Things I do to annoy my spouse



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My husband black douglas(ed) me once in bed before we were married. It was SO bad we had to leave the room for half an hour before we went back in. While it was somewhat funny, I told him that if he ever did anything like that again to beware, because I was the queen of middle of the night getting back at people.
    Its been over six years and he still won't do anything like his annoyance at me is the pure fact that he is scared enough of what I will do he won't prank me any more.

    He also hates that I stand quietly right behind him or right outside of a doorway to a room he is in and he jumps when he turns around Every. Single. Time. It is one of my lifes joys. :smile:

    I now do it to the guys at work too.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    Some of the things I think my husband would say:

    I am lazy. I don't do the dishes or clean the house until an hour before he gets home.
    I am wasteful. If something is dirty (like really nasty) I usually won't clean it. I'll just throw it away. (I'm getting better w/ this though.)
    I complain too much. I will complain about everything. For hours.
    I like to take different routes to get places, even if it takes longer.
    I won't go outside at night by myself.
    I won't talk to people on the phone & make him call for appointments and such.

    He's told me the things about me that annoy him & I've told him what annoys me, but neither of us have really changed much. I try to not be so annoying...but not too hard. :happy:
  • ♥jewel♥
    ♥jewel♥ Posts: 839
    black douglas(ed) .

    What is this??
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I won't talk to people on the phone & make him call for appointments and such.


    Neither my bf OR I will make phone calls. We both despise being on the phone. We've gotten into arguments about who will call even for important things. We won't order delivery or take out now unless it's online & if the phone rings we argue about who answers until it stops
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    black douglas(ed) .

    What is this??

    Oh I hate to say really lol......fart under the covers and fluff the covers so it poofs up into your face.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Haha these are great!!!

    Sometimes when my husband is in the mood, I'll say that I'm not even if I am. Then he'll get into bed and I'll be nude....he says the me pretending I don't want to do anything annoys him but he gets over real quick! :laugh:

    I don't like to drive so he drives everywhere which annoys him sometimes.

    And I don't like talking on the phone either so he does most of that.

    If he buys a 20oz drink or something, he always offers to buy me one and I say no thanks I don't want one. But inevitably I always take a sip or two of his. That annoys him to no end! :tongue:
  • delilah122
    delilah122 Posts: 41
    My husband told his therapist that I think he's perfect - there's nothing I'd change about him...
  • delilah122
    delilah122 Posts: 41
    I won't talk to people on the phone & make him call for appointments and such.


    Neither my bf OR I will make phone calls. We both despise being on the phone. We've gotten into arguments about who will call even for important things. We won't order delivery or take out now unless it's online & if the phone rings we argue about who answers until it stops

    OMG, this is US! In fact, my phone is ringing as I type this! I called my voice mail yesterday and it said we had 33 messages - we were overwhelmed so I deleted all of them.
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    she's a control freak, so anything I do MY way annoys how I park in a parking lot.?????
    I take her pillow.
    when she says I'll be right back, and I say don't threaten me.
    the way I sneeze?
    I LOVE to scare her.
    when I "wiggle in the bed" I hope that's not a sex referance.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Damn your all making me NOT want to get married! Sheesh!
  • baddkitty187
    baddkitty187 Posts: 62 Member
    I wake up

    Ummm, yeah and everything after that too....
  • baddkitty187
    baddkitty187 Posts: 62 Member
    black douglas(ed) .

    What is this??

    Oh I hate to say really lol......fart under the covers and fluff the covers so it poofs up into your face.

    Omg ahahahahhahhhhahahhhahahahaahahaahahaahahaahah
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    My list is long and varied...

    1. Kicking her *kitten* in "Words for Friends" on the iPhone.
    2. Talking about my job
    3. Talking about my Bengals
    4. Talking about P90X
    5. Talking about what I am eating
    6. Well, talking at all
    7. Snoring (I can't effing help it!)
    8. Buying workout stuff on the sly
    9. Getting in bed before her so SHE has to turn the light out
    10. Putting the silverware on the wrong side of the sink (God forbid)
    11. TV is too loud

    Maybe I should make a list of what I DON'T do to annoy her...LOL!
  • Pinkdueces2
    Pinkdueces2 Posts: 48 Member
    He hates it when I act creepy.... meaning he'll come home from work and I'll meet him at the door saying "Oh honey, I've missed you today, give me a kiss!" and I make a sort of open-mouth face whilst licking my lips...
    Or I'll just follow him around the house whispering loving phrases into his ear...
    Or I'll wake up in the middle of the night and stare at him until he wakes up and he always jumps :P
    Or when I send him dirty texts, but they are pics of other people and it's not pretty

    The list goes on an on at how much I creep him out but it entertains me, and that's all that matters!!!

    HAHAHA!! Your AWESOME!! I love this!!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I forgot the thing that annoys her the most. My facial hair grows slow and there isn't much of it, so I usually don't cut it off for at least a week at a time. It's probably going on about three weeks at this point, which she doesn't care for at all! I've been meaning to cut it actually, but every time I think about it she's sleeping and I don't want to wake her up (small apartment).
  • tiffanyquincey
    He hates that I organize the clothes in our closet by color and type- for instance, all short sleeve shirts with v-necks first, then regular short sleeve shirts followed by short sleeve shirts with polo type collars- these three would then be broken down by color scheme- and the hook of the hanger must always face inward with front of shirt facing to the left.

    I thought I was the only one that was so OCD about my closet! My closet layout is EXACTLY the same lol.
  • tiffanyquincey
    He hates that I organize the clothes in our closet by color and type- for instance, all short sleeve shirts with v-necks first, then regular short sleeve shirts followed by short sleeve shirts with polo type collars- these three would then be broken down by color scheme- and the hook of the hanger must always face inward with front of shirt facing to the left.

    I thought I was the only one that was so OCD about my closet! My closet layout is EXACTLY the same lol.
  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    Damn your all making me NOT want to get married! Sheesh!
    LOL....Oh come on join the fun:happy:
  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    Haha these are great!!!

    Sometimes when my husband is in the mood, I'll say that I'm not even if I am. Then he'll get into bed and I'll be nude....he says the me pretending I don't want to do anything annoys him but he gets over real quick! :laugh:

    I don't like to drive so he drives everywhere which annoys him sometimes.

    And I don't like talking on the phone either so he does most of that.

    If he buys a 20oz drink or something, he always offers to buy me one and I say no thanks I don't want one. But inevitably I always take a sip or two of his. That annoys him to no end! :tongue:
    haha....I do the same things...all of them..LOL
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    OK not married but I managed to seriously annoy an ex-boyfriend (it was his fault I swear!).

    I hum a lot (mostly quietly) and have what I call 'musical tourettes'. I'll get a tune stuck in my head for weeks and when I'm not thinking about anything, that's the tune I'll be humming. I usually catch myself after a few seconds.

    He told me one day that I was humming 'Bright Eyes' and that it had been his mother's favourite tune and it was played at her funeral.

    Sigh. You can see what's coming next.

    It was NOT my fault. Every time I was minding my own business I would have some kind of brain fart and start humming 'Bright Eyes'. I couldn't convince him I wasn't doing it deliberately. (I still sometimes catch myself humming it and we broke up years ago...!) :devil: