can't tell whether they are dirty or clean and sometimes I have to smell them to check. YUCK.

    When in doubt PLEASE just assume they are dirty..
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    My bf folds his dirty socks up and I can't tell whether they are dirty or clean and sometimes I have to smell them to check. YUCK.

    When in doubt PLEASE just assume they are dirty..

    I bet she does this with his underwear too
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Also he does this really creepy thing where he makes this sound in his throat, he says he's scratching his throat. So annoying.

    OMG I think I know what you are talking about!!! Is it kinda of like a burp thing in his throat?? Like "murp murp" LOL I HATE IT!!!! And he tells me I'm jealous that I don't know how to do it... yeah, really jealous dude. LOL

    HAHAHA My boyfriend says the same thing!!!! His is really weird...almost like a duck quacking (?) but he doesn't open his mouth. I know he just does it because his throat is itchy but it's still annoying!
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    And what "petty thing" do YOU innocently do that drives THEM mad?

    -John is big on sealing food "properly" as to not get stale. He actually gave me a class on how to fold a bag of chips (back when I ATE them, of course) "just like a paper-airplane" and then proceeded to tell me the he will marry me the day I fold the tortilla chip bag correctly. He is a smart man so OF COURSE he would choose something he knows I am COMPLETELY incapable of!

    I think he likes me anyway.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    And what "petty thing" do YOU innocently do that drives THEM mad?

    I leave my wet towels lying around for him to pick up :blushing: