Women who put on muscle fast



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Can anybody more knowledgeable than I explain why pictures of Jamie Eason and the other lovely lady are not evidence of "bulking" in a calorie deficit?

    Bulking is the process of getting larger. A single picture cannot show change over time, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.

    Furthermore, Jamie Eason is not bulky. She is defined. She is a small woman - 5'2 and weighs between 98 and 112 lbs. She probably wears a size 0 or 2 in most things. She has 11" arms, a 35" chest, 20" thighs, and 34" hips.

    She is small and thin, which is the opposite of bulky.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Can anybody more knowledgeable than I explain why pictures of Jamie Eason and the other lovely lady are not evidence of "bulking" in a calorie deficit?

    Being cut and well muscled is the direct affect of diet. It is low body fat percentage. They are not bulky- they are "ripped" "shredded" "cut" = low body fat.

    Bulky is literally BIGGER- it's a bigger size. And it can bigger and covered in fat- or it can be bigger and covered in a whole lot less fat... and that's the weird- completely irrational fear women have- the feared body builder "bulk".

    A true ultra low or just plan LOW fat body fat percentage without the bulk- it's Madonna or Hilary Swank- or Jessica Beil- or Kate Goesling or whatever her name is.they have that low body fat- without tremendous muscles

    Two totally different things.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Wow. I need a sarcasm font because I'm not very good at it.

    I was asking the question, not for myself because I understand it, but for JaxDemon who posted the pictures as his evidence of women who can gain muscle.

    Wasn't his argument that women/men can gain muscle, even when not in a calorie surplus? If so, then my question was a (failed) attempt at being a*** to show that his pictures didn't prove anything.

    I was aware that these women look this way due to cut and bulk cycles. :)

    ETA: Did nobody see my pictures? I'm on ya'll's side! :flowerforyou:
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    There is also the magic of the camera effect. Street clothes vs pumped/flexing/lighting.

    My wife pumped flexed with lighting.


    Same weight and body fat in street clothes.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    And which of these pics looked manly to you, exactly?

    Parts of some of them. For example, looking at just the abs or arms on some of these, it would be difficult to tell it's a female.

    Taken as a whole, none of them look male, of course.

    And none of this is a criticism, it's just observation.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    And which of these pics looked manly to you, exactly?

    Parts of some of them. For example, looking at just the abs or arms on some of these, it would be difficult to tell it's a female.

    Taken as a whole, none of them look male, of course.

    And none of this is a criticism, it's just observation.

    What parts make a male a male?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I am particularly curious at what point does a body fat % attain a gender?

    Apparently body fat that is low is male, and when it gets higher it turns female?

    Now THAT is science!

    It sure is. At the extreme low levels of BF male competitors get to, females stop menstruating.

    So yes, absolutely, there is a scientific basis to assigning "gender" attributes to certain body fat percentage ranges.

    Some of y'all reading waaaaaay too much into this. 99% of folks, if they see an 8% BF abdomen in isolation, without seeing the rest of the body, are going to assume it is a male abdomen. And that doesn't imply any sort of judgement.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Wow. I need a sarcasm font because I'm not very good at it.

    I was asking the question, not for myself because I understand it, but for JaxDemon who posted the pictures as his evidence of women who can gain muscle.

    Wasn't his argument that women/men can gain muscle, even when not in a calorie surplus? If so, then my question was a (failed) attempt at being a *** to show that his pictures didn't prove anything.

    I was aware that these women look this way due to cut and bulk cycles. :)

    ETA: Did nobody see my pictures? I'm on ya'll's side! :flowerforyou:

    I did. I answered as succinctly as I could.

    It's all good. :bigsmile:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    There is also the magic of the camera effect. Street clothes vs pumped/flexing/lighting.

    My wife pumped flexed with lighting.


    Same weight and body fat in street clothes.


    She looks fantastic! My hat is off to both of you.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    And which of these pics looked manly to you, exactly?

    Parts of some of them. For example, looking at just the abs or arms on some of these, it would be difficult to tell it's a female.

    Taken as a whole, none of them look male, of course.

    And none of this is a criticism, it's just observation.

    I actually disagree. If you took any of these woman's arms and put them next to the muscular arms of a man, with the rest of the bodies taken away, you could tell the difference. I'd say the same of the abs, due to width of abdomen, the way the body curves, location/size of rib cage.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    And which of these pics looked manly to you, exactly?

    Parts of some of them. For example, looking at just the abs or arms on some of these, it would be difficult to tell it's a female.

    Taken as a whole, none of them look male, of course.

    And none of this is a criticism, it's just observation.

    I actually disagree. If you took any of these woman's arms and put them next to the muscular arms of a man, with the rest of the bodies taken away, you could tell the difference. I'd say the same of the abs, due to width of abdomen, the way the body curves, location/size of rib cage.

    I think what gets missed here by most people, and mustgetmuscles did a good job at highlighting it with photos of his wife, is that women (and men) look different when fully pumped from lifting and when they're just tooling around doing their thing. The more one trains and the more cut and fit they get, the more this difference really shows. There are some great photo comparisons of this with elite athletes that have been posted in other threads, if anyone can put their hands on them.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I am particularly curious at what point does a body fat % attain a gender?

    Apparently body fat that is low is male, and when it gets higher it turns female?

    Now THAT is science!

    It sure is. At the extreme low levels of BF male competitors get to, females stop menstruating.

    So yes, absolutely, there is a scientific basis to assigning "gender" attributes to certain body fat percentage ranges.

    Some of y'all reading waaaaaay too much into this. 99% of folks, if they see an 8% BF abdomen in isolation, without seeing the rest of the body, are going to assume it is a male abdomen. And that doesn't imply any sort of judgement.

    Lets try this in reverse!


    Male or female?


    Male or female? (Damn that's big. Ah well.)

    Personally I'd have a much easier time distinguishing an 8% male body from an 8% female one.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I am particularly curious at what point does a body fat % attain a gender?

    Apparently body fat that is low is male, and when it gets higher it turns female?

    Now THAT is science!

    It sure is. At the extreme low levels of BF male competitors get to, females stop menstruating.

    So yes, absolutely, there is a scientific basis to assigning "gender" attributes to certain body fat percentage ranges.

    Some of y'all reading waaaaaay too much into this. 99% of folks, if they see an 8% BF abdomen in isolation, without seeing the rest of the body, are going to assume it is a male abdomen. And that doesn't imply any sort of judgement.

    You're right. It doesn't imply any judgement...it screams it from the rooftops! It is the height of judgement to assume that lower bodyfat that results in visible abs is a strictly male phenomenon.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Seems I can only get the reply in here as it won't quote and respond from our convo :-(

    Anyway here is the video of Dr. Harrison Pope is a Professor of Psychiatry and an expert on anabolic steroids where he gets asked some questions about them.


  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member

    Seems I can only get the reply in here as it won't quote and respond from our convo :-(

    Anyway here is the video of Dr. Harrison Pope is a Professor of Psychiatry and an expert on anabolic steroids where he gets asked some questions about them.



    I can hear the British accent just watching that......
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    See, when I think about women "bulking up", I think of


    So, yeah, if you consider having visible muscle definition like Jillian Michael's or Jessica Biel to be gross or manly, then yeah weightlifting probably isn't for you. But that doesn't mean that saying women won't turn into Arnold just from incorporating heavy lifting twice a week is a lie.

    The thing is, it probably is for them and if they continued the routine for a while they'll see...they are getting nowhere lol. I was a skeptic who wanted to slim down when I was underweight, and I see many girls on this forum who are into that scenario and claim they want to firm up and flatten their stomachs. I wish I could convince all of them to try it hard for 3 months to get over the omg the water made my thigh an inch bigger on this day before they shrunk stage. All they really have to lose in the deal is fat. I've seen heavy lifters on this forum who look more like dancers then the dancers I have done shows with....people including myself really work this up in their brain at first....the media I guess? And unfortunately the fact that most people who want to get into weights are into bulking so on top of the media it's hard to see that that's not strength trainings only function.
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member

  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    In looking at these pics, what jumps out at me is that the one's who look "manly" are generally the ones approaching male-like body fat percentages.
    Are you sure you are not mistaking that for someone who easily shows each individual stomach muscle? Some people can lift for years and show none even at low body fat. And some are blessed with good genetics and get defined abs at higher bf percentages and we all curse them while the cardio bunnies whisper about how bulky they are. Ahh blessings....always so full of jealousy and hate lol
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    In looking at these pics, what jumps out at me is that the one's who look "manly" are generally the ones approaching male-like body fat percentages.

    And which of these pics looked manly to you, exactly?

    Would like to know as well

    I am particularly curious at what point does a body fat % attain a gender?

    Apparently body fat that is low is male, and when it gets higher it turns female?

    Now THAT is science!
    Lol! The more you know *giggle fart*